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Everything posted by m0tte

  1. btw thats me on the foto
  2. @smirre i hope not that he play that fu idiot (i dont like him he smasht the nightcrew) @eagle my english is so bad as your deutsch
  3. hi my name is Heiko Paul -> real nickname is MOTTE so my ingame nick is m0tte now, the last ingame nick was ThoR i am 46 years old man life in a smal town called Nordhorn in Niedersachsen Germany, born in Paderborn Nordrhein/Westfahlen Germany i like playing Enemy Territory, Battlefield 3, driving Cars, Music and driving Bikes i played in some clans: Nightcrew, ETF, eF, *eXe, the Nightcrew was my own clan mods i play etpro etpub etnoquarter n!temod i make my own config for et--i hope thats my skill is now better i played et long long time( so 10 or 15years, so long i dont remember ), then i make a break (wife sayd she wants to play world of warcraft with me - 5years or so) now i am back playing et ( i hope i get my skill back )
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