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Everything posted by Stumpel

  1. Ok I try join there and search them...
  2. @Flo can you send that demo(s) from me too, because I didnt yet saw it.. But I'm intrested to see it. Just because it seems taking so long to make this desicion, I mean F0rm has played long time, so it maded intrested to see it..
  3. And answer to players about me and my posting, I answer: I'm not admin just, senior member level 10, but I want remind how it is... Admins can correct if I say something wrongly.. I just want server things going well, and Im not intrested beeing admin but I help always if needed..
  4. That sk with light weapons too forbidden in som cases.. That its not all about then HEAVY weapons.. Just to remind that if player goes to spawn and start wait there example enemys spawning, and just after that try to kill them by opening fire against spawning team before the spawning team. Its always !warn -> !kick and if continues after many kicks then possible !ban Or if player contiuously goes to spawn and try kill player just when they have spawned of if theres AFK player in spawn and enemy player goes and kills him and after re-spawn keeps doing it again.. then its same !warn -> !kick and if more and more then !ban In passing by if spawning team doesnt react after spawning and enemy is passing by spawn.. And opens fire first then its !warn -> !kick, but kick need few warnings in this case.. If in spawn is mortar guy using mortar enemy is free to kill him or if spawnig team has started to shoot back first.. when passing by the spawn...
  5. @lost I think that maps goes atually very fast when most goes under medic and then example everyother class players have exmple 1 each... Because if other team has more even set players like 3 fops 3-4 engi 5medic 4covert and 2-3 soldiers. Think that kind of team will beat team which has 1 fop 1engi 1 covert 3-4 soldiers and 10-12 medics.. Why? because that other team has less players who can set or defuse dynamite because if diffrence between some class is 1 vs 2 or more then that 1 has really no chance.. and because team ammo sharing isnt so effective.. BUT FACT is good medic player is very good until they notice that their ammo clips are empty ( doesnt matter was it others savin and good syringe using medic or rambo fighter who just shoot and cares just his/her own personality).. Your right when saying outstanding skills that there many who is soo good.. Well I'm not so good and thats the reason why I mostly switch between player classes but still very rare pick medic class.. I just got on my mind that what people say if players are having in every spawning 90 rounds bullets and full clip. And pistol/luger 48 and full clip in all classes.. Then bullets doesnt end so fast.. Because I understand that people want to fight mp40/thompson fights or pistol battles.. <<<<<======== IDK, maybe weird idea.. Just came into my mind..
  6. Word 'hate' sounds bit rough.. Some might 'hate' I know always some people hate something even some people dont like some other people its always like that, but I really dont have that kind of attitude in ET that 'hate' some player class, I just dont feel comfortable in that class to run with needle and see to get shot when trying to find player who is near dead and lying on ground.. I'm just wondering why so many players wants to go under medic that there sometimes are over 20 medics around same time (I mean by this count our main server, I dont think that there is so much medics in nitmod, because it isnt so full as main server is..).. Its the same when people sayin like too many Fieldops in game same time some people say like 6 of them too much but I think 20 medics is much too, its bigger diffrence between count over 15-20 than count 4-6.. But its not 'hate' its just commenting.. If its 'hate' then I wouldnt play servers at all because of it, because there is still other server where that kind of thing isnt involved so much.. Just got suprised that word 'hate' raised up on @DiNg's latest comment.. @DiNg if meaned my comment.. Nothing special just posting, so player thinks I m weirdo when posting that kind of things... Maybe maybe not.. But I usually comment if thinkin that people are meaning my post, or case what I try to say.. But I never mean my posts as bad way.. Because I dont want be evil, because beeing evil just makes things even more worse but my english writing isnt the best... well I'm not born in UK..
  7. Some servers has /kill limit per each map, I hope we put that script in use too.. And lower the self heal speed (example fighting medic wins fights because he/she gets HP during fighting and runnin).. So game doesnt go so uneven those few ones who doesnt play as medic... Maybe both script should add on server.. Just thinkin..
  8. Stumpel


    Doesnt seem nice guy he shouted in game too and called other players as idiots..
  9. New maps welcome, but its kind of hard to enjoy them, if players keep voting always same maps..
  10. Better not boost situation to more bad way.. Because it makes things only spread more wide..
  11. I know one reward haver used aimbot and multihack - $$*TENCZA*$$ that guy has quit the game already I think, but he got banned many years ago and I know he's one of the guys who dont care at all any servers rules.. And another, best engi - <=TM=>Stumpel I'm 99% of time playing as engi and always with rifle.. Doing my best slow but really trying.. Maybe I'm bit but its somekind of to say own name as reward haver..
  12. If the whole list goes under vote what dreadcoil has writed, it would be for some ranks just getting hit gy big boot into butt.. And some rank winners might win 'ban' too..
  13. Some players just dont listen, when admins and clan members say that cheating isnt allowed.. And keep continuing to ruin our game by retarded abuse of cheats.. Thats sad, maybe that guy founds some place where do his videos so much as she/he likes.. I mean servers which allows cheats.. ET has some of those too.. But not always.. I hope she/he goes that kind of place.. Because Our <=TM=> servers are NOT FOR PLAYERS WHO USE CHEATS WHEN PLAYING IN <=TM=> SERVERS.. Just sayin.
  14. Thanks for demo, yep its aimbot. I hope that admins who can ban have this guys infos...
  15. Depends how widely is set... It doesnt seem nice when players form level 2 and higher example can suddenly open vote example kick the admins which are online and then wait how many will press F1.. I mean if vote kick call goes under nearly all levels.. then better make it so that TeamMuppets clan members and admins are not under that vote list then.. I mean that some guys who has example level 2 doesnt start then try to continously open vote that kick admins out... That atleast our clan members and staff of clan are then under immunity from those votes.. Its almost same like most of levels are out of immunity from accidetal kill complain against vote.. That when player jumps by beeing evil in front of firing line and gets killed by higher TM and then always press F1 and that means that then those guys are out quite soon.. That option has immunity option too.. But I cant stand why it havent set to levels 8 and up.. Because some players keep sitting on button F1 was it how accident or how sorry ever.. And it makes player sometimes them seeing disconnecting between maps why if there has been player sitting button F1 and giving complains to everyone from his team who kills him/her.. Doesnt matter was it even level 13 player who shot him/her or not.. I mean just idea might be good but think "immunity area in levels" from call kick votes and players from giving complain if get TK'ed accidentally.. Just sayin.. I think I have said it before somewhere idk quite sure where.. But now when the idea raised up again I think better type it again.. Maybe useless but writed..
  16. Voted no, its really annoying to see stabbed in back just when spawned.. It feels much more unfair than little fight in in spawn.. If want shoot bypassing enemy who can open fire.. But knife in back in first sec... Better no. Some servers has set knife as 'heavy' weapon well its its tiny but kills fast if too close..
  17. I had strong feeling and so I started rec this guy.. Pls take a look.. most of gaming looks normal but some areas where he fight his aim jumps incredible fast from guy to other and he know if theres player example wating him in the corner of bigger area where are more enemies than 1.. The time areas where he looks allies spawn area and guys coming there and when he goes to main building inner yard.. and starts fight there.. Worth of comments.. To mee some points of demo doesnt seem normal, so I dont call it rage aim... I call it aim with key, that he set s it on and off.. but doesnt use it much so its hardr to see.. demo0005.dm_84 demo0004.dm_84
  18. I had Atari 6200 and then C64 and then diffrent times Amiga A500 and A500+ and A600HD and A1200HD and bought even CD drive to it with 68030 32Mb turbo card and had CD32 too.. I was retarded Amiga user.. But so what those, if player do sk then its sk it isnt Vic20 or Amstrad.. Just wanted say that too..
  19. Both video links has big white screen with note " Oops! This video has been archived and is not available to watch at this time."
  20. Why system autobans example if etkey is missing etc. I understand if it bans if it spots aimbot or wh or multihack cvars..
  21. Axis garage is passby area spawn, means allies can use it way to birng obj or to get obj by running through it.. Fighting in spawn is allowed when players who spawn opens fire FIRST against player who is passingby the spawn, and when player who is passingby uses pistol or mp40/thompson or sten/fg42.. BUT the passingby player CANT USE grenades or bazooka or flamer or start shoot with heavy mg to defend his own life when running through spawn..
  22. If admins change the rule sounding like tehy way that MORTARS CANT BE SHOOT FROM SPAWN. LIKE MORTAR USER CANT JUST SIT INTO SPAWN AND START SHOOTING FROM THERE.. THAT IT NOT NOT ONLY THE RULE THAT MORTAR CANT SHOOT INTO SPAWN.. I have seen muptilple times in many maps guys sitting with mortar in their spwn and mortaring there the whole map.. So if the rule chenges the way what I understood.. There will be kicked many players.. Because I think the still set the mortar shooting spot (place where the are with mortar) from where to shoot to some where into their own spawn.. Just sayin maybe little retarded way, but my exaplanations ways are not the best ones..
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