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Everything posted by Muxer

  1. This topic is just to tell you that nothing is written in stone and it is worth to get feedback sometimes. I've seen a lot of online communities in my life and I've seen a lot of overreacting admins, who were feeling as GODS... You know: limitless power, kicking, banning, punishing... WOW! First: people start joking about them... but later: got simply discouraged and left because of continuous conflicts generated. I hope that thank to this topic Jessica will think about cooling down a little bit, loosing pants and letting people play on open server (even the disliked people) - just like the other members do. Maybe it will also stop jokes about his kicks and bans...
  2. This game was/is always about searching for new tactics, ideas and... edges and limits. Here it is matter of admins personal tolerance (or being too strict) for single actions. Even if rules are clear ("no SK"), its execution seems to depend very much on admins personal attitude to a player. How it might start? I am often tracking strong players on map and I am frequently clearing field in front of them. If someone is too fast - sometimes gets a friendly shell accidentally. I suppose I could TK Jessica few times some time ago and I've landed somewhere high on his black list. If you setup completely automated SK penalty script, you wouldn't see this kind of posts on forum any more. And admins could focus more on pleasant playing. Script has no feelings about heavy weapons (or players). Admins do.
  3. I often play mortar (I just like it). I know where to hit close to the edge of SK script area or generally piss of the enemy. We have this great SK script - it warns, gibs and kicks if necessary. Works great! I love it. But Jessica: wants to be better than script. Looks like is hunting for me with bans. When I am setting up mortar - I sometimes hit the edge (and get first script warning). If Jessica is on server, in 10 seconds I see: "!searchplayer muxer" and get a ban (for 1 warning only !!!). Today - something new: 24h ban. Maybe think about blocking mortars in all maps if you hate it or extend the SK script area.
  4. Hahahah - true story. I am the worst haxxzor in the world. I am playing here for some long months and still SR about 6-7 PS - I am shooting blind, but hearing pling-plong sounds
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