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About Pelaaja

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    Electronics, physics, science, all motorized vehicles and computers.

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  1. Ok, problem solved! Eagle helped me via teamviewer.
  2. Thanks eagle! The apache server works great! but it created a new problem: Apache will run when I open httpd.exe but won't run from command "start C:\Apache24\bin\httpd.exe" it gives "syntax error on line: 39 of (path to httpd cfg) ;server root must be a valid directory". The server root in the cfg is "/Apache24".
  3. Ok, thank you. I do. I'm sorry but your advice didn't help, hopely someone else will "rescue" me!
  4. Hi, I have my own lan server where I play with my friends and I often change maps and versions of different mods. As you may have seen from the title, the transfer rate is low and it takes ages to download a map or a mod. It's about 20 KB/s. I have 1000Mb/s lan so that shouldn't be a problem. Other internet server give much higher transfer rate so the problem must be in the server. I can't find a way to set the transfer rate from the server cfg's or from the internet. I have tried to change "sv_dl_maxRate" but it seems to have no effect on the downloading speed. If someone knows the solution, I would be more than thankful for his answer!
  5. Thanks smirre but Eagle already fixed it for me via teamviewer, Now its working like a dream. Thanks everyone! PROBLEM IS SOLVED
  6. Doesn't work . Looks like the omnibot is not loaded to the server because "/bot addbot" gives "command /bot not found". I tried on server and game console, but Nothing. I added line "set omnibot_path ="C:\Users\User\Desktop\ET server\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\omni-bot"" and "set omnibot_enable 1" to my server config but still it doesn't work . Can some give me instructions how to install omnibot and Shrub 1.2 to my etpub server? I uploaded my server folder to Google Drive if someone could find something that I did wrong or even correct . (You don't need to download the full 314mB server folder, I added read and write permissions to everyone ) Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bx6V63MawlGONFlQa2tOWnRoY1E&usp=sharing -Thanks for your time
  7. Thanks Engle_cz, I'll try that.
  8. I got the etpub mod working but when I add omni-bot folder to etmain and add "+set fs_game omni-bot" to my .bat file I don't get bots or etpub mod so am I doing something wrong? (I have configured the omnibot.)
  9. Thanks!
  10. I would like to create a LAN server with EtPub, omnibot and some xp save mod (Shrub?). I have done a et_server.cfg where I have all the options for the server and I made a short batch script to run the server with et_server.cfg and the server works fine. All I need now is the mods. How can I add them to my server? I would like the Xp save to be permanent so is "Shrub" a good mod for it? Thanks. Edit: (6.10.2015) If you are looking for info to set up your own server, I suggest this link with this topic; http://aimbots.net/forums/56-Server-Setup It has a lots of FAQs and info for configuring your server
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