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Posts posted by azerty

  1. 10 hours ago, divine_one said:

    Well, a joke, however stupid, not funny or provocative, is still a joke.
    Let us not confuse an ill-considered joke, however stupid it may be, with deliberate malice
    or laughing at other people's miseries.
    Let's try not to go to extremes. We all.

    yeah .... they chose to ban me for 1 year instead .

    They could ban me for 1 month or mute me for 3 months but no .... 😢 it's like if Mexico attacked one random border town and the US army use a nuclear bomb on Mexico city afterward .

    Total lack of proportionality from the admins.

    And why dont Jessica answer ? Is she not the main admin of the Et Legacy server ?

  2. 2 hours ago, Sebast1an said:

    I'm not going to pretend I would lose any sleep over the situation in Afghanistan but you have to understand the situation is a bit touchy at the moment so maybe joking about it was in poor taste. You don't seem that sorry though, you're just worried about your prestige points. As Ctrz put it rather nicely: your only regret is you got caught.

    This topic made me curious about what you said that warranted the ban though. Any chance an admin could show it to us?


    I said something about how afghanistan would make an interesting touristic destination because you got to experience unique cultural practices like woman stoning for adultery ......

    yes it is an insensitive dumb thing to say but unfortunately factually true . 

  3. 1 hour ago, Ctrz said:

    A year ago, I would have given you 2nd chance. But you really gotta live under a rock to not understand what is going on and to make jokes on times like these. I would warrant you even 5 year ban. Play elsewhere where people with such low empathy and understanding of world is welcomed.

    Do you really think that not making jokes about that situation would improve whats going on ??

    I do have empathy but i exercise my empathy in the real world when i'm facing desperate people in need . I do not pretend to be a saint like you . Acting like you is just hypocrisy , im sure you think you are some kind of a good guy but let me assure you that at the end of the day your actions brings absolutely no change in the world .

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