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About huwdie

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och well you all know that couldn't have been the only reason why i quit. after 3 years playing this game, it starts to seem like the same thing over and over, i've gathered more then 250000 exp..or something. it yust seemed to heap all up, and that incident was the last thing i needed: to quit. i have a nice time to look back upon, and i thank you all for the times we have played together, and winston, maybe you were right, maybe i was wrong it doesn't matter anymore i forgive you anyway, if u even expect to need to be forgiven. maybe ill be back one day, but it all seemed so unfair, i tought winston was some kinda friend of mine, then one day, that day the incident happened thats all yust gone? he ignores me the times i met him ingame after, i told myself...if nobody likes,needs or even notices me anymore in this game then what fun is it... then i could aswell play a singleplayer game dont u think? we are all real poeple, and poeple make mistakes. but we have to be able to admit we were wrong, i know i can do that, but i expected winston to be able to do that like i do
i said, and monkey did to " if winston doesnt apologise to us then we never play wolfenstein again", and i havent forgotten about that, the fact that winston still owes me his apologies proves the rudeness and dissrespect of that person, and because this whole clan seems to be supporting his side, i see no reason when i should stay in such a disgusting,rude,arrogant group of poeple.(exept for fabix, pizza, and some other poeple i know of that wouldnt pick a side.) i liked wolfenstein, and yes maybe im sorry that i quit, but im somebody that keeps to the things he said so: Pizza, daarom speel ik dus niet meer is het zo moeilijk voor winston om even zen excuses aan te bieden, voor iets wat in zijn ogen correct leek, maar wat voor de normale mensen op machtsmisbruik en spelverderf leek?
its been soooo quiet, anyone wanna tell me winston his "version" of te facts? not that it will make me play again.
please let him do his side on here on the forum, where everyone can see if he is lieing im a forgiving person but, if he doesnt apologise, thats very rude
madflame is the firsto ne to see what happened, winston muted monkeybubles for seeing ghosts... if saying sorry to somebody for ruining his day is such a hard thing for winston, then why woudl anyone like him if he always thinks hes right? he did a wrong thing and should atleast explain us why he was mad at us in the first place... i even like it if winston yust said that something bad happened to him that day, like a family member died, or a pet running away. i mean maybe he had soem frustrations in him that he had to lose. why did we have to be the victim of his rage? thats why i want apologies poeple. you cant yust mute poeple because you feel good with having referee powers and not say sorry for it wisnton has been very very quiet last time, maybe he's sorry but doesn't dare say he was wrong... after all im ysut a TM slave that has nothing to say and cant even enter into a discution with a REFEREE, cuz thats what he said : im referee so shut up, you have nothing to say here, im the boss
huwdie you mean pizza said spawnkilling isn't allowed no i said pizza said spawnkilling IS allowed in baserace, everyone knows u cant yust steal a construction material without shooting poeple in their spawn, if they keep standign there, u cant do anything bout the fact that,that is considered spawnkilling. they keep standign in their spawn, shooting at ya and when you defend yourself and they get shot down they say : HEY U SPAWNKILLED ME !!! .... u guys r all looking for a way to prove im wrong but its winston who is the one criminal. pestering poeple with a lower admin lvl isnt fun winston, not if u yust do it cuz you wanna prove that you caaaan ruin our day
i wrote thats whole text and you guys think its about the spawnkilling?....... its about that winston has treated me unfairly and that i want an apologie from him, thats it man no more no less. after the 2nd time he muted me i said "u owe me an apologie winston" (because i didnt do anything dont u guys get it? i got muted 5 times for doing nothing wrong) so if the man cant even apologise to somebody for doing a thing called power abuse. u say its a life lesson for me???? what do i do wrong? its winston that has been raised in a wrong way, if he thinks hes better then anyone and thinks he can do whatever he wants without thinking about another person.... so all i want is an aplogie, i dotn want ot leave TM i love the clan... i ysut want justice cant you guys understand, if you were punished for soemthing you did not do, you guys would want an apologie from your punisher too wouldnt you??? so i hope winston can finally set his ego aside and apologise, i hope he has humanity in him, and a bit of emotions, then he would know that he did something wrong. if he woudl coem here and say something bad happened to him that day and he needed sombody to release his frustrations on thats ok with me but i would liek to hear from him, do you guys not understand me? i did nothing wrong. if ur best friend woudl have stolen something and you had to tell the police what you think he did, you woudl say that he didnt do it because you think your friend isnt a thief. if later the police knows for sure he did stole it, they wont put you in jail for standing up for your friend. you would defend your friend wouldnt you? atleast if you had some emotions. if you say i couldnt say to winston that i tought monkeybubles didnt do it. then you shoudl think about your morals. so please convince winston to apologise himself to me. then i wouldnt care, and would forget all about it
all i want is that winston comes "down" to my "level" and apologises for ruining my day thats all i dont want to make this a big fight, winston ysut seems to be acting like hes "the" boss . now im going to sleep if i dont see an apologie over here from winston withing 48 hours, u all let this happen, and i conclude that you all dont give anything about me. so ill quit TM and have to stop playing Enemy Territory
then tell that to monkeybubbles ok? i got nothing to do with it exept for the fact that pizza said spawnkillign is allowed in baserace, because its impossbile to not shoot at the spawn when ur stealing the contruction materials. i was only trying to help a friend. asking for some info from winston, isntead he ysut muted me, i can understand that everyoen can have a bad day soem time but he has to be fair, dont you think?
this is a message to winston : WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU? i tought we were friends i only said that monkey was right, he only light weapon sk 1!!time at baserace, there was nothing wrong with that, even if it was u shouldnt have muted me for defending a friend. saying its none of my busness. monkeybubbles is my friend so it was my bissnes. when he said that he did nothing wrong u muted him too. when i got unmuted i said now what was that needed for, u muted me again saying subject closed , but if u mute me twice for nothing thats not closed for me it ain't. (next map) i was unmuted again askign u if u had a bad day or soemthing and that u shoudl calm down cuz i did nothing wrong. u said the subject was closed, we do not argue in main chat, but it was about monkeybubbles me and u, and pizza had joined too and said u shoudl stop muting us, so i couldnt pm to everyone at once, so i had to do it in main, but u didnt listen. so u muted me AGAIN!!!! for bringing up a "dead" subject and argueing in main chat. in the meantime monekybubbles was muted 4 times too because he tried to tell you he did nothing wrong and that he couldnt ysut let himzelf be shot down when stealing contruction materials in baserace(baserace light weapons sk is allowed btw, everyone knows that). last time i was muted i went into spec and went eating, thinking u woudl have calmed down and got to ur senses after i was back. i said have u calmed down a bit winston? and then he muted me again... now tell me poeple what do u think of that? i think if winston uses his powers liek that hes not qualified to be referee. if you all side with winston, or if he is not capable of apologising to me. i think i see no other options then leaving TM because then i would not want to be part of such a rude group of poeple, IF only winston apologises i will be happy to forget all babout this, and i woudl like to be friend again, if he feels like his status is to high for me, and thus does not apologise i would like to ask how he is raised ps: in this whole discution i didnt use 1 curse, nothing i was calm all the time and tried to get wisnton to be calm to and ysut explain the reason for his actions to me
oh man ye ive been following the development of this game for months now. im expecting great things of it.... might even make me play less ET
I think I deserve an administartor level or 2 or 3..
huwdie replied to SilverDot's topic in Events and TM News
why do u compare us to a retard like hunter? lol probly was yust puppet, with another ip, and username. well i that you are not to keen on giving anyone power but if u dont trust anyone anymore nowadays cuz puppet betrayed us ... thats yust wrong, we dont have anything to do with him so u cant blame us for what somebody else did. :? -
ok guys. after all, this only appened to me this once since im admin so it seems to be not suuuch a problem. ill yust annoy them instead of the other way round
i figured they find it mostly annoying if i do that but, that guy didnt leave, he only got more mad....and im not gone waste 30 mins of time, untill he says he has wasted enough time
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