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Val_Venis last won the day on March 7 2021

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About Val_Venis

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Hi all, Firstly, thanks to the TM community for hours of fun over the last few months - top quality server and a great bunch of regulars! For me it’s a similar story to a few others on here... 30-something guy from the UK who first found ET back in 2005, played regularly until about 2007, dipped a toe back in a few times afterwards, but last played about 6 years ago. Over the years I’ve played as Snake_Eyes, Rabid_Fox and now Val_Venis (a nod to childhood years watching WWF)! Not afraid to admit I’ve always been absolutely hopeless 1v1, so tend to stick to objective-based Engi, mobile MG, supporting Medic... or Covie for those cheap ambush kills! 😝 I was amazed and thrilled to see ET still alive and kicking after all this time, and the hours on TM so far have reminded me why I loved it so much back in the beginning. See you all on the server, and happy fragging!
  2. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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