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Everything posted by Endriux

  1. True story bro ....
  2. Hi Guys. Recently, the goldrush map was changed to the UJE version. This new version is terrible. Can we go back to the previous one? (GA). Lots of people on the server have been complaining lately as well.
  3. Axis lab and Eagles - oh yes yes. Specially Eagles - big.
  4. Endriux

    CFG doesn't save

    Im playing on legacy. Lost - for example - binoculars zoom, bind's, selfkill button. I'm changed some graphic options in cfg and it's working. But not those above. Maybe i try to reinstall ET and paste config again to folders... Ok - find the solution. After loading cfg with the /exec command, everything is as it should be. Topic to be closed.
  5. Hi guys, i have a suggestions about 2 maps. First - can we change the version of fuel to winter ? I think it's better. Second - I remember a nice map called "Bergen". Now it's the ETL version. Is there a chance to upload it ?
  6. Endriux

    CFG doesn't save

    Hi guys, i have a little problem after download cfg from internet. I'm making some changes and when I enter the game again, the changes are reset. I use command saveconfig and nothing. I also changed the entries in cfg and added the autoexec.cfg file. What am i'm doing wrong ? thx for help.
  7. Hi guys. How can i enable additional voice commands? Deploy mortar, revive me etc. I have only basic comands.
  8. Endriux


    Hi everyone. i'm Endriux. I stumbled upon your server by accident after many years away from ET. I found out about legacy mod and that's how I ended up here. I'm from Poland, greetings to everyone!
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