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Posts posted by Stangepork

  1. On beach there are two fixed spawns for axis. Both spawns are on the road towards objective. There are thee possible roads to the objective, two of them are at the axis spawn.
    Because of this I see many spawnkill warnings, with short spawn times it impossible to get through at short, without spawnkilling (either light or heavy) eventually you will see them either at the first stairs, or right when you enter radio, because it takes 15s from lower to upper and axis spawntime is 20s.

    On the other hand, for axis it's a amazing map to spawnkill. The only viable spawnpoint is the flag, but everything is allowed at the flag. As axis panzer I shoot two panzers each spawn in the flag right after spawntime. It's a bit ridiculous, and players like soto are doing the same, you don't even have to think about it. If you know the spawntime shoot 2.5s after that in the bunker, it's always a party.

    So I have a few suggestions to improve the rules, you can do whatever you want with it.
    - Allow light weapons spawnkill on axis spawns on beach. This gives allies the option to push through the barracks or into the radio.
    - Allow spawnkill on the lower spawn, since the lower spawn is often used by the aggressive (good players) that are pushing on allies spawn like the panzer and rambo medics, it will make it harder for them to spawnkill allies.
    - Don't allow spawnkill on allies flag. Even if you can capture it back, after it has been taken once, it is almost never retaken again. It's basically a fixed spawn and the only option for allied to get the docs. It gives allies the option to push towards objective with more people.


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