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About fabixke1990

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  1. sunday, it is a crap day, need to go lead some lil boy's. from 2pm - 6pm, at belgium time
  2. i am can play, the whole saterday, and a few hours at sundag.
  3. please, send me the date's at pm, and the server, i have to many to do to look every time at the forum :s
  4. at 21hour at belgium? then i can play 1 hour
  5. fabixke1990


  6. ik ben leider van de chiro (een soort jeugdbeweging) en ik moet er elke zondag naartoe van 13u tot 19u dus die dag steekt al bijna vol. mirraro, can you put this dutch in english? i am tired to think about the hard words. tyvm
  7. fabixke1990


    don't laugch (lachen) wit me, or how to spel
  8. probs, sunday is a crap day for me :'( saterday will be perfect voor me.
  9. fabixke1990


    but i am still crazy if i can kill
  10. send me een prived messange, when we play. and at what server
  11. fabixke1990


    yea, some time i forget this is a english forum :'(
  12. fabixke1990


    wroem, slorp slorp, wroem wroem, weeral een dode
  13. fabixke1990


    yes at that way :character-jason:
  14. fabixke1990


    oken then i will kill every 1 at every server
  15. fabixke1990


    no, what i say, is for the game is there a server on CoD4??
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