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Well there is total uproar in the pc gaming community, Infinity Ward have announced that they will not be releasing the source code for MW2. So what does this mean? Possible the first move to pay to play Internet gaming, why? There is no way that independent game server providers can host servers for paying clients meaning that Activision have the monopoly for internet play. The opportunity for individuals to rent a game server, improve the game by the application of add ons and then allow people to play on these servers for free is being removed from the gaming community. The console boys will be totally oblivious to what is happening here, they don't realise that the source code for games is released to the public, then the community work hard to improve the game by writing maps, adding extra content and developing mods for this, a lot of this work is recognised by the developers and added in the form of packs or patches. The amount of mods, maps and addons available to pc gamers that are developed from the community are not seen by the console boys, these people pay nearly twice the price for the game and then reap none of the benefits from the gaming community, these are the people that are ripped off with the game and don't even know it! There has been a severe back lash to this from the pc gaming community with reports of pre-order cancellations out stripping the new orders, call of duty was developed for the pc only, they made it the biggest selling game of all time and its the community that have put COD where it is today. Infinity Ward are ignoring all of this. A huge community of gamers, talented custom content builders, server admins, Game Server Providers, Clans and Websites are all being pushed aside because IW wish to change how we play COD. It was the PC gamers and modders that have supported them and made their games what they are, now they defecate upon an entire community. So will I be buying MW2? No, not even if IW change their mind and announce a u-turn in their decision.


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