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Everything posted by StoerFaktoR

  1. StoerFaktoR

    Run ET off 4 cores?

    Why did you want to run Enemy Territory on 4 cores? Microsoft® Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP OS /Linux. Intel® Pentium® III 600Mhz processor comparable AMD 128 MB RAM 32 MB 100% compatible OpenGL® 3-D Videocard Microsoft® DirectX® 8.1 I thing you mean ET Tool: Set Affinity Version 1.4 My opinion that tool is very useless for Enemy Territory. Maybe this tool is helpful if you want to start a gameserver with 30 Slots or more via internet. For playing ET it does not need even a dual core processor. I play Enemy Territory on one of my quad cores with 333 FPS and 1280/720 px (not tweaked) And thats more than enough. Regards, StoerFaktoR
  2. I think you put too much on the gold level. And maybe you know me better than I know myself.?. "We both know that it was meant as an insult , due to frustration at dying so much" Are u sitting by my side or do u know what i thing if i write some words? No i don´t thing so. U don´t know me. But to be honest i attach no value to such discussions. No matter. Maybe you´re right ,maybe not.Who knows? But you should not be too picky.
  3. Thnx. But play as u want
  4. @ mrmuppet Yes all what u see on my site is by me But a little note: Do not use "Night of War Beta"this map is realy bugy. I must they give up bcs a virus on my machine. @ Miki Yes i create maps too. ^^
  5. @ mrmuppet Yes all what u see on my site is by me But a little note: Do not use "Night of War Beta"this map is realy bugy. I must they give up bcs a virus on my machine. @ Miki Yes i create maps too. ^^
  6. @ winston smith If i say "calibri plays like a girl" then thats my opinion that was not meant as an insult. U told him "u don´t need such players like "rambos"".And i don´t know if this was fun or not. I was not the one who slaped him constantly. How miraro3 sayed "thats just a game" and anyone can play like he wants. I thing some claims (no insults) must include in this game by the players just for fun too.(Or for what u have funsounds on the servers?) I don´t call anyone as as*hole or something like this.That would be an insult. But if i say "he plays like a girl" this is the same like some of your funsounds.Or not? I call this "Psychological warfare" :P . I would never insult a player directly. Thats not my Type. Calibri!! I apologize for the words
  7. yeah i know.sometimes i do that too. but in last time i hear this to often.
  8. Hey all. I have a little problem. Someone @ your Nitmod server asked me how the name is of the hack i use. I told him "i dont use hacks". He asked me a second time and the second time a answered " i dont use hacks" I hope u don´t thing that i am a cheater. Here are some demos of me so you can make you own opinion. DOWNLOAD Demos In one of these demos u can see the question bcs the Hack. I play a lot by ear and sometimes it looks like a wallhack. But i don´t need hacks for playing. :hand: Regards, Chris aka StoerFaktoR
  9. This is the first time that I hear that someone can not connect because Punkbuster is activated .Is then a error message? Heartbeat stops has to do with pnkbstrA.exe and pnkbstrB.exe wich u can enable in the windows services.
  10. This is the first time that I hear that someone can not connect because Punkbuster is activated .Is then a error message? Heartbeat stops has to do with pnkbstrA.exe and pnkbstrB.exe wich u can enable in the windows services.
  11. What reasons have the kicks? I think that none of you cheating. I mean reasons like "no Packet flow" ,"heartbeat stops" and so on.
  12. What reasons have the kicks? I think that none of you cheating. I mean reasons like "no Packet flow" ,"heartbeat stops" and so on.
  13. thnx to all and for the authorization @ mrmuppet : N!temod is the same like NQ 1.2.9. Just a different name and less lags. I thing it´s the best mod u have. But in my view the bots difficulty is to high set and the (Helloween) ambientnoise is sometimes disturbing. And i don´t know how u thing about Punkbuster but i would turn on Punkbuster if more players should be on the server. (maybe streaming to ppb,ggc,gv,pbs or something like this) Then the server would be my favorite @ miraro3 oO didn´t read EUROPE. Ur sensor works perfect
  14. thnx to all and for the authorization @ mrmuppet : N!temod is the same like NQ 1.2.9. Just a different name and less lags. I thing it´s the best mod u have. But in my view the bots difficulty is to high set and the (Helloween) ambientnoise is sometimes disturbing. And i don´t know how u thing about Punkbuster but i would turn on Punkbuster if more players should be on the server. (maybe streaming to ppb,ggc,gv,pbs or something like this) Then the server would be my favorite @ miraro3 oO didn´t read EUROPE. Ur sensor works perfect
  15. @ miraro3 Maybe u must fix ur sensor Nothing of both. I´m from Germany. The most of players ask if i am a dutch or a belgian. Some things i am a swede or norwegian too.
  16. @ miraro3 Maybe u must fix ur sensor Nothing of both. I´m from Germany. The most of players ask if i am a dutch or a belgian. Some things i am a swede or norwegian too.
  17. Hey their. I am registered since yesterday @ your forum and "Miki" was sending me a PM wich i can´t open. Reason : You are not authorised to read private messages. Hm??? What i can do to see this message or become a Auth ?? Regards, Chris aka StoerFaktoR
  18. Hey their. I am registered since yesterday @ your forum and "Miki" was sending me a PM wich i can´t open. Reason : You are not authorised to read private messages. Hm??? What i can do to see this message or become a Auth ?? Regards, Chris aka StoerFaktoR
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