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  3. lezk

    r*x imposter

    thanks jessica, i got the message from txrki
  4. Jessica

    r*x imposter

    Hi lezk, I just send you a PM is forum with his info and all his names
  5. lezk

    r*x imposter

    hehe nice one txrki - is there any chance you guy's can share his userinfo with me? i joined TM discord (name: lezk) if possible send me a pm. just in case he try to do some mischief on our server under different name.
  6. Txrki

    r*x imposter

    i kicked him last night also, with quite some pleasure .. but gj on the ban don't need such types here
  7. lezk

    r*x imposter

    yea, probably lives under a bridge - thanks guy's
  8. Modified minMapAge from 13 to 15, let's see if it helps to enhance maps diversity
  9. Flo

    r*x imposter

    Going through chatlogs, it appears to be a pure troll. Banned.
  10. This and the mappool with less played maps so the most voted maps can't be voted. Can we try this out?
  11. this is good point, script the ties to less popular maps
  12. I d also wish to add that i noticed that often, if votes are draw (for example 7 votes on 2 or 3 différent maps), its always the same most popular one who s chosen, which never give a chance to the less known map to be liked Would a script work if you decide to favorisate the less played maps in case of vote drawing ? Because otherwise some maps will never be played while you took time to insert them into the map rotation
  13. Stumpel

    r*x imposter

    The admin team handles this one when they have time..
  14. lezk

    r*x imposter

    mornin muppets i just had a conversation with r*x:teamman. he is not a member of clan rox also he called me a "gangster" and a "nazi" and try'd to convince me, to let him in to rox clan - kind a like : see what your missing? we have a clear application process - you apply on discord / if accepted; you get level on server = you can wear tags. he didn't do any of this . - i think you guys understand. we are a old clan, pretty much active since et exists. by now he is just talking a lot of jibberish... do whatever you like - if i see him on rox server, hes banned quickly but i hope you guy's don't support this kind of behavior. thanks :r*x:lezk / server admin clan rox https://ibb.co/0tWMtXm https://ibb.co/hDSNv64 https://ibb.co/zGX2W75 https://ibb.co/QH2ZdXv https://ibb.co/47gqW3V
  15. What I have noticed that democracy is not happening. Most of time I notice only 40-50 % voting the next maps. Those who vote for the next map are most likely experienced players who only want to play old school maps. Pub heroes or beginners seem not to vote at all. Why else the voting percentage is so low and same maps are being voted? I agree with you about intervalling maps. As long as new maps are show more and are more likely to be selected over the same old maps then the system would be good.
  16. Less played maps already have a chance to be selected. It is just that they are not selected. Democracy! So to me it seems rather than giving them a chance, you'd like to force the newer or less played maps over the popular ones and to me that's the wrong way to look at it. But if TM feels it is smart to force players hand on such a successful server, just increase the interval in which maps don't show up on the vote after being played. A 30 map cooldown quarantees that at least 30 different maps will be played before it repeats. Seems plenty. That doesn't solve the small maps issue on higher numbers but that is also a players preference. Shouldn't force their hand too much.
  17. Last time we had mappool people just went spec when some maps they dont like was coming and it was still discussions what maps should be in pool ..
  18. It aint a bad idea. At least everyone has an equal chance to have a map which one likes. I personally support voting system if less played maps have also chance to be selected.
  19. we could remove the map vote and auto cycle maps based on size vs player count When the people can't be truste to decide.. remove the decision..
  20. It is ok to vote old school maps. I just think that it gets way too boring to repeat the same maps all over again. Not all new maps are too big or boring ones. In the past public servers used to have many public maps instead supply. In my view, it makes it more enjoyable and attractive to play big and new maps when server is nearly full.
  21. Personally I like the small maps. I am one of those people who will always vote for maps like Braundorf, Adlernest, Special Delivery or Erdenberg regardless of numbers. I enjoy the constant action, not necessarily the spam fest so much but it is a price I'm willing to pay for a fun game. I dislike maps where most of your time is wasted running to the objective. On bigger maps you will find yourself running to the objective for a minute, then find the first enemy and die. I find this boring.
  22. I have noticed that mostly 50 % of players vote for next map. Those who vote will vote the same maps all the time. If mappool changed at the some point then new maps would be played more. I even believe that playing the new maps would even motivate some people to play more.
  23. I think Flo tried that, but it didn't work? But I agree on this. Some maps are not playable with many players
  24. Version 1.0.0


    TM Kevlar's ETL config
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