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Everything posted by Dundee

  1. Knux, I will try not to be afk at all anymore. Maybe only when sending a PM, even then I will make sure to be elsewhere, not in the spawn.👍 This is actually a good discussion, I got an idea... This anti-collision thing, I know that this exists in ETJump, can just run through everybody and not collide. I wonder has this ever been implemented into a non trickjump mod? Probably not? In theory it sounds interesting, I wonder how could it affect the gameplay. Fights could be funny, bunch of guys running through each other. The mega axis medic, 8 guys standing in the same place and shooting, 🤣 1 panzer shot and all gone. I suppose it could be added to ET in a way that the spawn areas define as special areas, where people can run through each other. This sounds like an awful amount of work since the maps are all different. Now there is a better idea! The solution could be to do something based on the spawn shield - you can't collide for 10 seconds. I know the shield does not last that long but you could make anti-collision for 10s. Also make it so that those who have not moved after spawning, have anti-collision on and once they start moving they get some X more seconds. This sounds like a perfect solution.
  2. The map selection is really good. Yes, it seems that some maps, areas (spawns) are not designed for 20+/- players. I never thought about the 1-2 sec afk guys as being so problematic as it seems to be something that is inevitable. There is always somebody afk/standing still, every match. I just run past them and exit the spawn. Obviously the valuable seconds can lead to a defeat but what can you do? I think it is impossible to achieve "perfect clockwork" effect in a big public server. Nevertheless you should always do your best and not annoy others. There will always be people who are slow, sloths, some sending PM's or typing something in the public chat, leading to 1-2-3 seconds afk. For instance, there are also old people playing this game who can be very slow. In their late 60's, people who started playing ET in their 40's 50's. There are also newcomers in the game who don't have a clue at all, confused about everything, and doing something weird. Maybe some are looking into the limbo menu, examining the command map or whatever information is in there, being afk a little. Some are not even using shift to run. There can be moments when you change your class, spawn point in the limbo menu, then again you are afk for a few seconds, situational moments. A server like this is a very diverse environment. Made of players who are very serious about the objective, doing their best, to those who just play for stats, and some who are slow, weird.
  3. No I just defend the point of view that there is no breach of rules. I want to understand where is the extraordinary behavior when there is nothing that odd worth of being kicked for. Yes I was afk a few times too, changed the settings a little on the go. Cannot see anything weird about it though. You kicked me in the map called library. The other maps that I mentioned, were after I rejoined anyway. We probably played another 5 or 6 afterwards.
  4. Hey valk. I remember you from somewhere, wish I could recall.. from where hmm. Is it possible that long time ago you were playing etpro scrim matches with random people from some enemy territory irc (maybe???) I think I have played with you 🤔
  5. I think I said something about leaving the sprint for fights, although I realized that I still do use up the entire sprint bar while running out. I was talking about something more random one time, the hitbox size of legacy mod. Yes I do try to move out as fast as possible, of course, It makes no sense to stay in the spawn for too long. Perhaps you are right, have to change something. I still cant quite understand, I have been here on TM, for at least 2 years, and in the ET for a very long time. Always done it the same way and you are the first one to say that something is awfully wrong with my gameplay. I remember you from the days when you were not a member here. Then again sometimes we have 15+15 in very small maps (library final axis spawn), and it can be a struggle. In some of the maps I might indeed stay for a second, trying to figure out where to go, oasi, rommel_final. I want to see where the team goes. (Rommel_final) the last time I saw this map was maybe 18 years ago. Lag a little behind and follow the team. If I am the in the furthest position and not standing in the way, it should be fine? What I meant is that Knux = skilled, better game awareness, knowing the tactical side, strategy, playing in a very serious mode, but there are always people lagging behind somewhere, being a normal thing in every game. You can't expect them all to be so fast and perfect, unless you are doing scrims. It is a public server after all. I have been trying to introduce people to the game, (keep ET alive!) pointing them towards TM, I have a feeling you will kick them all for something 🙃.
  6. Yes I can understand but I'm not blocking anybody anywhere. Not causing any problems. I also hate it when somebody stands in the way in important areas.
  7. Hey, Disguised Dundee here (now known as Kangaroo Dundee, because your server has friendly fire on!). Glad to see that ET is still alive and your server definitely is the best out there! I love legacy! I'm from Estonia and in mid 30's, been playing ET on and off since 2003, although mostly jaymod and etpub, took some long breaks between 2012-2020. Back in the day I was into trickjumping (gammajumps) and map making (small 1on1 maps), now just occasionally fragging. Most likely will keep playing the game as long as it exists. Makes me wonder, how long will it keep going 😀 I'm a crazy player who loves playing often with sten and experimenting with inverted mouse, because it's just so crazy ha-ha-ha! For now mostly medic camping as I'm not so used to legacy mod. See you in game!
  8. Hello TM! Story: Today a dear admin of yours called Knux, randomly kicked me for an absurd reason. "MOVE WHEN U SPAWN" (image attached). After waiting for 900 seconds he said that "one is supposed to run out using shift" "rush out of the spawn". Now my question is, how on earth am I breaking a rule by not being among the first ones to run out, right away? Perhaps sometimes I spawn behind others and rather let them run out first, or I might want to choose a secondary path out (depending on the map). I'm not intentionally blocking any pathways, not exactly standing in the way anywhere in a door frame or something. Yes perhaps one time I was afk for 5 seconds changing my sensitivity. Also when the server is really full the pathways are too narrow to "run all at once" I have to say that this is the most ridiculous reason to kick somebody. I understand Knux is a professional aimer with a very high SR rating and my skill is entirely made of jaymod/etpub, and I'm not that good at knowing some of these maps nor have such a good competitive mindset. This after all is a public server, we are all here to have fun! I understand some people are dead serious and the competitive aspect is good but you can't expect everybody to be flawless or something... Technically if you kick for such a reason, you might as well kick every 3rd or 4-5th player in the game. Good examples: special delivery, you don't even want to run out first, maybe there is a guy behind you, in the spawn? There are many maps where you should look behind you, a covert or medic could be hiding! My names in the game Kangaroo Dundee, been playing here 3-5x a week for a year or so. I never break any rules at all and usually play after mid day, between 1-4pm, Perhaps I'm just a little bad in the legacy mod due to the small hitboxes, not used to them. I don't have any demos but I started recording each and every match after the incident, just in case the man has a bad mood again. Overly aggressive administrative behavior.
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