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Hybrid :D

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Posts posted by Hybrid :D

  1. I loved Derezzed joke too :D

    Yeah I'll continue to play as i get my new mouse, it's so funny to play and being helped by a transformers, you can't imagine ;)

    And i'll make a beautiful apply soon or later :)

  2. Maybe you'll have to have only Wolfenstein open on your desktop, nothing else..

    I had kind the same problem on an old comput because he wasn't much powerfull :S

    Or if you're on vista check that you open wolfen as administrator ;)

  3. My laptop is dead because i tried to hack photoshop -.- F*ckin problems ...

    Not a the origin my sign wasn't that way blurred, but i've taken it from my facebook as my comput is broken.

    It's just a simple sign ^^

  4. Glad of being welcomed by the Website admin :D

    Hope to see you all soon :) Yeah when i have the good computer and some time i'm sick of that game :D

    It's nice to see that people remember my name, maybe in the deathing spree :P ?

  5. Thanks all :)

    Yeah i'm a good spammer, i always say non-sense things xD.

    So for my comp atm it's a laptop so i can play wolf as he is not much powerfull (?) dunno how you say it.

    Perhaps i'll take some money to buy a new one and place it to my father's home.

    Cause being at home on a comp' and can't play wolf is really hurting my poor lil' heart.

    Thanks for the congrat' of my english, I love that language :D and i have the bilingual option at school, ( So maths and history are in english :D it's great ) But i keep enjoying talking with people in english.

    Even out of school.

    Be careful Virus headshots are really a sickness for the computers ^^

    I'll go on all along the forum and see where i can say anything :D

    And last thing,

    Congrat for your Design miraro3, i love your pic' :)

    I have done many about One Piece ( manga, dunno if you know it ) I'll show you them when my comp' will be on, or take them from my Facebook :D

  6. Hi everybody,

    As i'm not anymore at m'y mother's home, i won't get on the server for a while since my other computer is dead ( too much headshot hitsounds I think ). :C

    So i decided to come on the website and keep talking with you, as your nice people in the game, and seem interesting to talk with :)

    So i'll introduce myself in a small presentation, you'll be able to know a lil' bit more of me :D

    Country : Switzerland :D

    Age : Near 18 :)

    Name : Sven

    Pseudo IG : Hybrid :D ( and many others like : Lyth_O / Girljze / Plasje / Impulse / Monkey D. Luffy ... ) I love changing name and colors :)

    I'm playing wolfenstein sometimes when i have time, Hope i'll get my new computer as soon as possible to come back

    I've met a lot of Players on your server and some are really good skilled so it gives me the wish to become more good than them :D

    I've tried to play on some Etpro server but i'm still to much nooby for them :(

    Three years ago i've setled a huge frenchspeaking team called >GLM<|

    We've done some scrim and had 5 servers so if things are needed just ask, maybe i'll be able to help you.

    I'll take some time to do a new cfg cause i'm playing without ...

    So for my registration let's have a drink, I'll do the barman this time, just ask it's free ... for you ;)

    KAMPAI !

    P.S : Sorry for my english, i'm only learning it at school, hope they aren't lot's of mistakes :$ Be indulgent :P

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