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Posts posted by roka

  1. Welcome to the forum mate. Drop by chat some time so we can talk a bit ^^


    You must've been one of those silent but deadly players on the server, because I don't remember your name either :D

    Buuuuuut there is a lot that I don't remember so yeah.. Alcohol, it's fun, right?

    I used to chat pretty actively, but hey now I'm here and you will remember me after this ;)

    And thanks everyone for welcoming me so warmly, I'll see you on the battlefield!

    Oh and I meant that I used to chat ingame.

  2. I don't like new ones bragging about their skills, we'll see about that haha :) Glad you enjoy playing again and welcome to our server and forums

    Well actually I'm REALLY rusty, and my aim is terrible, I meant that I used to be good :) 



    What was your name 2 years ago :0

    It was the same it is now.

    And to all of you, I never were in the clan or even on the forums, I just played a LOT on TM servers, mostly NoDownload and ETnam

    See you on the battlefield!

  3. Hey guys! It's me Jr! I have actually tried to make a comeback before but now I'm here for good! And you won't be getting rid of me easily. Some of the OLD members might remember me? To the new members I can tell that I will be a little rusty, but back in the day (like 2 years ago) I was... pretty epic to be honest :blush:  So yeah I'm trying to play on the servers so much that I'll get into the clan, see you on the battlefield guys!

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