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Everything posted by Trekdrop

  1. Trekdrop

    Xp gone

    I got a new etkey weeks ago because of a guidspoofing error, but now I didnt do anything with my etkey, thats the strange part.
  2. Trekdrop

    Xp gone

    Hey Guys, After my problem with guidspoofing a few weeks ago, I now have the next strange thing. A few day ago I connected to the server and my xp is gone whitout any reason/warning. How is this possible? Did I do something wrong on my pc to loose the xp? It not a very big problem but its very annoying to loose all my ranks and stuff. Greetings, Trekdrop
  3. Changing my name didnt help, reconnecting to the server does work somehow. But Its pretty anoyning to reconnect every time. I got a new etkey from http://etkey.net/ and that seems to works, only thing is, my xp is gone now
  4. Hey Guys, Im playing for a few weeks on the teammuppet server. But last week I had te reinstall the game because some errors during startup. And now every time I connect to the server I get kicked straight away with the message: Server Disconnected - you are kicked for guidspoofing. Anyone knows how to fix this message? Greeting Trekdrop
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