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Everything posted by scyth

  1. i was only on with bots but its working perfectly or if not then it seems to have improved a lot at least so thank you lads
  2. thank you smirre. i'm using the driver you posted (64bit) with the info bart posted to see if i can get it working
  3. will try it now bart, thanks so much in advance! i'll let you know if i get it working!
  4. sorry for the late reply! the card is ATI Radeon HD 3450. when i go to Device Manager and check for updates for the drivers it says it's fully up to date. i have r_primitives set to 2 already in my cfg
  5. i've literally just formatted my pc and upgraded to windows 8.1. now running et using my exact same cfg as before my fps drops on the etpub server are insanely bad. instead of my fps sitting at 125 and having little drops when loads of stuff is happening, it is sitting at around 50fps constantly i've attached a demo of me playing goldrush just there now and my cfg. i literally can't get a kill because moving my mouse is so laggy and the people moving in front of me are so laggy. thanks for any help you guys come up with because i literally can't play like this! EDIT: *demo doesn't show the lag and the actual fps drop on my screen (i.e the mouse jumping across the screen and people stuttering instead of moving normally) but you can still see my fps drops to 45fps...* scythpub.cfg Scyth.dm_84
  6. suggested that earlier random, serayha said soundMegs are already set to 256 and to be honest the sounds shouldn't really require as much as that. sorry serayha but i have no idea what else you can try but i hope you get it sorted so i'll be checking this topic regularly! good luck
  7. sounds awesome. missed the last event so i hope to be there (and on TS) i'll do my best to make it!!
  8. *SOLVED* by mintyballs. had to increase zonemegs
  9. on etpub my mouse responds immediately with no issues. however, on etpro (whether i keep my resolution on 720p or reduce it to 800x600) i get what feels like mouse "lag". moving the mouse feels slow and like i'm dragging it through water. It occurs 100% of the time on etpro without fail. 1% of the time this happens at the same time as my fps dropping from 125 to around 80/90 (or lower), but the other 99% of the time it just happens with no reason. in case there is a possibility of this being caused by my cfg i've attached it. any help would be greatly appreciated as it's making it impossible for me to train on pro anymore thanks, Scy scythpro.cfg
  10. congrats!!
  11. welcome back buddy
  12. Welcome!
  13. scyth


    Hi, just popped in to say welcome!
  14. thanks for the welcome and the compliment duro
  15. thanks muddy, that's really kind of you mate!
  16. thanks for the welcomes and the compliments on the cover star, i would not enjoy being judged by you haha. but The Voice TM Edition sounds pretty cool see you all around on the forums, chat and in game!
  17. hate you muddy boots. long live your nation
  18. thanks eagle_cz. I remember you from etpub as well and honestly i do like you because you're an easy target . JOKING haha. but thank you again for the welcome!
  19. hey DiNg! thanks wolf, i hope so! that's very kind Gaunt. thanks for the welcome and see you there!
  20. thanks darek! i look forward to seeing you around
  21. thanks for the welcome guys! i told wolf i would put it so i did
  22. thanks for all the welcomes i look forward to staying at this server for a long time, ben! i don't know if it's appropriate to post here but sure i'll give the link as ben said i do some covers on youtube so here's a song i did a few months back
  23. so hi, i'm scyth-9f. i've been on the no download server for about a week now and felt it was time i get myself onto the forums to introduce myself. my name is aaron. i'm an 18 year old guy from northern ireland in the UK. i've been playing ET on and off for about 6 years as i grew up with my brother playing it constantly so i used to sneak into his room and play while he was out . i'm just starting a degree in computing so that'll keep me busy enough for the next 4 years, but i'll definitely be about on the servers for as much time as i can be so if you see me throw me a "hello". i think that's about all anyone could really want to know but if you think of any other questions feel free to ask and i'll be happy to answer! Wolf: "ben is a fuggut"
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