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About CupidStunt

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    South Coast UK
  • Interests
    Old rusty cars and scooters, Ford RS 2000, VW LT31 Karmann, Lambretta TS1 225............anything that breaks down really. ;-)

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  1. Thanks guys sorted
  2. Hi all, I've been playing ET on my old laptop through Xbox games, I've now got a new laptop now and have downloaded it again through Xbox games but obviously have lost my xp, I've also downloaded it through Steam to see how it plays. I've also tried to download the game off here but cant unzip it, I just get an error screen with ' invalid, . What's my best course of action and how do I keep my XP from Team Muppet, Thanks in advance, CupidStunt 🙂
  3. Thanks Guys, yeah CupidStunt goes back to the old Kenny Everett days. it was either that or Betty Swollocks lol. I'm near Portsmouth Cyber
  4. Hi all, CupidStunt here, you may seen me TRYING to shoot you on the Beginners server (without luck). I'm a bit of an oldie, 58...^^ so I'm gonna blame my age lol. I live on the south coast of the UK and used to play for fun back in the day and have just got back into ET recently, playing on my work laptop with a very small screen( more excuses 🙂 ) Hoping to get a larger laptop soon so I can actually see what I'm shooting at. Anyway I really enjoy the TM servers and Ill see you out there........I'm an Engineer..........
  5. Hi all, Cupid Stunt here, I seem to be missing the Beginners server off my list, I have all the other TM servers, legacy, Hide and seek etc but no beginners, its just disappeared, even when i type the server number in it wont connect, help, I'm missing you lot using me as target practice lol. TIA
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