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About monkeybubles

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  1. hoorah for the internet :P

  2. how did you get here so quick :P

  3. wel yeah forgoten and forgiven
  4. damn 10.000 xp in one week you're good or you have no life but i gess it's the first one
  5. hey cool that's that guy who started to freak out when i shot him accidentaly and shot me 4 times after that while he was in my team
  6. indeed spawnkilling is not allowed but on the map bace race you can't play without spawn killing and another thing he stood against the fence when i shot him sow that's not the spawn area any more
  7. it's not just the fact that he has to say sorry it's the fact that he abuse his powers there wasn't a reason to mute us
  8. huwdie you mean pizza said spawnkilling isn't allowed no i said pizza said spawnkilling IS allowed in baserace, everyone knows u cant yust steal a construction material without shooting poeple in their spawn, if they keep standign there, u cant do anything bout the fact that,that is considered spawnkilling. they keep standign in their spawn, shooting at ya and when you defend yourself and they get shot down they say : HEY U SPAWNKILLED ME !!! .... u guys r all looking for a way to prove im wrong but its winston who is the one criminal. pestering poeple with a lower admin lvl isnt fun winston, not if u yust do it cuz you wanna prove that you caaaan ruin our day srry my mistake
  9. huwdie you mean pizza said spawnkilling isn't allowed
  10. I would like to say some thing to everything huwdie said is right i was just going to steel construction materials in base race and they start fireing at me sow i shot back and got killed when i respawn winston said to me 'monkey spawn killing is forbidden' I said that they were shooting at me so what did i have to do just stand there and die (what happened any way but never mind) then huwdie said i was right and he got muted I ran to the enemies camp again and there was winston running i shot him (because i didn't wanna wait until he shot me) he died and said again that i was spawn killing and that i could only shoot if they shoot on me i said to him 'if i do dead i'll be a dead guy' and he muted me!!! when i got unmuted i tried to explain him that you can't spawn kill on base race with a thompson but he wouldn't listen and muted me again ok i got unmuted again and i was talking to huwdie and in that conversation i said 'like i care' and gess what people i got muted with no reason.... AGAIN then i asked what was that good for muted me then pizza joined and said hey to me but i couldn't answer huwdie did it for me and pizza start talking with winston but i think huwdie and i own a apologise thank you for reading and i hope there will hapen something about it ps: i'm from belgium and my english isn't verry great so if there are any mistakes in it (and believe me there will be mistakes in it) i'm sorry for that
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