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Everything posted by JaxXx

  1. JaxXx


    Yup, had some good times there! Too bad it died, but luckily some other clans are still putting a lot of time in this game! Yeah I guess so Wasnt my intention to PISS off other players, was just for good fun. Welcome to the Netherlands, it's an 1 hour drive for me, been there once to see a comedian, but not going there again to see a Muppet And thanks for the welcomes Boys and Girls.
  2. JaxXx


    Hello everyone, I'm JaxXx, age 27, from the Netherlands. Recently been playing on your etpub-server and I really enjoy it. Good server, good players, good people, nice vibe. So an A+ for teammuppet I enjoy playing for objective, so most of the time I play engi with my beloved Rifle. Unfortunately I can not longer use my Pee binds, since some PEEpz find it offensive But no biggie, I will create some other binds instead \o/ More info about me: I work, I go to school, I play football, I love watching tv-shows like Breaking Bad and The Wire. and um... yeah think that's enough for now... See ya on the battlefield! ATTAAACK!
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