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Everything posted by BooYa

  1. Guys u may close my application because i'm very in active at the moment, and i'm gonna move in this next coming 2 weeks .. when my new house everything is setted up and im gonna play ET more i'll make a new reply
  2. dude do u really think i know ip outah my hed i just copy paste it but if u guys don't want me to join.. just say it cba to join a clan who don't trust people.. "its just a game"
  3. the "+" suppose to be ";" ******************* and if it doesn't work how can it be advertisement.. ******************* But fine mistakes can be made.... i didn't do it on for advertisement just forgot the / ********
  4. **** VIRUS ****** Like i sed before.. i simply forgot the "/" before connect ***************** **** DONALD **** Same IP? Can be i play matches vs all kinda enemies i've played lots of time on same server.. u may check out server i swear to u its not a pub server or even a server where clan recruits for clans ************************
  5. should be more fair if u ask why i did that .. and what it was then u get a wrong impression of me without knowing what happend..
  6. and tbh .. kind mean u bring that up i din't trickjumped in your server anysince.. .............................................. Its not a good ide to do this at server in pulic, and this is not first time ................................................ when i did this more..
  7. ..? dude thats not advertisement.. go to that server and u see its not a pub server u see its a server for wars.. i went to play a war at that time.. and i just simply copy pasted it in console and forgot the the / part..
  8. added 2 screenshots <3 love to play on your server man
  9. yea tru'dat but i waited.. and got unbanned and din't trickjumped on server ever since soo no i need to try to get a TO
  10. jo jo jo i'm trying it again.. some guys may know me first application was canceld caus i trickjumped to much i quited trickjumping on your server so i hope i can join ur server i got screenshot bout my aiming skill .. soo http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ ... 7c683a.jpg hopes i get a try out cya
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