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Tassin last won the day on August 10 2024

Tassin had the most liked content!

About Tassin

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  1. Hi Jessica, Thanks a lot for help. I play ET about for 20 years. Now I can play again on my favorite server .
  2. Thanks a lot everybody for your help. Kevlar,Now, I copied my etlegacy folder from Windows on Linux in /Home/.etlegacy. It seems to be ok (Profile and name are similar on both). I have to wait a few days and check on server when the ban is over Stumple, I have only one etkey file Jessica, sorry I did not know anything about this limit of Guid's. Can I have the same profile on both PC (windows & Linux) ? Or one profile on my PC Windows + one on my PC Linux (No more 😀). What is the better way? Thank you for you advice.
  3. Thks for your answer. I 've trouble with my PC (Windows 11), so I play with another PC (Linux). Profiles and name are different. No way to get two different profiles ? With two PC ? Sincerely
  4. Hello, I have been banned for 604800 seconds. Reason: "Way to many GUID's, stick to one installation next time" What is the reason why? What do I have to correct or modify? Thk for help! !
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