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About Fcb4ever

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  1. Thanks! I'll try it
  2. Hi all, I keep getting disconnected when they vote for Dingenskirchen. Something with HunkAllocations... I already tried to download the maps from this site but doenst solve the problem... Anyone?
  3. Lost my adminlvl, due to reinstall but I'm not gone haha 😁
  4. Correct haha Such a long time ago, i've forgotten many playernames. I hoped i could check Splatterladder but it seems like you cant go way back in history anymore.
  5. Hi all, I'm back since a few weeks. Almost 30 year old Belgian sportfreak but due to an injury I had some time to play again. Im a sales person of building automation and I combine it with a nice girlfriend and lots of sport (15 to 25hours of training a week as I am a Triathlete and IronMan finisher). I used to play ET since 2005, played on several servers, clans & nicknames (/<ashi, bruges4life, Fcb4ever...). Was a clanleader of .:EEF:. / #EEF[...], member of =BO=, NL-clan and some other clans I already forgot. Started to play on a British ETpro server but i forgot the name, still trying to find it :D. While that period I used to play clanwars etc... Than I moved to funservers and joined the EEF clan where i became co/clanleader. I think i quited aroud 10 years ago with some short comebacks (few weeks). My last 'active period' was on the 1337 and Kernwaffe.xp servers.
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