Flo show me.
show me the reports
I see a lot, we have collected a lot of evidence, but I don't see anything in fact you say to respect the rules when higher up there are none, so it's at the head of the client, I have much more respect than you think, because you have none believing yourself to be higher than everyone else or you don't like to be answered. I had a discussion with you but you seemed so much higher than me in your role as admin. You don't know me, I've been playing this game for more than 20 years and I've done a lot of things for the FR community that you'll never do, I've also been a server admin. you think that an Englishman will understand FDP, look at the logs no name in front so no designation, find me once or I said FDP or others with a name in front, sometimes we are frustrated and we come out with words like that.
I saw things on the server with admins where I was insulted by the French, they were mutated no, I came to complain no I let it be said without answering anything. Calling someone a cheater is an insult, I don't think so and even if it's not true. Yes sometimes I have the nerves that the guy smashes me on the game, but don't think that I don't respect him, on the contrary I know that I'm a low- and I'm in my place. So find me a sentence where I say Karl FDP and then I would accept the sanction. Funny thing BAN 1 year on my GUID while you can mutate on my GUID for life
ps: je ne t'aime pas non plus ,mais je te respecte, chose que toi tu ne montre pas.