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Everything posted by Maman

  1. Flo , an admin like you also sure of himself must post a direct answer, I see that you stutter on the so-called report, frankly thank you for your decision of BAN 1 year a person who tests PC gamers, is moving forward well with your philosophy on what is good or not for the Frog server. As I said this server is the best of all with rules that are not rules, just an appreciation of the level of compliance with the rules according to the customer's head I respect your decision or that of the admins to use this server, because I like this server, even if my character is not adequate with the rules which are not really rules in the end GL&HF
  2. Flo show me. show me the reports I see a lot, we have collected a lot of evidence, but I don't see anything in fact you say to respect the rules when higher up there are none, so it's at the head of the client, I have much more respect than you think, because you have none believing yourself to be higher than everyone else or you don't like to be answered. I had a discussion with you but you seemed so much higher than me in your role as admin. You don't know me, I've been playing this game for more than 20 years and I've done a lot of things for the FR community that you'll never do, I've also been a server admin. you think that an Englishman will understand FDP, look at the logs no name in front so no designation, find me once or I said FDP or others with a name in front, sometimes we are frustrated and we come out with words like that. I saw things on the server with admins where I was insulted by the French, they were mutated no, I came to complain no I let it be said without answering anything. Calling someone a cheater is an insult, I don't think so and even if it's not true. Yes sometimes I have the nerves that the guy smashes me on the game, but don't think that I don't respect him, on the contrary I know that I'm a low- and I'm in my place. So find me a sentence where I say Karl FDP and then I would accept the sanction. Funny thing BAN 1 year on my GUID while you can mutate on my GUID for life ps: je ne t'aime pas non plus ,mais je te respecte, chose que toi tu ne montre pas.
  3. yea because I test NEW PC gamers and back my old PC . funny enough I change name 1 time, I've always been under Maman even when testing other PC gamers. yes Karl because it's a cfg that I had a long time ago. I've been Mute for a year, why wouldn't I have done it before let's say that I bypass to be able to talk about changing GUID is it forbidden in your rules? Changing GUID is not forbidden I think, but instead of BAN a mute would be much more appropriate since it is my initial sanction. Jessica why I didn't do it before and really I'm stupid because if I really change the GUID for that, it's better to change the IP so that I would have been quiet I spoke badly before I admit and the sanctions I had I accepted them You are all doing a very good job, but leave your resentment towards me aside and apply the rules you have created so that this server is good as it is, quite funny even though there has never been a post about me on this forum you have taken sanctions that I have accepted on your server or on discord, So if you are impartial and right, applied your rules or displayed them clearly but did not give sanctions to the client's head
  4. Hi all Admins . I just saw that I am BAN of the server for 1 year, to my great surprise for changing GUID so to avoid talking on the server I had crash problems on some maps where my game stopped for no reason and I work in a DARTY store in the gaming PC department, I'm lucky enough to be able to test some because mine is starting to get old. my rudeness is a long time old and I accepted the mute for more than a year, if I intentionally wanted to change the GUID I would have done it long before. BAN for this reason is unfair and I think some admins don't like me so are not impartial I paid and admitted my punishment because I speak badly and accept this, but now I'm testing new PC gamer I will get BAN I come to you in all honesty your BAN if I want I can bypass it, but I am not going to do it because changing his IP or others will not change anything about this unfair decision. I want just play ,I dont want unmute. if you look at the logs you will see that I could have done it before but I am not looking to be unmuted, soon Christmas and I want to have fun with a new PC while keeping my mute
  5. Hello, he is not a medic or FO, it is true that on your server this is a problem, to hear you... This game is based on medic and FO or ING, I like the new philosophy of new players. To hear a lot of people do it, you would have to remove a lot of classes in this game. Rala Good luck to you.
  6. Welkom
  7. Maman

    Maman say Hi

    Hi I'm Maman , my name is Christophe ,I'm old I play RTCW and ET in Beta 2002. I have a rather nervous temperament. I was banned several times because of this. I love this game. I'm Mute in the server and I prefer it So I can't apologize for the TK I hope to see you on the server. GL&HF ❤️
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