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Everything posted by smowkee

  1. S'up guys, just wanted to let you know that Im due to get back online 05/02/2010 Can't wait to get back online. Missed fraggin with you guys. See you soon. :obscene-smokingweed:
  2. Yup, I'm up for it, as long as my internet has settled by then.
  3. smowkee


    you not got sub on xfire :?: I have so I can get a hold of him if you like, see what he thinks and if they want to scrim.
  4. No No No, I have 1 daughter, she is 5 years old, not 15, and I have a son, he is 10 months old, and if your going to class me as anything, CHAV is the slang round here.
  5. here's some math, 1 adult + 1 adult + 1 5 year old daughter + 1 10 month old son .... 1 House, 2 bedrooms .... I think you can see where Im going with this :flags-wavegreatbritain:
  6. Hi, I wanted to let you all know that I'll be moving home soon, so I'll be offline for 3-4 weeks, its not happening just yet, but it will be happening, So if you dont see me around for a while, that's why, not cos I'm ignoring you lot or anything.
  7. smowkee


    *cough cough* So is this happening tonight?
  8. Hi Dan, Nice to see you over here on the TM server, even nicer to see you in TM tags, hopefully we can progress thru the ranks together, get some life into these servers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In case you hadn't guessed I know Dan in real life. We are good friends and have been for about 6 year. I kinda mentioned that I found a nice new server to play on, and he was more than willing to come and try it out.
  9. smowkee


    Him who?, I think I missed a post or 2 Ha, only time I get a losing spree is if it's a panzerwar.
  10. smowkee


    Please, use Dave or Smowkee, I hate david
  11. smowkee


    Yep, we used to play on the BH server together mate, Bond used to be there often too.
  12. smowkee


    well I can guarantee I'll be there every Sunday night, Thanx for the reply by the way. I just noticed the mistake I made, who on earth in their right mind would post a Hello topic in the scrim section, any chance a admin could move this to a more relevant place please. Well I'm new here, so I dont want to seem too big for my boots, like I said earlier, the other clan I used to be in used to be strict about attendance for practice nights, after a while it really came together, the players who knew maps well would run those who didnt through the map and show them where objectives were, sniper spots and stuff like that. ... Just trying to make helpful suggestions. Oh! also, if any of you guys wanna add me on xfire, feel free, my xfire is smowkee (original I know )
  13. smowkee


    Haha, Bot's are ok, but there aint nothing like a gritty match between humans, Do you guys have a pro/scrim server? Oh! While I'm asking stuff, Do you guys have like training nights? you know, where the clan get together and learn each others play styles, learn the snipe spots for maps ... I used to be a member of a clan that did that, it really improved clan teamplay.
  14. smowkee


    Thought I'd drop in and say hello to you all. Oh, and I wanted to mention that Im trying to get as many of the people I know to play here. Jaymod server needs some life!
  15. smowkee


    Did this scrim ever happen? and if so ... who won?
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