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Everything posted by hotshot

  1. Heya guys most of peep know me i hope my nickname is Hotshot,,, prefor my nickname was BooYa:] And i love to play on your server... my xfire = BooYaXD i'm a nice guy to play with... i've got some skill in scrims and pubs u've seen me fragging in your pub sometimes We have a few simple rules soo when u wanna join u need to follow this list 1. Have fun in the game (it is still a game) ... thats the main reason u play to have fun 2. No cheating, in no way you can think of. .... cheating is for pathetic people who have no skill + live 3. No flaming, dont use badwords. ....well 'maybe' i use sometimes bad words but i will try to never flame on your server/forum a. If you are experiecing bad game-play u can say a few words but not all the time... .. 4. No childish behaviour. ... childish.. ?? well its still a game.. but we can act like grown people:P 5. Try to be active on the forum, so we can get to know each other........ ofc i will 6. Listen to admins and members, They will always try to help you.... yup ofc 7. Be a team player, ET is special as you have to do objectives, so do these... yup. 8. NO Trickjumping.... the rule especially made for me i gues..:D nah i wont 'tj' on your serv anymore got other serv for that 9. NO team killing or bleeding... k.. FF is off so wont be any hard a. It is allowed to do a little bit team bleeding or killing, when u try to shoot the enemy, the admin will decide if it was on purpose or not.... k 10. Speak only english in main.... will do 11. Try to also be a chatter in-game.. (it is always fun to have a chat while gaming) Additonial rules for scriming 1. Use Teamspeak Punishment If you dont obey the rules listed above, you can be warned, get your xp resetted, kicked or even banned. Just as the admin decides. If you dont agree join the forum and defend yourself. Adminlevels adminlevels are given by the admins for those who behave very good, be nice, and maybe when they help out an admin. This is also decided by the admin seeing you in-game. Do not ask for adminlevel. It could even get you a lower one as a sort of punishment
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