
Infected Event
What are you doing on the last day of this month? Nothing? Then come and have fun with Muppets! The next event that we have is a Infected Event! Server IP - Date - Saturday 30th April Time - 19:00GMT (UK time) Also join us on TeamSpeak to make the event more fun, Lets include some 'alcohol' in there too? Teamspeak IP - Hop
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Event: Muppet Olympics
Event: Muppet Olympics more details: /connect
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Easter Event
It's time to have another fantastic event. It will be TeamMuppet Easter event! We will play Hide & Seek. Will you be the one who is hidding from the ''evil'' bunny or are you the bunny who is seeking? Come join us and we will find it out! Server IP - Date - Sunday 27th March Time - 19:00GMT (UK time) Please don't forget to join us on Teamspeak as
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Hide and Seek UJE event
Ladies and gentlesoldiers, I am proud to present to you the first ever cross-community event in the history of TeamMuppet. A big thanks to @Niek from UJE who made this a possibility. On Saturday the 11th of February we invite all of you on our event server for our next Hide and Seek event. This mod has been an all time favourite of the Muppets, if you haven't played it before I would adv
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