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Posts posted by Basic

  1. this is the correct configuration, thanks!


    set d1 "campaign cmpgn_sow1 ; set nextcampaign vstr d2"
    set d2 "campaign cmpgn_sow2 ; set nextcampaign vstr d1"
    set d_initial "set g_gametype 4 ; map goldrush ; set nextcampaign vstr d2"
    vstr d_initial

  2. and also i have file mapcycle.cfg (run by server) with this context:


    set d1 "campaign cmpgn_first ; set nextcampaign vstr d2"
    set d2 "campaign cmpgn_second ; set nextcampaign vstr d3"
    set d3 "campaign cmpgn_third ; set nextcampaign vstr d1"


    this should work with the rotation of maps?

    Now add the maps and the rest, but fail when that starts with one campaign



  3. and also i have file mapcycle.cfg (run by server) with this context:


    set d1 "campaign cmpgn_first ; set nextcampaign vstr d2"
    set d2 "campaign cmpgn_second ; set nextcampaign vstr d3"
    set d3 "campaign cmpgn_third ; set nextcampaign vstr d1"


    this should work with the rotation of maps?

    Now add the maps and the rest, but fail when that starts with one campaign

    I do not get the rotation function maps in the campaign and not 1 that I do?

    set d1 "campaign cmpgn_sow1 ; set nextcampaign vstr d2"
    vstr d_initial
    set d2 "campaign cmpgn_sow2 ; set nextcampaign vstr d1"
    set d_initial "set g_gametype 4 ; map glodrush ; set nextcampaign vstr d2"

  5. Thanks Smirre ...

    The Omnibots leave me 2 download linux, windows, which I need for my server?
    ETpub just downloaded and I get 3 zip files, so I install it on the server?

  6. Hello and thanks antemano.No have many ideas and I'm slowly learning.

    I have a private server for friends ETpub in version 0.81 and 0.66 and I would like bots put ETpub version 1.0.0 and the latest bots, but as it gets?

    I have to delete the folder and Omnibot ETpub and replace the most recent?
    Where can I download 1.0.0 files and bots last?

    Sorry for my ignorance.

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