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Everything posted by Loosing_Spree

  1. Hello again, I read about the inactivity; I think that is normal if people disapear that there is a moment to remove them. For me it's a reason to reply, because this is the perfect topic (for this moment). It's for sure that you will see me less the next 3 weeks. I said it before, but will confirm it another time. So TM Virus, when I 've the time, I'll post my cfg's. I have to move to another house / city with my wife and kids, so almost all the time I'm busy with painting, furniture from a to b etc. You will see me only late in the evening (I hear people say: Yes, lol) or not So you know; Please don't delete me, but I'm sure that it won't take 40 days because I don't have 40 days. Maybe it takes longer than 3 weeks because the phone / adsl also must be changed. Allright, that's it. Have a nice weekend. Bye, Mr.Loosing_Spree
  2. mmmm, I'm not sure if the vga / screen has influence. concerning usb connection, yes, because the power supply is through the usb cable. I think that the vga only gives a signal to the screen. I have my doubts if concerning a hdmi connection there is a relation with power supply. The vga gots his power from the PCIe slot and a separete power connector (molex) direct from the main power supply (Enermax 480W). The powersupply is also very stable. I have the option to connect the pc on my tv with the standard vga connection. I'll give it a try. In that case I can also choose a higher Refresh Rate if I'm right. This night I experimented a bit with maxfps; There was a moment that I reached a stable fps of 20'0; but this was only with bots and not players; the ping was ± 50. It's great that you want to help me, but which one of the cfg I've to post or mail? The etconfig,cfg and autoexec from the etmain map? And it's true that I'm admin on my pc. Lots of people with Vista don't know that they are still not the real admin in vista with clean install; There is a hidden option. Run cmd with adminrights, type: net user administrator /active:yes; and voila, you are the Boss admin on the pc, UAC won't even ask you all the time if you want to run a program bla bla bla or not. bye bye, thanks again
  3. Hi guys, I like it very much that you want to help. It is possible about the Lag thing, the only problem is that I read about it only I don't understand it very well, this because I'm totally unknown concerning online gaming. I read very much about the different configs and tweals, only the major problem for me is there is to much on the web and the most is not the same. So at this moment I try to figure out what's the best to put in my autoexec.cfg. Maybe it's wise to put a small spec here about my system: - Intel Core 2 Duo (3175 Mhz) - 4096 Mb DDR2-SDRAM - MSI 8600 GTS Diamond Plus (Nvidia 512 Mb) VGA - 3 x HDD 80 Gb each, 2 x Sata 1 x IDE (and there is no loss, the overal score in Vista says that the IDE is 0,1 point lower in writing and reading) - Internet connection is ADSL 8 Mb/s; Several speedtests give excellent; Download ± 7 Mb, Upload 0,8 Mb, average ping 31 and connections 2950. I have to say that I have a adsl modem connected to the onboard ethernet adapter. - OS Vista Ultimate x64 I don't have any wireless things at all. I have put the lagometer on during the game and I must say that it is very stable; Beneath it's small and green and above it's small and blue with very less spikes(?) I have to say that I'm not satisfied how the game behaves; It's a bit stuttering. My fps are also stable, I've capped them to 76. I tried a higher value, but I thiink that the TM server limits to 125? My screen, sorry for all you guys; my PC is connected to the 42" Plasma television; And yes, with this benefit I miss also a lot, very much, lol. The only negative thing is that this screen (HDMI connection) limits me to 60 HZ, this concerning values which seems to depend on each other (I read that, if it;s true I don't know) displayrefresh and maxFPS. seta cl_maxpackets "60" seta cl_packetdup "0" seta snaps "40" seta rate "25000" seta com_hunkmegs "256" seta com_soundmegs "32" seta com_zonemegs "32" I don't know if these values are enough to explain lag? If not I'll post it also. Maybe I have to mention that Vista uses DirectX 10. Before I only playes SP games, which causes also a lot of install problems, the solution for this always works and is very easy. I´ve installed DirectX 9 and it has never causes problems, I don´t think that ET will work at all with DirectX 10 but I don´t know. There also seems to be a problem with OpenGL with vista+ I checked it with everest and it says that OpenGL drivers are installed. Allright, that is it, thanks in advanced, bye Maurice
  4. Hi Virus, I've searched on my hdd's; The install dir. is on my D:\; The ETkey wasn't there but in my c:\Users\Administrator bla bla Punkbuster map. Because my OS is Vista x64 perhaps. But there is only 1 key. Maybe it is because the names are registered as nickname. PB says many times that i'm unknow and kicked for 0 minute. When I put the cmd /pb_myguid than I get always the same and not multiple. I'm still a n00b and certainly concerning configuration; The thing with names, nicknames and aliasses are abacadabra because i'm a beginner. greetings Maurice
  5. Hello, I've a question about the multiple nicks on the TM Jaymod server. In my case there are 3. Mr.Loosing_Spree and The try out version and my member version. This results also in 3 different rankings on the playerlist. Just as Miki replied in the topic that I want to be a member, it's all about the fun and not XP or something. But now my question; Is there a possibility to delete the other ones except my official <=TM=> name (and yeah, in that case I lose the one with the highest ranking, but so it be) or is the meaning that they also excist and is it usefull to play on them, or not. Maybe it's also usefull to "freeze" this if it will be deleted, because I'm moving to another city (uh village, lol)within 2 or 3 weeks and I don't know if that effects something concerning my internet / phone connection. Ok, that's the question, Bye bye Maurice
  6. it is not about the quality how good you are, it's about the fun in the game the quantity Yeah, the quantity, you're right, one thing is a fact and that's you're quantity of killing me during a game, is HUGE, really hugeeeeeeee, lol; But I enjoy the game much much more as past days on TM night with members, because the game only with bots is almost every time the same. And the fact that I'll be slaughtered, i dont mind at all, that's a part of the game. It's just a matter of time to grow up. I've also learned very much of the game with the help from you guys, from the beginning I entered the TM server, so thanks again for that. Bye bye
  7. Hehe, Holland is small, that's for sure! Sometimes to small, but I have to deal with that. I want to say thanks to all of you for voting positive for me becoming a teammember. I think it's not a usual thing that a n00b like me after 2½ month playing ET is approved to be a member, so; thanks again. We keep in touch and I'll try visiting the forum also as much as possible, but there are moments that I'm not abble to, concerning my family. Also I have to move to another place within a month and then a haven't got a internet connection for ± 2 weeks. But enough words, I want to play at the TM server now. Bye Bye
  8. Hello again, Thanks guys (and girls maybe) for the replies; The avatar was the one I used with MSN, so concerning the name of the site / forum I choose it again. Bye, regards Maurice
  9. Hello, My name is Maurice from Holland, I'm 38 yrs old. My players nickname is in the above mentioned subject, Mr.Loosing_Spree. Strange name perhaps, but I like it because I'm a modest person. I have already registered on the TM site and this forum. I have also request Donald by email to join the TM team. I saw that Antony has post a request over here, and that is a good way to introduce yourself, so i followed him. So here am I. I also play a lot on the TM Jaymod server because I like it very much and the most people. Also I like the interaction with other people. I have also mentioned to a few people, that if you guys decide that I cannot be a teammember, this will not be a reason to play anymore on the server and that i will be behave the same as at this point. But, by the way I would be honoured if you vote positive. When you have perhaps questions, please don't hesitate and ask. Also have a nice weekend, Bye, kind regards Maurice aka Mr.Loosing_Spree
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