386 files
industry swe - industry_swe.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Industry SWE Stopwatch Edition 1.0
- Repair tanks
- Escort tanks
- Blow up Panzersperre 1
- Blow up tank barrier 2
- Set up command posts
- Set up a radio system
- Blow up safe
- Steal documents
- Send documents
- Prevent repair of the tank
- Stop tanks
- Defend Tank Barrier 1
- Set up anti-tank barrier 2
- Set up command posts
- Blow up the radio system
- Defend safe
- Defend documents
- Prevent documents from being sent3 downloads
dingenskirchen b8 - dingenskirchen_b8.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
Dingenskirchen b8
Release Date: December 2020
This map started as a collaboration between phisherman and me and was created as a tribute to the good old times of RtCW.
We hope it will bring back some memories to the old-schoolers among you.
-----Beta 8-----
* Fixed missing texture
* Fixed bug where Allies can spawn in the castle before it's breached. (TODO)
* Moved river flag closer to tunnel doors and removed crates restricting player movement.
* Moved tunnel grate lever to tunnel doors gatehouse
* Changed Axis Hill spawn to Church spawn
* Changed Allied Church spawn to Tram spawn
* Remodelled Axis castle spawn and moved staircase tower to split balcony walkway
* Changed "placed" to "planted" in wm_announce "^5The Allies have planted the Suitcase Bomb!"
* Added arm/disarm mechanic to suitcase bomb. Axis have 15 seconds to disarm.
* Added two additional paths into the castle through the gatehouse towers to accommodate Allies now spawning outside the castle.
* Added ladder to transition between wine cellar and middle route inside the castle.
* Moved river flag secure event to when tank passes river spawn hut.
* Widened passage ways to village flag
* Removed crates at village flag to compensate too strong defensive position for Axis
* Fixed various texture alignment issues
-----Thanks to-----
• Special thank to Niek and Shargo for huge feedback support
• The UJE clan for play-testing beta 1, 2 and 3 and 4 on their server and substantial feedback.
• acQu for his most amazing blender model tool enabling the display of the officers in the conference room.
• ryven, acQu and thunder for helping debug the officer models.
• WuTangH for his superb suitcase and light models.
• Mateos for omnibot waypoints.
• ryven and hatcher for gameplay feedback.
• hatcher for support for 'floodlight' map lighting.
• ischbinz for direct support and his most awesome Tiger Tank.
• Backsnipe for his eagle model + direct support in beta1, suggestions & feedback.
• FireFly for direct support in beta1 + textures.
• Gordon 'digibob' Biggans [SD] for his purely magical MD3-to-TAG tool.
• Detoeni for the animated Tiger tag from Breakout 2.
• hipshot for his "stormy days" skybox.
• WL6 for textures.
• McNite for textures.
• Diego for textures.
• The {WeB} clan for play-testing beta 1 and 2 on their server.
• Everyone else who played previous betas, gave feedback and suggestions or helped in any other way. You made this map
By papywolf
Map made by [UJE]Niek
About This File
Allies have to steal the objectives and bring them to the truck
Allied Objective
* Steal the objectives
Axis Objective
* Stop the allies from stealing the objectives
Here some screenshots how the map looks
More [UJE] maps:
To many maps made by uje to put in here so you can see our maps
at our website.
Please take your time to post on our forum for any questions
[UJE]Clan site
By papywolf
Map made by [UJE]Niek
--UJE_watten --
Allies took control of the area and have to keep the missiles and documents under control.
Axis will try to destroy a V2 in order to get access to the documents.
Axis Objective
* Steal the objective and bring it to the truck
Allied Objective
* Prevent the axis from stealing the objective
Here some screenshots how the map looks
More [UJE] maps:
You can see the info about our other maps on our website
[UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com
By papywolf
Map made by |UJE]Niek
--UJE_final_battle --
The Axis have lost the war! Stop the final battalion of axis soldiers that are trying to get through the Alps.
Prevent them from refueling and constructing bridges to get to their final destination.
Axis Objective
* Escort the tank to the boat
* Steal the fuel
* Destroy the bariers
* Build the bridges
Allied Objective
* Prevent the axis to flee with the tank
Here some screenshots how the map looks
More [UJE] maps:
You can see the info about our other maps on our website
[UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com
z etc race b1c - z_etc_race_b1c.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Onkelb0b from the Exxtrem Terror Clan has released a new map for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, entitled, ETc Race. It's a fun map, set in the desert, where the Allied and Axis troops race each other to refuel their respective flying carpet all the way around the map circuit to victory.
fueldump reverse b3 - fueldump_reverse_b3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Teuthis has released his version of the classic Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory map, Fueldump, recreated and re-imagined with a new storyline.
The Axis troops are hiding a stolen Allied tank in the Fueldump Fortress to get information on the allied tank technology and weapon strength. Allied headquarters is planning a massive airstrike to destroy the Fueldump area. The Allies must steal the tank and escort it out of the area before the Allied airstrike kicks in.
Allied Map Objectives:
Dynamite the depot gate.
Steal the tank.
Destroy the tunnel doors.
Escort the tank over the bridge.
Destroy the escape door to leave the area.
Allied Secondary Map Objectives:
Destroy the Fuel Depot side entrance.
Destroy the Axis command post.
thebook - thebook.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
version that works
dual map
scenario information
Infiltrate the City and Steal the secret of Cali from the Axis!3 downloads
complex b3 - complex_b3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary: Stop the Allies from breaching the Main Complex Gate with dynamite."
2 "Primary: Stop the Allies from breaching the Side Entrance with dynamite."
3 "Primary: Stop the Allies from breaching the garage door.
4 "Primary: Prevent the Allies from stealing secrets documents."
5 "Primary: Prevent the Allies from tramittings the documents."
6 "Secondary: Prevent the Allies from constructing a command post."
7 "Secondary: Build a the command post and prevent allies from destroying it."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary: Breach the Main Complex Gate with dynamite."
2 "Primary: Breach the Side Entance with dynamite."
3 "Primary: Breach the garage door to secured the flag area."
4 "Primary: Steal the secrets documents in the research room."
5 "Primary: transmitted the documents at the radio transmitter."
6 "Secondary: Build a command post to enable a new spawn area."
7 "Secondary: Destroy the Axis Command Post."
vara - vara.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Download pk3 name: vara.pk3
Map name: battery_vara
The Allied landed at the beach of Norge by Kirstinensand.
They have Order to destroy the Big-Gun of the Battery Vara / Steel the Gold at the Ammodepot and drive it with the truck to the beach.
The Battery Vara is real. It was build by the Axis during the WWII and the Big-Gun´s are the same gun´s that are on the axis-ship Bismark.
The Gun was build by Krupp and have a 38 cm kalliber (14,8 inch/zoll like the gun´s at the US-Iwoa).
The Norge-Army use the Gun´s after the WWII and now the Battery are an museum.
Prevent the Allies take the beach bunker
Main task I - Prevent the Allies destroy the gun
Main task II - Prevent the Allies steal the gold and the truck
Prevent the Allies destroy the Radarcontrolle
Guard the side entrance
Protect the side entrance on dynamite storage
Build the command post in the side entrance
Build the MG on the beach and dynamite storage
Build the two truck latch
Build the two barbed wire fences
Build the radar control
Get the beach bunker
Main task I - Destroy the gun
Main task II - Steal the gold and steal the truck
blow up the radar bunker and destroy the radar control
blow up the side entrance , the truck blocks and the barbed wire fences
destroy the fence at the dynamite camp
sandstorm beta3 - sandstorm_beta3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
no information on the map
Krakowska b1 - Krakowska_ b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
MAP: Krakowska b1 [for RTCW:ET]
Title: Krakowska
Version: Beta 1
Filenames: Krakowska_b1.pk3
Author: H. Jordan (s7ven)
Created: 2006
E-Mail: s7ven_@hotmail.fr
General information:
Stop Watch: Min 3on3, Ideal 6on6
Wolf MP: Min 2-6, Ideal 12-24
7351 brushes
668 entities
Have Fun!
Additional Credits:
Beta Testers: s7ven
Base: New map from s7ven (100%)
Editor(s) Used: GTKRadiant 1.4.0
Compile Machine: 2800mhz Intel P4 with 1512mb DDR
Compiling Time: 8h30m
(c) Copyright 2006 s7ven (#roze@quakenet.org). All Rights Reserved7 downloads
island2 - island2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Map :island2.pk3
Website: www.srcgaming.com
e-mail: steelrat@mail.ip-only.net
IRC channel on Quakenet: srcgaming
Design based on an idea by SteelRat
Details, Command map, new textures and good ideas by Ringa
Map Story
I just got word that we are about to be sent on another misssion tonight, typical I was hoping to have a few days of rest at the base. Rexxor is still sleeping so I think I shall wake him up, he is one crazy trigger happy medic...
We are attacking tonight just before dark, the plan is that we should be able to conquer the island before dark. The not so funny news is that the metrologists have forcasted a very bad storm tonight, I guess that will make Cadea feel at home. Our covert op McBain have already been at the island last night and he managed to get hold of some rough outlines of it, we will use that as our commang map for this mission.
I sure hope Persan, Babe, Wrulf, Tettiz, Ratata and Husmusen will be lucky with their M1's and those grenades tonight, they will be critical if there is to be a chance for us to blow up the cannon that is one of our two objectives. I'm sure I can rely on Ringa and Henkka to remember to plant all those mines. I'm a bit concerned that some of the fighting will have to take place underground in the bunker systems, we will really need some good medic's like Cata and NoM in there close by.
We also have to steal the secret docuents from the War Room, my german sucks but they said there were signs pointing to it, something called "Befel" or something like that. Once taken we have to fight our way to one of the two radios on the island, they did not know where they were but McBain saw several antennas on the island and I hope they will guide us. I got the not so flattering task of using the mortar, some idiot in our command thought that would work great there, I am not so sure...
Now we hope that the rest of the team will be back in time for departure. Sox, Skrot, Evil, Lillebror, Azz and Krautkiller has been on the X-Dam Complex mission where they successfully destroyed the Axis X-Lab facility.
I can hear the storm coming now...faint thunders... damn, they were right about the weather.
Allied Objectives:
Primary objectives:
*Destroy the Axis Cannon.
*Steal the Secret War Documents and transmit them.
Secondary Objectives:
*Destroy the Cannon Supply Doors.
*Secondary: Destroy the Radio Bunker Door (if constructed by Axis).
Axis Objectives:
Primary objectives:
*Stop Allies from destroying the Cannon.
*Stop Allies from stealing the Secret War Documents and transmitting them.
Secondary objectives:
*Construct the Radio Bunker Door.
Put the island.pk3 file in your \etmain directory. The mapname is island if you want to add it to any script.
Thanks to everybody who has been helping with the testing and all the regular players at the SteelRat's Cage ET server.
Thanks to the Swedish Clan DEO for their support and gameplay feedback, this has been really valuable to me.
Thanks to Drakir for providing Health and Ammo Cabinet prefabs.
Thanks to Tettiz for bearing with me while I am lost in the world of GtkRadiant.
goldrush germany fixed - goldrush_germany_fixed.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Map Information:
Title.......: Gold Rush Germany
Map Name....: goldrush_germany_fixed
Status......: Final/Fixed
Game........: Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Build Time..: 3 Months
Release Date: 02. January 2010
The Axis are guarding a hoard of gold in the Aschaffenburg Reichsbank. The Allies must steal an Axis Hetzer Tank to blow the bank open, steal the gold bars and drive them to safety in a Truck.
Additional Information:
This new version of Gold Rush is more a technical demo to show the Hetzer Tank and the GMC Truck.
We thought that the 7638th version of Gold Rush has to look different, so we retextured the map and setted the scenario to Aschaffenburg (Bavaria).
Aschaffenburg was one of the few cities who was not bombed during World War II, only invaded by Infantery.
If you enter the church as spectator you can see different variants of the truck.
The models may used in your own map, but give credit to ischbinz.
Changes from "Final" to "Final/Fixed":
The damaged Truck is now builded in.
Well, we forgot it. Shit happens.
Thanks to [*]Irata for reporting the bug.
- Map originally made by Simon O'Callaghan / www.SimonOC.com
- Recompiled by ischbinz
- Retextured by Berzerkr (GER)|#WolfMap.de
- Skybox made by Avoc of www.EFT-Clan.com
- Textures used from TC:E, RtCW & Diego's Praetoria map / http://webpages.charter.net/dt3d/praetoria.html
n2D PureFrag21 - n2D_PureFrag21.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
thanks to By UgC'Pinn for providing the waypoints for this map .
blitz final - blitz.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Blitz map created by : =BO= Ganjaman. 07-dec-2009
********* In BETA test 1 *************
The Allies captured a small town but the Axis base is resisting heavily.
Axis forces are ready to attack the Allies to re-capture the V1-Launch Keycard.
Allies have to defend the Keycard but can also attack and try to drown the Axis forces by blowing
up the Water Control Pipes behind the Pumphouse.
Thanks to =BO= Stealth' for the scripting assistance.
I have used several prefab brushes in this map.Thanks to :
FireFly for the V1 rocket model + accompanied textures.
Dersaidin for the keycard model .
Forresthut prefab author unknown.( download from wolfmap.de ).
Hovel also prefab author unknown.( download from wolfmap.de ).
A very nice skybox by Necrom@ncer FR.( from skybox_pack )
And I have made use of some original items from several of the original maps :
from Siwa/Oasis map a broken house/bunker, Thanks to their creator(/s).
from Goldrush map 3 houses which are now the village Thanks to their creator(/s) too.
Special Thanks to ID-software and Splash-Damage for creating Enemy Territory.
This map is only for testing final map will come soon.
contact e-mail : johnny_b27@hotmail.com.
This map was made with GTKRadiant 1.4 & 1.5 on win XP
compile pc info : AMD Phenom X4 Q9750 ( 2.4 GHz ) 4 GB ddr2 and a geforce GTX 260 with 896 MB.
Tallard Castle beta4 - Tallard_Castle_beta4.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
no information on the map
dawnville - dawnville.pk3 and waypoints (streets)
By papywolf
1943 April the axles must has gold of the dawnville USA wants it makes back to have and the city einehmen there amis to to pay attention and axis must it gold guard! Good Luck Cheers:)
Basic Information
Author : Kaforsven/Etmap
Email address : Etmap@web.de
Webpage : www.kaforsven.de.vu
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : Streets
Filename : dawnville.pk3
Release date : May, 2005
Decription : Custom map for Enemy Territory.
Program : SD Radiant 1.4.0
Compile time : 30 min.
Compile machine : Amd Athlon 3200, 3,0 Ghz Pentium 4, 512mb
Installation : Place the file dawnville.pk3 in your etmain folder, select it from the Host Game-menu or
bring down the console and type: /map dawnville (then ENTER).
Thanks guys!
Game info!
Allied Zerstört den Panzer und fahrt ihn zu dem haus und holt euch das Gold flieht mit dem gold zum Truck und errichtet den commandpost!
Axis Zerstört den panzer und lasst den panzer nicht dié wand zerstören passt auf das GOld auf lass dieamerikaner nicht entwischen baut den commandpost auf!
Allied destroys the tank and drives it to the house and gets you the gold flees with gold to the Truck and establishes the COMMAND post office!
Axis destroys the tank and does not leave the tank not dié wound destroys fits on the gold on leaves to those American not entwischen develops the COMMAND post office!
Special thanks and Credits to:
I want to thank all server admins, who constantly support and host custom maps.
I also want to thank all the people who have given their input to me - big thanks!
This custom map is (c) 2003 "Kaforsven/etmap" Germany.
You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of product without
permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
means, including but not limited to compact disks and DVDs.
You may not redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.
Forteresse Sado Final - forteresse_sado_final.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Download pk3 name: forteresse_sado_final.pk3
Map name: forteresse_sado.bsp
The allies have to destroy the radio and the fuel depot. Axis have to prevent this.
Forteresse Sado (Final)
The allies have to destroy the radio and the fuel depot. Axis have to prevent this.
Changes from Beta 1:
+ Added missing textures
+ Added missing shaders
+ Reduced filesize
+ Translated description
+ Reworked command map
villagun b1 - villagun_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
*** Villa Gun - beta 1 release (18/09/14) ***
* Author: islander
Find me at dark-alchemy.com forum
- beta 1:
- Add Roof Gun
- Add Desert Spawn
- Add CP
- Add Villa Ladder
- Add Health and Ammo Cabinets points
- Change axis spawntime with active CP (27s)
- And finally: make the map BIGGER
- alpha 2b:
- One Gun only
- First public version
The map got a lot bigger than in previous release.
It should give you a better gameplay with more players.
Axis team has now more ways to defend the objective
and should not be vaporized with airstrike so easy.
The map is longer as now 2 guns need to be destroyed.
There is also a new allied capturable spawn.
As this was my first map I can see now many problems
mostly with VIS, visible caulk etc. Due to the design
it would take a lot of effort to fix all the issues
and the final effect wouldn't be worth it IMO. For this
reason this is probably the last release of this map
unless some major bug occurs.
If you are insane enough and to my surprise you would
like to get the sources of the map and edit it please
find me on dark-alchemy.com forum. And if you are reading
this in XXII century and I'm already dead please find
my friends from the Dark Alchemy community so they may
help you.
Thank you for testing to all Dark Alchemy members,
and especially Old-Owl for running the community
that without which this map wouldn't be born.
Thank you for WF Gaming Clan members for playing the map
and giving advices to improve the design.
* Axis:
Don't let the Allies reach the Villa and prevent them from destroying both Anti-Aircraft Guns!"
"Primary Objective: Defend the Garden Anti-Aircraft Gun!"
"Primary Objective:**Defend the Roof Anti-Aircraft Gun!"
"Secondary Objective: Don't let them dynamite the Side Warehouse Entrance!"
"Secondary Objective: Don't let them destroy the Villa Gate and rebuild it as fast as it's possible!"
"Secondary Objective: Don't let them construct The Ladder!"
"Secondary Objective: Recapture the allied Desert Spawn!"
"Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post for faster recharge and spawntime
* Allies:
Reach the Villa and destroy both Anti-Aircraft Guns to let our aircrafts start the city bombing!"
"Primary Objective:**Destroy the Garden Anti-Aircraft Gun!"
"Primary Objective:**Destroy the Roof Anti-Aircraft Gun!"
"Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Side Warehouse Entrance to gain a new way to the Villa Gun!"
"Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Villa Gate and reach the Villa Gun area!"
"Secondary Objective:**Construct the The Ladder!"
"Primary Objective:**Destroy the Roof Anti-Aircraft Gun!"
"Secondary Objective:**Capture the Desert Spawn!"
"Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command Post for faster recharge!4 downloads
breakout 371 - breakout_371.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
active axis bots that don't get stuck in the church
(the readme file)
Identity : Map for "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory"
Title : The Breakout
File name : breakout_371.pk3
Map name : breakout
Version : 3.7.1 (Created Jun 2007)
Author : 2Bit (www.tibetclan.com)
Installation: Put the pk3 file into the etmain folder.
NUmber of players: recommend 6-10 per team - above that it gets very hectic
The Story : 1944, France, soon after D-Day. A company of Allied soldiers are trapped by superior Axis forces
near a french village. They must salvage a tank from the depot, force their way through
the village and escape along the railway track.
Description : This is a compact map, with the action focussed around the railway bridge, but the environment
is very open allowing plenty of choice and scope for tactics. All the buildings can be entered.
Gamemodes : Objective, Stopwatch.
Thanks : Splash Damage and Activision for the best (free!!) game I've ever played.
Drakir, Iffy and Detoeni for various neat prefabs.
Amethyst7 for his great skybox.
Temple of dal - Temple_of_dal.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Map name - temple_of_dal
Version - final v1.5
Complete Date - Sunday 19 September 2004 Pm 6:11 (Korea time)
Making time - 7days
Making tool - GtkRadiant 1.3.8-ET
Bsp Complete type - BSP -meta,-vis,-light -fast -samples 2 -filter
Author - DalGongJu & fetchinist
Author Email - fetchinist@hotmail.com
Download pk3 name: Temple_of_dal.pk3
Map name: temple_of_dal.bsp
Allies Primary Objective - Capture the Artifact of dal
Secondary Objective - Capture the 2nd flag
Secondary Objective - Destrory Main gate/Side gate/Wall of altar
Axis Primary Objective - Defence Allies for 20minute
Secondary Objective - Recapture the Allies 2nd flag
Secondary Objective - Protect Main gate/Side gate/Wall of altar
Desertfortress_beta and waypoints
By papywolf
Creator: Lennyballa
Contact: Lennyballa@hotmail.com
Map info:
You have to destroy the 75mm ammonution storage, located in the
Allied Base, at the top left tower. Before you can enter the base,
you have to blow up some walls:
The West Wall
The Side gate
The Main gate
The wooden gate
Both main gate and wooden gate are constructable, so make sure you
blow up the other walls first.
Your objective is to destroy the communication system of the Axis,
wich is located in the center tower of the base. Entering it won't
be easy, since you have to blow up:
The Main Gate
The Sewer entrance
The Side wall
The garage door
Good luck soldier
How to install:
Place the .pk3 file in your /etmain directory. Example: C:/games/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain.
Don't create other folders.
Fixed in 0.2:
-Added extra spawnpoints
-Added some extra mg at bunkers
-Fixed wall jump bug
-New command map
-Selectable spawns
-Custom image
-New thumbnail
-Added a garage with ammo/health cabinets
-Fixed the fan (Its now rotating
-Added some lights and plants
-Redone the Axis base a little bit
-More optimazed fps
// If you have questions or comments, please mail me at Lennyballa@hotmail.com
Hope you enjoy playing my map2 downloads
ffm b1frankfurt - ffm_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
a big thank you to SENTENZA for the map and the waypoints files
Map Information
title: FFM - Frankfurt
file: ffm_b1.pk3
author: FFM*Sentenza
co-author: FFM*r0rK
email address: hansstoffeln@googlemail.com
discord: Krischan#3949
release date: not yet (testing stage)
editor: NETradiant 1.5.0, Netradiant Custom 1.5.0n
tools used: Photoshop 2020, Audacity, Presonus Studio One, Notepad++
Blender, Ultimate Unwrap 3D, Substance Painter, XNview
ETCC Command Map Tool, Q3 Model Tool, MD3compile
build time: started in 2005 with many breaks of many years in between
compile time: 10 mins on a i7-9700K@8x3,6GHz
Assets with a known license
* American vehicle Models (Jeep, Halftrack) by detoni (detoeni.uk)
License: You may use this file providing it's not for profit.
Source: unknown
* Church Bench, Pew and Pulpit Models by http://www.blackrayne.net
License: You can use it freely in any games as long as you include a
note indicating you got it from me
Source: unknown
* Coffin by Tamara "Ophelia" Crossley (mreff@javanet.com)
License: Include authors name and email address in the credits for there work
Source: unknown
All Models in the "mapobjects/ffm/" folder are created by FFM*SENTENZA. Most
of the textures are created by FFM*SENTENZA, but some are reworked from many
different sources I can't remember.
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Map Trivia
- started in 2005, after a real visit to the old city of Frankfurt, Germany
- the club is actually a hommage to a famous club at Frankfurt Airport
- the "radio poster" is a hommage to a famous local techno radio show
- the crypt is a hommage to our second clan [AwB] Attawaybaby
- the industrial complex "produces" real local food and beverages
- the old city is a condensed version of the old city of Frankfurt
- the bridges, the Roemer Townhall and the Cathedral are at their correct
position like in reality
- the Roemer Townhall is quite realistic, also the buildings opposite to it
- the bunker is fictious
FFM Map Credits
We've created a lot of assets, but sometimes we've chosen to use ready assets
from other people. We wish to thank you for your work in this file and respect
your work. If you read this and want to use assets from our map in your own
work, please respect the other artists work and license, too like we did.
VERSION: beta1 V1.000 Dec 28 202111 downloads