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Everything posted by loki_meteor

  1. I would like the opinon of other admins please. If it is allowed to speak in such manner and jsut because i change my name. every day many people do that. Also post those demos if you want. I did. Sorry for late reply: let me point out few thing: The axis team was weaker, a lot, and u chose to take MG in allies: yes, sorry is weaker, so does many player for example like you. You too good player. camp their spawn: you did, not me. And ur whol team was walking in our swapn in warbell for example. camping isnt allowed on our servers: exxactly, i di not even get a warning or anyhing for heavy weapon. I know rules. Its not about wether I agree with your playstayle: well, anynoe check demos you clearly ambivalent here in your statement. No coment. ET is a team based objective game: Yes. I agree, we had to defend. breaking our rules help: didnt break anything. Didnt get warning at all. saw ur firing ur MG again, into the spawn area: again se above. In fact it was my teammates who spawncamped you. called Mike fatty, cause he was eatin: yes sorry you are right, i misread it. allowed the equivalent of a few spawns to pass: no spawn kill, see above and demo. Neither is trolling: what do you mean? In your case and in my case? We dont care if your a dentist: ? We dont owe you something: I think you should change "we" to "I" in th first sentenc. Stil without cursing, I would like to hear another admins or owner's opinion or Flo as i heard he does th coding, that what spawnkill mean for you kevlar. Ive also got various demos from players (im just not pety like you) of u kniving them for not reviving fast enough. etc. : please post them. The rule says on forum you need to post demo or evidence no theory or mere writing... EDIT: Yes i edit, I gather thoughts. Not use curse and such words. Two questions though. If I am as you describe me, why am i not banned? Been playing for months., Second, when i am killing you, you are cursing at me here too, demo too, so if i should go to beginner server, where should you? Let's keep it cool. Leave each other alone i think. You play, I play whatever class i want and i obey the rules as i did so far, obviously i got warning in the past who didnt when 28vs28, let's no gibberish talk... so boring.. stop bothering me I don't want to deal with this I just want to play, I did no crime or break rule, I don't talk about you all time like ":fuk off" and the things you wrote in the demo. You play your game, I play mine, period. I dont see how that is unreasonable to you. We can keep going on with this forvever,,, what do you want me to say ? Apologize for someting i did not do? Apologize for taking a class? Apologize for a weapon? Please end this both of us here for good, please... I just want to play. If other admin want to ban me because of those demos that they see proof and feel I should be banned then ban me. If you do, I might appeal here as well, but again arent you bored of this.... I am.. Why is it only with you? No other admin complain aobut me. NO other. Only you. Even I am good with some of them almost good acquantinces. Just stop here and play the game men.. and yes I edit because i can't reply to you otherdwise. I am no longer looking at this topic. If other admins agree with you, let it be i hope it make you happy. But everything you claim about me, you overexagerate, and twist it, or simply lie. And you also hide-command put me spec for no reason, I was using mg again even on your team, i didn't record that game... but every time i see your name i start recording from now on, uinless you stop this monkey donkey thing because you hate my mg. It is a fair weapon, I use it, I killed you several times, I dont apologise for that and for any claims that you told about me in games, they are not true. Regards loki
  2. Hello, I know many of u don't like me, many of u will dioslike me, but never i experienced someting else like KEVLAR does from other admin. He constant abuse me with words, calls me fatty and finally kicks me. I have two demos basicaly th whole game, i dont say anything because i know he has temper he kick me. I know this wil never reach an ear but worth a try I hope and pleas confront him. I have two demos, but outsid of those demos he, several times abuse me words, kicks which is not justified. I have nothing else to say. I am sure he will come here defend himself somehow, i troll or somehing (i didnt i help team) or accuse me of something which didnt happen. Actualy in fact he did the wrong. There are peple who dont like me, yes. And someone also said he like me. Is true Someone like you, someone dont. Some agree, some dont. His friend or who agree with him about my playstyle with mobile mg will obviously defend. Some say it was helpful. Before you watch demos please open console, I disable chat completly from distraction. Thank you. Regards, Loki 2024-05-21-125156-etl_warbell.dm_84 2024-05-21-130844-decay_b7.dm_84
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