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Everything posted by Dravoreus

  1. Maybe it's an idea to train every week on a certain day and hour. That way the chance that we get together is bigger and we get the opportunity to work together. But also when we are with several players on the jaymod, we can team up against the bots. Last friday, we were with 8 against 28 or something and we had to work together to get there. It was also a lot of fun.
  2. My sister bought a game called Monty Python Flux and there you have the "Killer Rabbit". Nice game. But now I come here, and now I see a Killer Kermit. Did someone try to kill the frogs?
  3. I have been on the server and the bots were moving and de xp was still there for most members, only skepta didn't had his exp. Who did had their exp: miraro, winston, onyx, myself, melee Those i'm certain off
  4. u lucky boy.. always a pub very close One is at 20 minutes and the other one is 30 minutes and then it's still heavy-metal
  5. Looks interesting and normally there should be at least 6 people avaible on those days. If I can play, I'll do my best to be there. (parents have some pubs, might need to help)
  6. Simple, I have my other laptop where I first played ET on. That GUID is different and so is the Hard Drive. Like I care that they ban me with that. But the internet is brought by 1 IP over a router to all computers in the network. It's not your local IP that is sent to the gameservers, but the IP of your router. That router redirects everything to the right sender of the internetframe
  7. Who said anything about inviting? If we have someone from TM walking around with hacks on his computer, is enough. The problem with the GUID and Hard drive, can I overcome, but not the IP.
  8. Does anybody know how PB stores those players? I mean, is that with IP, Name or profile? otherwise, it might be helpfull that a player uses all hacks on a server while PB takes screenshots. Then you have a reference for all hacks that can get around PB on a server.
  9. Due to an conversation lately on your server, is here my application. - Did you never cheat or hacked (in any way possible)?? Never done, never will. Cheaters are people that stand very low in my estime - Will u not ask for adminlevels?? Why I do need adminlevels? It's fun to have, but can be easily abused - Will u say hi and bye when someone comes or leaves?? Being polite is a good start to appreciate each other. At this moment, I normally say something when somebody comes or leaves and I don't see why that would have to change - Will u try to be on the weakest side so the game is fun for everyone?? Fun is the most important aspect of this game, besides being in the weaker team (unless there is a huge difference in cooperation) is a good challenge to improve your game - Will u not ask and just obey orders?? As long as they are reasonable, I don't see why. - Will u have fun in the game?? (it is just a game..) I play only on your server and I don't come back when I don't have fun. Besides, that's where the game is for I may have a strange look on things, but nobody is the same
  10. I thought this is a discussion for this forum. A couple of days ago, I was playing on your server like usual and was in the company of <=TM=> Death Luis and Martine. I was Axis and those 2 players were allies on Bloody_Ohama were the allies have to cross a beach to get to the guns. I was sniping and I killed Death Luis more then once that way, together with the other bots. Suddenly he said "fuuuuuck you" and switched me to allies. No problem there I thought. But when the allies got the beach with my snipinghelp, he switched me back to axis. Because I thought he was still on allies and was afraid of me because I killed him more then once, i asked him if he was afraid of me. It turned out he was on axis and switched me to allies with the question "You want a fight?" When I asked why he kept changing the teams, he answered "because i want to" or "because i like it". I am not sure which one anymore :? I called him a small boy who thinks he owns the server and left. Later that day, I told Miraro about this and he suggested I posted it here for everyone. Edit: Thanks Miraro for the correction
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