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Everything posted by crumblycake

  1. I think the solution to the "blocking spawn" nonsense is to disable collision. Day of Defeat source does it and they never have an issue of congested spawn areas. Here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/240/discussions/0/35221584441279257/ "There is a plugin that will disabe the team collisions. It is named as "No Block". Many such cases: "[CS:S] Don't Collide with Teammates only" https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=210925
  2. Yeah, there is a timer for people that are afk and will automatically be moved to specs after the timer runs out. So, yes, there was no logical reason to kick dundee. If he was afk he would've been moved to specs anyway. It was pointless to kick him.
  3. yes, I can confirm all of this. I was there when dundee got kicked. He didn't anything wrong and was not blocking spawn intentionally or unintentionally. There was no reason to kick him. I have played with him for past few years together on TM and FA servers and I can confirm that he is not a spammer, troll or hacker. He is a legit player! Been playing WOLFEET sine 2003. Admin, please do better!
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