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  • Posts

    • So does these people whose evening you are ruining with your selfishness and moronic gameplay.   You are. Just not in our servers. Feel free to start your own server, gather both of your friends and mortar indoors as much as you like. But dont come to tell us what and how to do.   You sure? That thinking is as dumb as those people who were the cause why Kindereggs are banned in US.
    • All of this discussion about what situation or what map is inconsequential. @Stumpel it has been decided that regardless of situation, using mortar indoors equals abusing game mechanics and gaining unfair advantage by doing so. So using mortar indoors is not up for discussion, case closed.  If anyone feels like the rule is unfair or stupid or whatever, that will need a separate discussion in separate topic.    Ps. I didn't decide on it, but since it is a rule, I will stand by it and enforce it
    • A mortar can easily block stairs to gold room in et_beach. I remember KIMI AHK doing ridiculous amount of frags at prime time on the server. I am not a fan of heavy regulations but may be some things are justified especially during prime hours.
    • Stumpel the situation is different than he described it. On et_beach map he was using mortar inside the buildings, he was banned after that on radar map. So this case has nothing to do with radar, he was just playing on the server and got ban.
    • Which building you were with your mortar.. I mean I have seen some maps people using mortar inside of building and no-one havent complained about it.. Its more like about where or which area you are with your mortar.. On radar map there isnt many areas where its allowed.. I dont think that you were some 'side building which wasnt having any restricted areas...'  We have script which automatically take player BANNED if too much make heavy firing on those areas which are set on script..  One example on map where seen many times firing inside is Decay.. that someone has sit on  gold room with mortar  to aim to corridor where anemy comes and people seem to been fine with that.. with so low angle that it shoots into corridor far away.. Wont tell how they do it, that it doesnt come more used have seen some people doing that..
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