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Posts posted by n'papo?

  1. 17 hours ago, Charlie said:

    It would be fun to beat them at their own game lol, but yeah. We try our best to make sure our servers stay cheat free and it will remain that way. It's a dangerous path to go down if we start letting selected people use cheats just cos someone else is. If I enabled a cheat it wouldn't be against 1 person, it would be against the whole opposing team and that isn't fair.

    If you see a cheater, report them. Take a demo and !finger. Inform us in Discord or find an admin on another server. If it's the usual dickhead bypassing the ban just kick them. It's sucks they visit our servers but we have to persevere.

    Sure i totally understand your side, is very delicated and is legit either position you take against it, at the end of all, we just want to repel cheaters somehow ;)

  2. 2 hours ago, Ctrz said:

    If they join - feel free to join spec or vote them off. If you report us or inform us in discord, we can also push them out.

    People will always behave badly. We cannot fix them by doing the same to them. I'm sorry, but thats very dumb way to solve anything in game, in real life .. 

    We should discuss within community if we could fight with them more efficiently with some extended commands for example.

    I suggested to freeze them, disorient them etc. 

    Sure i understand u, could be effetive also ahah i know my suggestion is extreme ahaha for extreme cheaters extreme measures Lol 

  3. Hello guys, so i started to suggest this as a joke, but actually i really believe this could be a good strategy. 

    So, for regular cheaters, that dont come back anymore when u guys find them and ban them, is alright. But then u have those smart ones, IT GEEKS, who can avoid these bans and come back laughing at all.

    For those guys i would suggest some Clan Members to use aimbot against them, like massive aimbot, go hard, he will avoid server for sure.

    Using cheats , killing everybody and having that huge score of frags is all about EGO , and if you hit their ego, and they cant even aim cuz they have like 2 or 3 aimbotters against, they will go for a easier server an never come back . Thats my suggestion, but of course, there's gotta be a internal agreement between u guys , so u can use this technique properly and with sense. 

    Do you think is considerable?

    Cops and thiefs use guns, why not cops (Admins) using aimbot too, AimbotCop PBI PunkBuster Investigations Lol




  4. 32 minutes ago, nosekbk said:

    Original message: https://discordapp.com/channels/444086039846322192/708256482315075604/753221008617635851


    Hey awesome TM folks :)

    First of all, thanks for keeping the server alive ❤️ love it! I've got a suggestion with a huge hope to (re)consider it.

    As mentioned in the #etlegacy-campaign in this (https://discordapp.com/channels/444086039846322192/708257015633412227/753216196249124876) convo one thing that is really killing the fun in the server is the lack of limitation of medics per map. We already limit fieldops to 2 which is great or else we'd have an artyfest. Unfortunately while fieldops are already limited with the number of airstrikes and firestrikes anyway, medics have unlimited number of revivals, self-healing, and medpacks. Any map could be done with one engineer and the rest could play medics just to heal the engineer and each other.
    My proposal has two variants:

    1. Limit the number of medics per server to 4 and unlock fieldops to 4 as well. This will require people to play other roles without giving the clear advantages of being a medic. It'll also make the game more dynamic and flowing, and less "rapid" as it might be. I've seen multiple times a 4med squad healing engineer building a bridge on fueldump with another 2 medics getting through the footbridge and keeping axis on the spawn for that time. As a cvops with k43/garand it already requires 2 clear HS or HS + 2-3 body shots (depending on the healing tick for the medic) to kill one. Get 8-10 of them on the map and it's pointless to even shoot one...

    2. The other idea might be tricky considering I remember this used to be on one of the mods, but maybe it's something that's doable. Medics could have a limited number of revival needles (2 initially, 4 at max level) that could be resupplied with fieldops ammoboxes. This could shorten the sustainability of medics on the field that are currently the main pushing force honestly. I know we already limit medics with the lack of adrenaline as that would be an overkill, but with a limitation of medics to 2 or 4 we could bring that one back.

    We limit soldiers panzer/bazooka to one per team. We limit fieldops to 2 per team. We should limit medics and give other roles more meaning.

    Bro i feel  your opinion and i respect it, but personally, i agree with the part of not having adrenaline, its anoying the limit of fops and the messages of too much artilhery requested but understandable so we dont have an artyfest, but in the part of limiting number of medics and needle quantity.. hmm i dont agree, its a way of playing, a strategy, if allies are all medics and one engie, axis can do the same and is equal ( in theory) , what i do feel server needs is a lot of SENSIBILITY to do shuffles and balance teams. Cuz you can have 5 medics that are not very skilled, and have 5 engies FRAGGERS and the result will be 5 medics dead spawning again and again.. feel me? at the end is all about the skill of each players and each teams, team playing and strategy, and a bit of luck also. For me Thats what makes the pub factor, the challenge of playing as a team with players u dont play frequently and u dont know, that freestyle makes every single map and game different. If we limit number of medics, it will cut the satisfaction of many guys that come here to play sometimes like in a work break, or free day of work , etc, i guess it shouldnt be more limited so people dont start to go to other servers feel me?

    Sometimes we are on a weaker team regarding the enemy having a lot of GOOD players so... WE GO ALL MEDICS and balance it LOLOLOL or not!!!! ahaha its always a challenge to discover.

    Cheers Covert Ops specialist xD


  5. I just refered that part of cheating cuz is one of the ONLY reasons i would see to ban  someone, and he was using flame all the time so.. LOLOL i believe he could be offending someone on chat, making problems, but yeah some kick and good talk would be enough, if not yes ban of course but just wanted to know what happened! Thanks Alistar

  6. Hello guys i Knew by TmZerocool that Archers has been banned from server. Was he cheating? i guess not, he was very active on chatting yes and sometimes may have done some conflicts but i think is not enough to be banned, even if he changed nickname for BAN  ME lolol thats just lamming around as a lot do, if there was no big reason i would suggest/ask u to unban him cuz tomorow can be me on his situation we never know lolol

    Cheers people


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