1. First 5 seconds of the demo, Aim on Hokun.
2. 5:25 vs No.Name, aim jerking to the head, Not smooth movement.
3. 4:55 vs No.Name, again not headshots, but aim jerking around.
1. 0:45 The movement of aim looks like a humanized aimbot that moves around at random locations.
1. 10:45 vs No.Name, the aim jerks repeatedly at the target.
2. This one is a very good example: 10:15 vs LO$T, Aim is jerking to the target but when the target is out of sight the jerking stops until the target is back in sight the aim is jerking once again.
3. 9:35 Aim is direct headshots at close distance, immediately after aiten is killed the aim is instantly moved between No.Name and LO$T.