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Manny keep ask how too colored names and how too name changing and stuff :!: :!: Here we have it all


Wolfenscript v9


By Brandon Dolphin, FLAG-(BAD)-MAN


If there is anything you would like to add to this file, please contact me at:











For Updates, check http://www.rtcw.co.uk/forums/showthread ... readid=795



Updates Since Last:


1. Fixed a few typos (TH@NX To Paul)

2. Added "Variables" section (#25)

3. Added ^^8 to #1

4. Added "About Me" section at end

5. Changed "Recording demos" section (#12) to "Demos"

6. Added "Third Person View" (#17)

7. Removed "Tactical Tips" section (Replaced by "Third Person View")

8. Added a few sites to "Wolfenstein Related Download Sites, Other Related Sites" (#16)



Table Of Contents:


1. Colored Names

2. Name Changing

3. Commands Normally Accessed By Pressing "V"

4. Regular Typing

5. Weapon Changing

6. Selecting class, weapon, ECT.

7. Binds

8. Making a .cfg file

9. Console Commands

10. Server Commands

11. Creating a server

12. Demos

13. Calling votes

14. HUD

15. Rcon Commands (Need More Info)

16. Wolfenstein Related Download Sites, Other Related Sites

17. Third Person View

18. FOV

19. Screenshots

20. tell_target

21. Movement/Actions

22. Waiting

23. Bindable Keys

24. Changing Spawn Points

25. Variables

To Open The Console, press ` (Right Above Tab)



1. Colored Names:



Put ^x in front of the text that you want to change color, were x is a number from 1-8

For black, you have to put ^^8, the first ^ shows

^1 is Red

^2 is Green

^3 is Yellow

^4 is Blue

^5 is Light Blue

^6 is Pink

^7 is White

^^8 is Black





2. Name Changing:



/name is used in the console

Set name is used in a .cfg file

If your name has spaces,put it in "quotation marks"

Many servers will kick you for "Name spamming" if you use a name change script; it slows down the server


/name ^1FLAG^7-^4(BAD)^7-^1MAN

Set name "^1FLAG^7-^4(BAD)^7-^1MAN"


set name "^1FLAG^7-^4(BAD)^7-^1MAN"

wait 10

set name "^4(BAD)^7-^1RULES"

wait 50

set name "^1FLAG^7-^4(BAD)^7-^1MAN"



3. Commands Normally Accessed By Pressing "V":



Anything starting with "vsay_team" can only be heard by your team

Anything starting with "vsay" can be heard by both teams

"Vsay" and "vsay_team" are interchangeable


"vsay_team Affirmative" or "vsay Affirmative"

"vsay_team AllClear" or "vsay AllClear"

"vsay_team Bye" or "vsay Bye"

"vsay_team Cheer" or "vsay Cheer"

"vsay_team ClearPath" or "vsay ClearPath"

"vsay_team CoverMe" or "vsay CoverMe"

"vsay_team DefendObjective" or "vsay DefendObjective"

"vsay_team DisarmDynamite" or "vsay DisarmDynamite"

"vsay_team DynamiteDefused" or "vsay DynamiteDefused"

"vsay_team DynamitePlanted" or "vsay DynamitePlanted"

"vsay_team EnemyWeak" or "vsay EnemyWeak"

"vsay_team FireInTheHole" or "vsay FireInTheHole"

"vsay_team FollowMe" or "vsay FollowMe"

"vsay_team GoodGame" or "vsay GoodGame"

"vsay_team GreatShot" or "vsay GreatShot"

"vsay_team Hi" or "vsay Hi"

"vsay_team HoldYourFire" or "vsay HoldYourFire"

"vsay_team IamEngineer" or "vsay IamEngineer"

"vsay_team IamMedic" or "vsay IamMedic"

"vsay_team IamLieutenant" or "vsay IamLieutenant"

"vsay_team IamSoldier" or "vsay IamSoldier"

"vsay_team Incoming" or "vsay Incoming"

"vsay_team LetsGo" or "vsay LetsGo"

"vsay_team Medic" or "vsay Medic"

"vsay_team NeedAmmo" or "vsay NeedAmmo"

"vsay_team NeedEngineer" or "vsay NeedEngineer"

"vsay_team NeedBackup" or "vsay NeedBackup"

"vsay_team Negative" or "vsay Negative"

"vsay_team OnDefense" or "vsay OnDefense"

"vsay_team OnOffense" or "vsay OnOffense"

"vsay_team Oops" or "vsay Oops"

"vsay_team PathCleared" or "vsay PathCleared"

"vsay_team Sorry" or "vsay Sorry"

"vsay_team TakingFire" or "vsay TakingFire"

"vsay_team Thanks" or "vsay Thanks"

"vsay_team Welcome" or "vsay Welcome"



4. Regular Typing:



Works like "vsay" and "vsay_team" with no sound


"say Hi"

"say_team Hi"


"Say Want To Join Clan (BAD)?;wait 100;Say Then Go To http://clanbadbreath.tripod.com"



5. Weapon Changing:



weaponbank 1 changes to knife

weaponbank 2 changes to colt/luger

weaponbank 3 changes to main weapon

weaponbank 4 changes to grenaede

weaponbank 5 changes to pliers/air strike/needle

weaponbank 6 changes to dynomite/ammo/med packs

weapnext changes to the next weapon

weapprev changes to the previous weapon

weaplastused changes to the last weapon you attacked with


/bind mwheelup weapnext

/bind mwheelup weapprev

/bind 1 weaponbank 1



6. Selecting class, weapon, team, ECT.:



Team red is axis

Team blue is allies

Team spectator is spectator

Player type 0 is soldier

Player type 1 is medic

Player type 2 is engineer

Player type 3 is lieutenant

Weapon 3 is mp40

Weapon 4 is thompson

Weapon 5 is sten

Weapon 6 is mauser

Weapon 8 is panzerfaust

Weapon 9 is venom

Weapon 10 is flamethrower

echo is what will appear on your screen


/bind k "team red;mp_playertype 0;mp_weapon 10;echo You will respawn as a Soldier with a Flame Thrower"



7. Binds:



/bind k exec "scriptname.cfg"

/bind k "vsay DynamitePlanted"

/bindlist Lists all the binds you have in place

/unbind x Were x is a key, removes binds from that key

/unbindall Removes all binds WARNING!! includes mouse, all keyboard EVERYTHING!!



8. Making a .cfg file:



Use notepad

Notepad should be located in Start--->Programs--->Accessories--->Notepad

Or C:\WINDOWS\Notepad

Choose File--->Save As..., then save it as "filename.cfg"(without the quotes)



9. Console Commands:



Page Up Scrolls up in console

Page Down Scrolls down in console

up/down Recall recent console messages

/addbot This doesn't work, but is listed if you type /cmdlist a

/buynow Brings you to the wolfenstein purchase page, closes wofenstein

/banclient x Were x is a player's client number, bans the client from the server

/banuser x Were x is a player's name, bans that player from the server

/bind See binding section

/bindlist Shows all of the currently activated binds

/condump x Were x is the file name, writes a .txt file, which shows everything that happened in the game. Frags, messages, ect.

/centerview Centers your veiw, up to down

/cinematic Don't know what this does

/clear Clears the console

/clientinfo Tells about you

/closelimbomenu I wonder?

/cropimages Don't know what this does

/cmdlist Lists all console commands

/cmdlist x Were x is a letter, lists all commands starting with x

/cg_drawfps Either shows fps or not

/demo x Were x is the demo name, playes the named demo

/devmap x Were x is a map name, changes to the named map

/disconnect Disconnects from the server you are on

/dumpuser Don't know what this does

/exec x Were x is a file name, runs the named file

/echo x Were x is a message, says the message to only you

/fade Don't know what this does

/fs_referencedlist Lists the .pk3 files that you have, that come with wolfenstein

/fs_openedlist Lists all of the .pk3 files you have

/followprev Follows the previous person

/follownext Follows the next person

/gamecompletestatus Don't know what this does

/gfxinfo Tells what graphics you have enabled and disabled on your computer

/imagelist Tells all of the images you have loaded

/kill Kills you without loosing points

/killserver Closes the server

/limbomessage x y Were x is your class and y is your weapon, says "You will respawn as a x with a y"

/levelshot Don't know what this does

/loadgame x Were x is the name of a saved game, loads the specified saved game

/loadtranslations Don't know what this does

/nextskin Changes skins that you see, if you have more than one

/openlimbomenu I wonder (opens limbo menu)

/prevskin Changes skins that you see, if you have more than one

/path Tells the full path of all of your .pk3s

/quit Quits the game

/record Starts recording demo

/reconnect Tries to reconnect to the last server you were on

/serverinfo Tells the server's settings

/screenshot Takes a screenshot, stored in main/screenshots

/screenshotJPEG Takes a jpeg screenshot, stored in main/screenshots

/say x Were x is a message, says the message

/say_team x Were x is a message, says the message to your team only

/sectorlist Not sure what this does

/showip Shows the ip address of the server, I think

/stop record Stops recording

/team Tells what team you are on, red=axis blue=allies

/toggleconsole Opens/closes the console

/toggle r_fullscreen Changes from windowed to fulscreen, restarts the game each time

/toggle cg_drawcompass Turns the compas on or off

/toggle cg_gibs Changes weather or not to draw "gibs"

/toggle cg_drawteamoverlay Shows or hides the menu in the top right corner, which shows health, location, ect. of teamates

/toggle cg_novoicechats Makes it so "vsay" commands make no noise

/toggle cg_novoicetext Makes it so "vsay" commands show no text

/toggle cg_teamchatsonly Will make it so you only see messages from your team

/unbind x Were x is a key, unbinds the specified key

/unbindall Gets rid of all binds

/viewpos Tells the angles of your view

/vid_restart Restarts wolfenstein, connects to the server you were on, if any

/weaplastused Changes to your most recently used weapon

reset_match For Votes

swap_teams For Votes

start_match For Votes



10. Server Commands:

TH@NX To Lurch{KeA}



These commands only work from the server side


/g_engineerchargetime The time it takes for an engineer's bar to charge, 1000=1 second

/g_ltchargetime The time it takes for a lieutenant's bar to charge, 1000=1 second

/g_medicchargetime The time it takes for a medic's bar to charge, 1000=1 second

/g_solierchargetime The time it takes for a soldier's bar to charge, 1000=1 second

/clientkick x Were x is the client number of the person you want to kick

/g_friendlyFire 0 turns friendly fire off

/g_friendlyFire 1 turns friendly fire on

/g_gravity x Were x is a number, sets gravity to the specified number, default is 800

/g_speed x Were x is a number, makes players move faster or slower, depending on the number

/kick x Were x is a player name, kicks the named player

/map restart restarts the current map, all previous changes take effect

/map x Were x is a mapname, changes to the named map

/status Lists clients by number

/sv_maxclients x Were x is a number, sets the maximum number of players that can connect to your server

/svsay x Were x is your message, talks as the server

/timelimit x Were x is a number, sets the time limit

/g_syncronousclients 1 Set to record demos

/seta g_useraxisrespawntime x Were x is a number, sets axis respawn to x seconds

/seta g_useralliedrespawntime x Were x is a number, sets allied respawn to x seconds



11. Creating a server:



Game Type:





NO: You are the only one that can join the server

LAN: Only people on your LAN(Local Area Network) can join a LAN game

INTERNET: Your server is broadcast over the internet

Host Name: The name that others will see, when they see your server

Friendly Fire: Whether or not, player will be hurt by fire from their teamates

Maximum Players: The maximum number of players allowed to join your server

Minimum Ping: Only people with a ping higher than this can join your server

Maximum Ping: Only people with a lower ping than this can join your server

Even Teams: If "yes", then players will have to join the side with less players

Syncronous Client: "Yes" if you are recording a demo

Max Rate: Maximum rate the server will send out information

Zombie Time: Number of seconds before an inactive client is dropped

Reconnect Limit: The number of seconds before someone can try to reconnect to your server

Enable Voting? Whether or not, players on your server can call votes

Pure Server? If "yes", players cannot use skins, sounds, ect. That didn't come with wolfenstein

Punkbuster Upholds rules

Password: The password required for players to join your server

Time Limit (min) Set the time limit of a match

Allied Respawn (sec) The intervals between the respawns of allies

Axis Respawn (sec) The intervals between the respawns of axis

Max Lives: The number of lives each player gets, players don't respawn when all of their lives are gone

Stopwatch Round Mode: The order the teams will play in for stopwatch mode

Enable Tourney Mode: Warmup lasts until a vote is called to start the match, players can't swich teams after the warmup

Min Clients Before Tourney Starts: Needs this many players before an automatic match start



12. Demos:



You must be the server for this to work, or g_syncronousclients must be set to 1

See #26 (Third Person View)

Record the demo:

/g_syncronousclients 1 Allows you to make demos

/record Starts recording

/stoprecord Stops recordind

/demo x Were x is the name of a demo, plays the named demo



13.Calling votes:



/callvote x Were x is a console command, calls a vote for the specified command

/callvote kick FLAG-(BAD)-MAN

/callvote map crypt

/bind f1 "vote yes"

/bind f2 "vote no"



14. HUD (Heads Up Display):



Each of the following can start with "toggle" to make it do the oppisite of what it is now

Each of the following can end with "0" for off, or "1" for on


cg_drawgun Wheter or not your gun is shown

cg_drawTeamOverlay Whether or not the box in the top right is shown

cg_drawStatus Whether on not your status is shown

cg_drawcompass Whether or not the compas is shown

cg_noVoiceText Whether or not chats with "v" display text

cg_drawfps Whether or not the FPS is shown in the top right

cg_drawCrosshair What your crosshair should look like

clear Erases all previous events from the screen (name changes, frags, chat, ect.)



15. Rcon Commands:






16. Wolfenstein Related Download Sites, Other Related Sites:



Custom RTCW Maps:


http://www.wolfensteincenter.com/downlo ... ndex.phtml

Roger Wilco:

http://download.com.com/3000-2121-70268 ... egacy=cnet


http://www.fileplanet.com/index.asp?sec ... file=57176

Name Makers/Animators:


http://wolfenstein.gamesweb.com/dlman/d ... .php?id=88



RTCW For Dummies:



http://forums.filesnetwork.com/forumdis ... forumid=83




17. Third Person View:

TH@NX To D_Frag[X-D]



Third person view can be used while viewing demos

Third person view


/cg_thirdperson 1 Sets your view to third person (outside your body)

/cg_thirdperson 0 Sets your view to normal

/cg_thirdPersonAngle x Were x is a number, sets the degree you are facing the player at

/cg_thirdPersonRange x Were x is a number, sets the distance from the player (0=very close)



18. FOV:



FOV stands for feild of view

Changing the FOV settings can enable you to see two rooms on opposite sides of a room


/cg_fov 90 Sets the FOV to 90 degrees, 90 is default

/cg_fov 180 Sets the FOV to 180 degrees, 90 is default


Set fovon "cg_fov 180;set fovwonder vstr fovoff"

Set fovoff "cg_fov 90;set fovwonder vstr fovon"

Set fovwonder "vstr fovon"

bind h "vstr fovwonder"



19. Screenshots:



Turn off all of the items in the HUD

Then use the clear command


/clear Clears all previous messages, kills, ect. from the screen

/screenshot Takes a .TGA screenshot, saves it under main/screenshots

/screenshotJPEG Takes a .JPG screenshot, stored in main/screenshots



20. tell_target:



Says your message only to the person you are pointing at (on your team)

Text appears in pink to both you, and your target

As far as I know, the "tell_enemy" command doesn't work


/bind kp_end "tell_target Wait, Recharging" Tells the person you are pointing at "Wait, Recharging"



21. Movement/Actions:



Put a "-" before each of these instead of a "+", removes effects of/does the oppisite of the "+"


+forward Move Forward

+moveleft Strafe Left

+moveright Strafe Right

+leanright Lean Right

+leanleft Lean Left

+moveup Jump

+movedown Crouch

+attack Shoot/Attack

+scores Open Scoring Menu

+activate Use Something(Open Doors, ECT.)

+back Move Backward

+strafe Puts You In "Strafe Mode"(Like Holding ALT)

+zoom Zooms In

+mlook Takes You Out Of "Strafe Mode"

+dropweapon Drops Your Current Weapon

+sprint Like Holding Shift(Run Fast

+speed Walk

+lookdown Can Only Look Down

+lookup Can Only Look Up

+right Turns You Right

+left Turns You Left

+reload Reloads Your Current Weapon



22. Waiting:

TH@NX TO Illinois Nazi


The wait is the source of a lot of questions. Here are the technical details that the forum had worked out before the database reload.

1. A single wait is sufficient to separate most Say and Say_Team commands.

2. You are completely immobile, and unable to execute any actions of combat while a wait is in effect.

3. If you place a number after a wait command, for example:

Wait 300

Then RTCW will interpret that as the number of frames you wish the system to wait. This means that the duration of the wait statement will vary with your

FPS. For example:

Your machine is getting 60 FPS, this means that your system is drawing 60 frames every second. (Can be determined by running a /cg_drawFPS command from

drop-down console). If you executed a wait 120 command in a script then the system would pause for 2 seconds. Of course, FPS is constantly changing based

on the intensity of the combat, the number of triangles visible at the time, your hardware, and connection speed. Since, by default, FPS is so variable,

predicting the actual duration of a wait is very difficult.

4.) You can use the set Max_FPS ## command to prelimit your FPS. For high-performance systems that run at a consistently high FPS,

this method can be used to achieve predictable wait command durations in real time units. For example:

Your system gets 100 FPS on average.

The lowest FPS you have ever seen your system get is 75.

You can then write a code like this.

Bind X weaponbank 4;wait 60; set Max_FPS 60;+attack; wait 60; -attack; weaponbank 3; set Max_FPS 0

This would result in a switch to Grenade,

a 1 second pause while it switched,

an attack which lasted 1 second to throw,

and a switch back to SMG.

NOTE:Setting Max_FPS to 0 removes any limits on your FPS, returning it to what ever level your system is able to support.

5.) It is very important to know the worst that your system will perform. In order to accurately predict the number of frames that you must wait for an

action, you need to know the lowest FPS that your system can possible inflict on you, and set your set Max_FPS ## to the next lowest round number. Since my

system is quite capable of inflicting a 4 FPS on me, I am unable to use this method. I would not advise it for systems that can achieve under 30 FPS at the

worst. Remember, that for the duration of the wait you are immobile, so you want that time as short as possible. If your system getting less FPS than you

expect, then you are going to be stuck and vulnerable for longer than you expect.

All in all I do not recommend this method, but if you machine is capable of high FPS all the time, it may be an option for your scripts.



23. Bindable Keys:


Key: Bind Name:

Tab tab

Enter enter

Space space

Single Quote '

Hyphen -

Forward Slash /

Semicolon semicolon

Equals =

Left Bracket [

Right Bracket ]

Backslash \

Comma ,

Period .

Alt alt

Ctrl ctrl

Shift shift

Escape esc

F1 f1

F2 f2

F3 f3

F4 f4

F5 f5

F6 f6

F7 f7

F8 f8

F9 f9

F10 f10

F11 f11

F12 f12

Insert ins

Home home

Page Up pgup

Page Down pgdn

Delete del

End end

Up Arrow uparrow

Down Arrow downarrow

Left Arrow leftarrow

Right Arrow rightarrow

Keypad 0 kp_ins

Keypad 1 kp_end

Keypad 2 kp_downarrow

Keypad 3 kp_pgdn

Keypad 4 kp_leftarrow

Keypad 5 kp_5

Keypad 6 kp_rightarrow

Keypad 7 kp_home

Keypad 8 kp_uparrow

Keypad 9 kp_pgup

Keypad Period kp_del

Keypad Enter kp_enter

Keypad Plus kp_plus

Keypad Minus kp_minus

Keypad Asterisk *

Keypad Slash kp_slash

Left Mouse Button mouse1

Right Mouse Button mouse2

Middle Mouse Button mouse3

Mouse Wheel Scroll Up mwheelup

Mouse Wheel Scroll Down mwheeldown

a a

b b

c c

d d

e e

f f

g g

h h

i i

j j

k k

l l

m m

n n

o o

p p

q q

r r

s s

t t

u u

v v

w w

x x

y y

z z

0 0

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9



24. Changind Spawn Points:


setspawnpt 0 Sets Your Spawn Point To "Auto Pick"

setspawnpt 1 Sets Your Spawn Point To "Axis Side"

setspawnpt 2 Sets Your Spawn Point To "Allied Side"



25. Variables:

WARNING: Do not read if you hate the word "super"


Variables are one of the most usefull things in

wolf you will learn to use, debatably more usefull

than a gun. Just kidding! Variables can be set,

and recalled later. The "set" command is used to

set the varible. For example:

set "(variable set to this)"

set superspam "say THIS IS SUPER SPAM"

This is only step one, step 2 is to recall the

variable for something useful (spamming in this

case). To recall the variable, the "vstr"

command is used. For example:

"vstr superspam"

The "vstr" command is not super useful by itself,

as shown above, but keys can be bound to recall

the variable. For example:

bind x "vstr superspam"

Or the "vstr" command can be used in scripts.

For example:

set superexec "exec superclassselect.cfg;exec supermedic.cfg"

bind x "vstr superexec"


Guest Skepta
Variables are one of the most usefull things in

wolf you will learn to use, debatably more usefull

than a gun. Just kidding! Variables can be set,

and recalled later. The "set" command is used to

set the varible. For example:

set "(variable set to this)"

set superspam "say THIS IS SUPER SPAM"

This is only step one, step 2 is to recall the

variable for something useful (spamming in this

case). To recall the variable, the "vstr"

command is used. For example:

"vstr superspam"

The "vstr" command is not super useful by itself,

as shown above, but keys can be bound to recall

the variable. For example:

bind x "vstr superspam"

Or the "vstr" command can be used in scripts.

For example:

set superexec "exec superclassselect.cfg;exec supermedic.cfg"

bind x "vstr superexec"

explain what it does, i dont understand :| :oops: :roll:

Guest Skepta

:cry: .....doesn't mean im not entitled to know or be able to understand :!:

im not stupid :lol:


Guest Skepta
ye skepta is not stupiC

normally firefox spell check highlights these mistakes! :oops: :?

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