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Posts posted by krujili



    Does it lags elsewhere the same as it does in our etpub server? 

     No, it doesn't



    ...as I told you above, we need to know few details about your problem. Without this, we CAN'T help you mate ...

    So, again, please, attach required details (list below) and we will try to look on it ... (send it via PM to me or Adrian) ...


    Ye I know, wanted to talk ingame first, but I'll just send you a pm with the infos.

    • Like 1
  2. The Lags isn't completely gone yet, depends on how busy the Server is but it's less laggy overall, therefore it's much more playable and enjoyable now :)  

    Maybe I'll try the Legacy version, but since it doesn't support ETPro I'd need to have 2x ET.



    Thanks for the help so far guys, I'll try keep solve it :)

  3. Hey Guys


    I recently played some times on your ETPub No Downloads Server again, but sadly I have a lot of "lags" there. Almost everytime going into battle I get short freezes (Lagometer upper blue line has big yellow spikes).


    Ping is fine and fps are stable 125, maybe anyone of you know how to solve that?

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