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Everything posted by Gravityblast

  1. I understand you, Puppet, allthough I'm sad you're leaving. I've also had a lot of work to do lately for school, and therefore haven't been able to play either. When I've had time, though I've just played against bots. I really hope, and thing, that the tm-servers will be populated again, and well, I love TM. This doesn't mean I just play on the TM-servers, though. I play on other servers as well, but wear the tm-tag. Uhm, as I said; sorry to see you go; puppet. I will miss you.
  2. Thank's, puppet. I just thought that the server was down the other day when I tried. Thank's though!
  3. miraro made me laugh... ^^
  4. I used to be the clanleader of a clan in another game some time ago, wars are fun, but I don't know if I'm up for it when it comes to et, I just want to play for fun.
  5. Awesome work, Ibex. I especially like the last one.
  6. I love the video you posted at first, puppet (didn't watch the second one). The effects are really awesome. I'd bed that flameh could do this with some training and tutourial-reading Team Muppet FTW
  7. I would love one, if you have time :$
  8. I love my psp. Though it takes some time to type
  9. Just wanted you guys to know that I'm right now browsing this forum with my PSP (playstation portable). Waiting for the teacher, btw. That's why >
  10. Lmao @ Flamehs coloring set. I'd like to try this with the orange zones. Sounds like a good solution
  11. Level 5 - Member of muppet, I think that's what it's called >. Level 5 anyhow
  12. Sounds like the best solution. Now when I've gotten the mute-command aswell >;D
  13. glad to hear so
  14. Awesome! Hope to see you there soon >
  15. Lmao. I managed to drop a nade at a guy I was going to revive once... "Run, forrest, run!"
  16. Heyas. As some of you might know, I've been trying to get you people at the tm-noquarter to join up to the TM-teamspeak-server for some time now. A while ago I asked around and either crop or puppet gave me two ip's, and ever since I've been eager to speak to you guys . Anyhow, for those who feel like talking (exept myself and Ibex, who are already proud users of the TM-teamspeak-server), join up! The Ip's are: for the Normal server (Which I use, and you should use aswell >) and for the Warserver. [Teamspeak is a program common to ventrilo and skype which can be used to voice-chat, when playing games. No big effort, really. For those who want to download it go to: http://www.goteamspeak.com/?page=downloads, and download the client. SEE YOU THERE!
  17. I could use one, if you have time If you wanna do it I'll let you decide the looks and everything. Surprise me >
  18. I think I could be consider a kiddo compared to some of you guys... (I'm 15.) Anyway, I agree to the point that an increased loss of xp only would eventually prevent the users with lower xp from swearing. I think the best way is to just add a banner or something, that clearly states our non-existent tolerance when it comes to swearing, and eventually starting to kick people (I know that not everyone are possible of doing such, including me, but still) if they swear too much. If someone happenes to have a lot of spare time some day; Listing as many swearing words in the most common languages on the server wouldn't be bad. I could help you out with the swedish ones, but I don't think that they'll be needed, since there aren't many swedes on the tm-servers (or are there? ^o).
  19. Thank's Will try them out
  20. > will you be my friend, Mr. Goat? love it
  21. Looks really cool. Good luck on it.
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