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Everything posted by Kaaskop

  1. Thanks guys !!
  2. Hello muppets I am Kaaskop wich means cheesehead in dutch real name Brian and been playing for a month or 2 on the silent mod wich is a lot of fun Since today I decided to join TM and now I am in a trial modes I live in Holland, the small country left of Germany where you can find: wooden shoes, windmills, cheese, and legalized cannabis-tolerance hehehehe. My hobby's are relaxing, gaming, growing my own vegatables and weed outdoor, enjoying nature, animals, biking, and writing dutch poetry/hiphop lyrics. I used to work as a gardener, but now I'm jobless wich is pretty crud. The positive thing about that is, I got more time for fun! Well, if you wants to know more, feel free to ask . Greetz, Kaaskop.
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