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About me

Games on desktop... Minecraft, ET, Darkspore, Dofus, Wakfu, Shogun 2, Allegiance, Team fortress 2, Sanctum, Global Agenda Name? Jason Werner Age? 16 Siblings? 1 ARe you going to be vague? Yup... dont expect me to get into details YOu tired as hell? yup Do you like chocolate? Only the fake white stuff Post below if yu want to know anything else



Why the hell do i always come first

The one thing that keeps getting into my mind... how impatient the world is. (Im linking the world to the Creed games (multiplayer feature)). Every single time i go onto Brotherhood i find myself sitting at number 1... how the hell is that when i probably die the most. YEs cause the world is impatient... you get mixed messages where ever you go... "Patients is a virtue," "Life is too short," or i forgot who said this, "A patient guy is a powerful adversary." so which side do you choose... well



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