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Blog Entries posted by MrMuppet

  1. MrMuppet

    Hello everyone. It's time for another round of updates for all four existing map overhauls. This time, the changes are ranging from quality of life improvements to fixing game breaking bugs.
    The last version of 'Bergen, by Detoeni', unfortunately, contained an incorrectly named entity which caused the game to crash. This has now been fixed along with the addition of proper footstep sounds on the terrain. These were also not working correctly on the last version of 'Supply Depot, by ginc', which has also been taken care of. Aside from that, the map has received substantial performance improvements (huge thank you to hatcher for extensive support) as well as the addition of another optional feature that was requested by ETc.Jay. Server admins now have the option to toggle the truck (in-)vulnerable. By default the truck remains invulnerable as this suits the competitive environment of the map better, but for public play this option now exists thanks to Ensiform who found the perfect way to do this. For 'Frostbite, by Moonkey' the focus was on further improving the player collision to ensure smooth movement and gameplay. Huge thank you to Aciz for extensive feedback in that regard. Lastly, 'Ice, by id software' did not receive many bug reports so the changes are primarily improving quality of life. The maximum player count on all four maps has been raised to 32 vs 32 and the overall settings for lighting and terrain blending have been adjusted to reduce data and improve performance.
    This round of updates, however, is not the end. There are plans for future additions to the maps highlighting key events and famous plays by the community, so make sure to keep an eye out for this blog, but even better, join our Discord to always stay on top of things.

    written by Kemon 4 hours ago
  2. MrMuppet
    Activision has said that it will support dedicated servers in the PC version of Modern Warfare 3 despite ongoing concerns about how they can be used to cheat online.Developer Infinity Ward famously ditched dedicated servers for Modern Warfare 2, claiming that it wanted to guarantee service quality for its whole customer base – a move that caused consternation throughout its PC community."The big announcement today is that we're supporting dedicated servers for PC, which is really cool," Noah Heller, who works at Beachhead Studios on Call of Duty stats service Elite, told Eurogamer at gamescom 2011."And of course we're working really hard right now on the customised version of Elite for the PC [versions of Call of Duty games], because it's an open platform and has some challenges."Speaking of Elite, Heller also said that in addition to website, tablet and mobile versions of the service, which is currently in beta, Activision would be launching a "console app"."We're also doing a console app," he said. "So right there on PS3 and 360 you can jump out of the game into the app and communicate with your clan or do whatever you need to do before running back into the game."Call of Duty: Elite currently supports Black Ops in beta and will support Modern Warfare 3 fully. Expect to hear more on the service at the Call of Duty XP event in Los Angeles next month, which Eurogamer will be attending.

  3. MrMuppet
    Sony has restored its PlayStation online gaming, chat service and music downloads services in Europe and the US following attacks from hackers. The company said the partial restoration of services, first pledged for May 1, would be extended to Asia “soon”.
    The Tokyo-based maker of PlayStation game consoles suspended the services on April 20 after the attack by hackers led to a breach of data on more than 100m users, the second-biggest online theft of personal information.
    Sony said it had boosted security for PlayStation Network and its Qriocity service by increasing the number of firewalls between servers and adding software to monitor intrusions and system vulnerabilities.
    The first phase of restored services will include:
    • Sign-in for PlayStation Network and Qriocity services, including the resetting
    • Restoration of online game-play across PS3 and PSP
    • Playback rental video content, if within rental period, of PlayStation Network
    • Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity, for current subscribers, on PS3 and PC
    • Access to 3rd party services such as Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and MLB.tv
    • ‘Friends’ category on PS3, including Friends List, Chat Functionality, Trophy
    • PlayStation Home
    The company has also appointed Fumiaki Sakai to the newly created post of chief information security officer.
    After the attack:
    PlayStation Network Update 3.61 is out
    Online gaming, PlayStation Home and third-party apps back online in most territories
    PlayStation Store will be back “as soon as possible”
    Firmware update and password change needed to get back online on PSN SOE games and forums reinstated
    Sony has restored most of PSN’s services for most areas of the world. You’ll need to download update 3.61 and reset your password and then online gaming and PlayStation Home are back online, with many third-party services also working.
    The PlayStation Store is still down, however, and we’re still waiting for the full details on the ‘Welcome Back’ pack beyond two free PS3 games.
    Sony Online Entertainment games and forums are also back up and running, with a password change needed to get it working.
    In a video address Kazuo Hirai, president of Sony’s computer entertainment division, laid out the changes being made to the PlayStation Network following the hack that lead to 77m PSN accounts being stolen and a further 24m SOE user details.
    Hirai said Sony had taken “aggressive action” to address the issues. “We have greatly updated our security systems,” he said, laying out four main areas:
    Advanced security protection
    Increased levels of encryption
    Additional firewalls
    Early warning systems
    “What this means for you… is greater protection of the information you have entrusted to us,” Hirai added.
    However it looks like the pain for gamers who have signed up to online services isn’t going to end. Square Enix have confirmed that 25,000 emails and CVs were hacked into in an attack on the official Eidos website and the portal for Action RPG game Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
  4. MrMuppet
    A year ago, the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) conducted a study, which concluded that criminal sanctions for copyright violation should be amended and brought into line with such offenses as counterfeiting. The results of the study also triggered a proposal from the British government that the maximum prison sentence for online piracy should be increased from the current 2 years to 10 years to be a sufficient deterrent.

    Several months ago, the UK government started a consultation in order to gauge opinion on increasing penalties to make sure that online copyright infringement is taken as seriously as offline infringements. Now the government released its conclusions after studying more than a thousand responses and confirmed that it is going to ask Parliament for a 10-year maximum sentence. At the same time, it was noted that a number of safeguards are already in place to make sure a very low level infringer would not be subjected to a high penalty.

    The government also addressed concerns raised by the consultation that unwitting pirates might be sentenced to jail, referencing a system that has already been in place for some time: enforcement agencies currently have a staged response system that encompasses education, “cease and desist” notices, and domain suspension. This means that the pirates receive advance warnings that they can be jailed for a decade. The government also clarified that minor copyright infringement won’t lead to a criminal prosecution.

    Of course, the consultation raised concerns that a 10-year sentence would place infringement alongside such offenses as rape and child cruelty, but the UK government still believes that the sentence is warranted. It referred to the case brought against a number of release group members in 2015 as an example that while 10 years is a maximum, it would be used rarely. In that case, 5 defendants received sentences totaling 17 years for releasing over 2,500 movies online without permission of the copyright holders.
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