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Everything posted by Aqmebrak

  1. Hi ! I wanna talk to you a game i found yesterday. It's a Z8game (creator of Metin2 if you know it). It's really the same as counter strike but it is free ! And for me its better , you don't need top buy weapons when you start play... Due to my bad english , i give you the site. http://crossfire.z8games.com/index.aspx Some pictures http://crossfire.z8games.com/screenshots.aspx And some videos: http://crossfire.z8games.com/movies.aspx hope you like it !
  2. ok , sorry for this stupid topic --' :oops:
  3. In the no quarter server , i see a guy with <=Tm=> in his name but ge isn't in the forum's list and the main site list. He don't speak and when i join in the same team , he go to the other team. And he doesn't play good. His name is : <=TM=>superdooper
  4. Well my brother karachi don't know how to make a pic for a forum.( I'm matthieu )
  5. Yes from me he's a good player.
  6. for me it's yes , but he shouldn't play with panzer every time ^^
  7. The problem has been resolved by.... me ! In fact , when i used ET starter pro it delete the ET key so i will not use yet and my experience will be saved without problem ! I apologize for the inconvenience caused
  8. The problem is still there.I think you should delete my trace in the server.
  9. The problem is still there.I think you should delete my trace in the server.
  10. So, i've reinstalled the game .anything change.So i've delete the server cache and my profile and i will see if what i delete change thing
  11. what can i do to resolve the problem ?
  12. My number guid is : 7EF3902AE7B2AE9E5E1EA98CD4C11 the first thing i read in the chat is : Your xp has been reset on thursayd january 1970
  13. It's on the Jaymod server ? My xp restart at 350xp ans it always exactly the same I don't know what is the guid number :oops:
  14. since yesterday i've lost my experience i win.for example i always have about 314 xp , i win experience i quit game and after my exprience is about 314.I don't reset my xp.What's the problem ?
  15. Candidature made by Karachi is it just a problem^^ sorry
  16. Hello; My name is Karachi and I am French but I can speak a little in English. I would like to join the Team muppet because people are really very sympathetic and the server is very rich in charts,bots for the soin or ammo the musics on the game are funny . I am motivated on the game and for my level I is rather good. Ps:My brother Aqmebrak made his candidature; Karachi
  17. Well My name is Aqmebrak and i'm french.I would like to join your team because i like your server (maps mod and bots !) and your members are sympatic. My level is middle or middle + i think (ask to <=TM=> Goos or winstonsmi )And my brother Karachi would be in your team too. My english is not good i know and sometimes i don't understand what you say but i do my better too understand ^^ cordially Aqmebrak and Karachi
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