386 files
etl base v3 - etl_base_v3.pk3 and waypoints + script
By papywolf
// ======================================================================
//ETL Base, from (v3)
// May 2024
// Cedric 'kemon' Easton
// http://www.etlegacy.com
// http://www.github.com/realkemon
// ======================================================================
This map is an overhaul of the original Base (tc_base) map from RTCW.
It is also an overhaul of Brewdog, a document-run conversion of Base made by crumbs.
As part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort, certain maps are being overhauled.
Those maps have been selected for their stable gameplay, even in a competitive environment.
Primary Objective: Protect the North Radar Tower.
Primary Objective: Protect the South Radar Tower.
Primary Objective: Don't let them steal the Documents.
Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post.
[color:c63d=#EEEEEEPrimary Objective: Destroy the North Radar Tower.
Primary Objective: Destroy the South Radar Tower.
Primary Objective: Steal the Documents.
Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post.
// =================
// === CHANGELOG ===
// =================
to v2:
• added tracemap
to v1:
• Merged Brewdog and Base gameplay in one map with multiple optional map script features. The default attempts to replicate Base.
-> Thank you Aciz and u!ps for immense feedback, suggestions and continuous support.
• Added voice announcements. Thank you Dkill.26 downloads
etl braundorf v2 - etl_braundorf_v2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
works correctly with Enemy Territory
// ======================================================================
// 'Braundorf, by Brevik'
// November 2023
// Cedric 'kemon' Easton
// http://www.etlegacy.com
// http://www.github.com/realkemon
// ======================================================================
This map is an overhaul of the original Braundorf map from ET created by Brevik.
As part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort certain maps are being overhauled.
Those maps have been selected for their stable gameplay, even in a competitive environment.
Primary Objective: Prevent the Allies from blowing the City Gate and permanently capturing the Factory District.
Primary Objective: Prevent the Allies from destroying the Bunker Controls and winning the battle.
Secondary Objective: Prevent the Allies from blowing the Castle Gate and gaining another route to the Bunker Controls.
Secondary Objective: Prevent the Allies from capturing the Factory District spawn point.
Secondary Objective: Build the Command Post for faster charge times.
Secondary Objective: Build and defend the Rear Entrance to the bunker.
Primary Objective: Destroy the City Gate and permanently capture the Factory District.
Primary Objective: Destroy the Bunker Controls to win the battle.
Primary Objective: Destroy the Castle Gate to gain another route to the Bunker Controls.
Primary Objective: Capture the Factory District spawn point.
Secondary Objective: Build the Command Post for faster charge times and a new spawn point.
Secondary Objective: Destroy the Rear Entrance to the bunker.23 downloads
Oasi + waypoints
By o-0._.0-o
// Mapname : Oasi
// BSPname : oasi
// Released: 04.04.2024
// Version : final
// Map made by: o-0._.0-o
// Website: www.bunker4fun.com
// Thanks to Pegazus for making a cactus model.
In the hidden recesses of an ancient temple lay an
extraordinary secret - an ancient anti-gravity generator.
Crafted by a civilization long forgotten,
the Axis use this device to create a dangerous weapon.
Primary Objectives:
1] Destroy the main gate.
2] Grab the tank fuel and steal the tank.
3] Escort the tank to the temple.
4] Destroy the tank barriers.
5] Grab the key and open the secret door inside the temple.
6] Destroy the ancient anti-gravity generator.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Once at the old city, capture the forward spawn point.
8] Destroy the side entrance.
Primary Objectives:
1] Protect the main gate.
2] Protect the tank fuel and don't let them steal the tank.
3] Don't let the tank go to the temple.
4] Don't let the Allies destroy the tank barriers.
5] Protect the key.
6] Protect the ancient anti-gravity generator.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Don't let them use the forward spawn point at the old city.
8] Protect the side entrance.
Optional mapscript with two extra allied spawns at the keyhouse when the key is secured.
etl_beach_v2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
// ======================================================================
// 'Beach Invasion, by Nerve Software'
// July 2023
// suber
// http://www.etlegacy.com
This map is a new conversion of the original RtCW map, mp_beach. It uses a modified version of the script created for et_beach and features the same
objectives and basic gameplay.
The main focus has been on improving the quality of the map with many fixes, the restoration of original assets, plus new decorations and visual
improvements. A small number of changes have also been made to help improve the balance of the map.
• Added a timer to permanent spawn option for Allies in Forward Bunker (can be disabled via mapscript, enabled by default)
• Added an option to spawn each of the MG42s (can be disabled via mapscript, enabled by default)
• Relocated rock by Sea Wall to fix exploit
• Fixed "SV_SetBrushModel: NULL" error
• Restored original terrain geometry near roof of Forward Bunker
• New terrain texturing with improved dotproduct2 blending
• Reduced size of radio objective trigger box
• Modified terrain by South Bunker to allow Allies to bypass ladder via hillside
• New rock terrain texture and matching rock model texture
• Added new Allied Supply Bunker spawn, enabled by building CP (can be disabled via mapscript, enabled by default)
• Modified Axis Barracks spawn, enabled by building CP (Can be disabled via mapscript, enabled by deault)
• Rearranged Axis Main Bunker spawnpoint layout
• Fixed misnumbered Axis spawnpoint ID
• Renumbered various spawnpoint IDs
• Rearranged order of "team_WOLF_objective" entities to assign spawn location numbers sequentially (1 to 6)
• New spawnpoint layout reference images
• New sky shader with a moon and world lighting improvements
• Reworked interior and exterior lighting
• Added new searchlights and AA guns
• Added new grass foliage
• Added more rocks and bushes
• Added more props and decorations in various rooms within the bunkers
• Fixed texturing of barbed wire on Sea Wall
• Added supports to barbed wire on Sea Wall
• Added the correct footstep sounds for grass and sand
v1 (to original et_beach):
• Added new command map
• Improved Sea Wall door icon
• Added ammo and health cabinet map icons
• Added missing ammo cabinet icon
• Improved lighting of command post
• Improved lighting in trench dugout
• Added new wall light on upper south level of the bunker
• Fixed issue with players being killed by clipping the command post while constructing
• Fixed Allied objective status for capturing Forward Bunker
• Added all objectives to limbo menu
• Spelling and grammar corrections
• Fixed all objective limbo cameras
• Added missing mortar sound effects
• Added new VO announcements
• Removed duplicate UI pop-up announcements
• Altered bot .gm file to match new UI pop-up announcements
• New sky
• Restored original terrain textures
• Restored original sea textures and animation
• Added rocks and vegetation
• Fixed missing radar dish
• Added Pak 40 gun emplacements
• Added many additional props throughout the map
• Minor adjustments to trench geometry and texture alignment
• New trench wood texture
• Minor adjustments to trench dugout geometry
• Fixed Allied side spawn
• Increased number of spawn points
• Adjusted spawn point locations
• Removed upper level MG42 to improve team balancing
• Minor adjustments to forward bunker terrain geometry
• Expanded interior space of forward bunker
• Added a ladder and hatch to the forward bunker (can be disabled via mapscript, enabled by default)
• Added a separate spawn location for Axis in barracks (can be disabled via mapscript, enabled by default)
• Added a permanent spawn option for Allies in Forward Bunker (can be enabled via mapscript, disabled by default)
• Fixed triggering of alarm sound
• Fixed various texture alignment issues
• Made wall boards, light switches and light mounts non-solid to prevent obstruction of player movement
• Fixed invisible back sides of lights mounted on antenna
• Added metal shutters to windows in the main bunker (can be enabled via mapscript, disabled by default)
- Original script: SEKoner
- Searchlight model: FireFly
- Stained paper textures: Majcher Arcana, https://majcher.itch.io/tea-stained-paper-textures
- Technical drawings: https://drawingdatabase.com/
- Thanks to kemon for the inspiration, guidance and feedback
- Thanks to Mateos for improving the bot waypoints
- Thanks to uips for feedback, suggestions and assisting with the scripting
- Thanks to c0rnn for feedback and suggestions
ETL Discord https://discord.gg/UBAZFys
All included files may be freely shared and modified.
All original files remain property of Nerve Software LLC and SplashDamage Ltd.
Copyright © 2002 Nerve Software LLC, © 2003 SplashDamage Ltd. and © Activision Publishing inc. All rights reserved.
fueldump reverse b3 - fueldump_reverse_b3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Teuthis has released his version of the classic Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory map, Fueldump, recreated and re-imagined with a new storyline.
The Axis troops are hiding a stolen Allied tank in the Fueldump Fortress to get information on the allied tank technology and weapon strength. Allied headquarters is planning a massive airstrike to destroy the Fueldump area. The Allies must steal the tank and escort it out of the area before the Allied airstrike kicks in.
Allied Map Objectives:
Dynamite the depot gate.
Steal the tank.
Destroy the tunnel doors.
Escort the tank over the bridge.
Destroy the escape door to leave the area.
Allied Secondary Map Objectives:
Destroy the Fuel Depot side entrance.
Destroy the Axis command post.
dingenskirchen b8 - dingenskirchen_b8.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
Dingenskirchen b8
Release Date: December 2020
This map started as a collaboration between phisherman and me and was created as a tribute to the good old times of RtCW.
We hope it will bring back some memories to the old-schoolers among you.
-----Beta 8-----
* Fixed missing texture
* Fixed bug where Allies can spawn in the castle before it's breached. (TODO)
* Moved river flag closer to tunnel doors and removed crates restricting player movement.
* Moved tunnel grate lever to tunnel doors gatehouse
* Changed Axis Hill spawn to Church spawn
* Changed Allied Church spawn to Tram spawn
* Remodelled Axis castle spawn and moved staircase tower to split balcony walkway
* Changed "placed" to "planted" in wm_announce "^5The Allies have planted the Suitcase Bomb!"
* Added arm/disarm mechanic to suitcase bomb. Axis have 15 seconds to disarm.
* Added two additional paths into the castle through the gatehouse towers to accommodate Allies now spawning outside the castle.
* Added ladder to transition between wine cellar and middle route inside the castle.
* Moved river flag secure event to when tank passes river spawn hut.
* Widened passage ways to village flag
* Removed crates at village flag to compensate too strong defensive position for Axis
* Fixed various texture alignment issues
-----Thanks to-----
• Special thank to Niek and Shargo for huge feedback support
• The UJE clan for play-testing beta 1, 2 and 3 and 4 on their server and substantial feedback.
• acQu for his most amazing blender model tool enabling the display of the officers in the conference room.
• ryven, acQu and thunder for helping debug the officer models.
• WuTangH for his superb suitcase and light models.
• Mateos for omnibot waypoints.
• ryven and hatcher for gameplay feedback.
• hatcher for support for 'floodlight' map lighting.
• ischbinz for direct support and his most awesome Tiger Tank.
• Backsnipe for his eagle model + direct support in beta1, suggestions & feedback.
• FireFly for direct support in beta1 + textures.
• Gordon 'digibob' Biggans [SD] for his purely magical MD3-to-TAG tool.
• Detoeni for the animated Tiger tag from Breakout 2.
• hipshot for his "stormy days" skybox.
• WL6 for textures.
• McNite for textures.
• Diego for textures.
• The {WeB} clan for play-testing beta 1 and 2 on their server.
• Everyone else who played previous betas, gave feedback and suggestions or helped in any other way. You made this map
Grotli winter edition + waypoints
By o-0._.0-o
// Mapname : Grotli winter
// BSPname : grotli_winter
// Released: 23.11.2023
// Version : Final (This is the winter edition of the original map Grotli)
// Map made by: o-0._.0-o
// Website: www.bunker4fun.com
The Allies must blast their way through the Grotli tunnel and bring the gold back home.
Primary Objectives:
1] Destroy the main gate.
2] Destroy the tank gate and steal the tank.
3] Escort the tank to the Axis base.
4] Destroy the tank barriers.
5] Destroy the vault door.
6] Grab the gold and bring it to the Allied base.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Once inside the Grotli tunnel, capture the forward spawn point.
8] Destroy the side entrance.
Primary Objectives:
1] Protect the main gate.
2] Protect the tank gate and don't let them steal the tank.
3] Don't let the tank go to the Axis base.
4] Don't let the Allies destroy the tank barriers.
5] Don't let the Allies destroy the vault door.
6] Protect the gold.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Don't let them use the forward spawn point inside the Grotli tunnel.
8] Protect the side entrance.
sub2 b2 - sub2_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Reimagining of mp_sub from Return to Castle Wolfenstein for ET
Spawntimes: 20 Allies / 30 Axis
Timelimit: 10 Minutes
Changes from mp_sub to Sub2:
Change: Main Door is destroyed at the start of the map
Change: The Axis Submarine now requires two dynamites to be planted in order for the allies to win
Added: Path from Central Access Room (Above Flag) to the Axis Workshop
Added: Two new rooms inside the axis spawn Office and Workshop that has a team door that can be destroyed by a satchel and rebuilt by the axis
Added: Dropdown from axis spawn to filtration
Added: Filtration Hallway that leads to the back of the Axis Submarine
Added: Spiral stairs at the back of the submarine pen that connects the first, second floor and the crane balcony
Added: The room overlooking the submarine from RTCW's singleplayer (third floor)
_b2 fixes: removed some models and entities reduced lightmapsize to fit the default com_hunkmegs 56 limitation. Changed the map coordinates for omnibot
special thanks to [UJE]Niek for the omnibot waypoints
find a bug? or have a suggestion regarding the map? contact me on discord @ John_Mullins#879916 downloads
Grotli beta4 + waypoints
By henry4
// Mapname : Grotli
// BSPname : grotli_b4
// Released: 18.05.2023
// Version : Beta 4
// Map made by: o-0._.0-o
// Website: www.bunker4fun.com
The Allies must blast their way through the Grotli tunnel and bring the gold back home.
Primary Objectives:
1] Destroy the main gate.
2] Destroy the tank gate.
3] Escort the tank to the gold vault.
4] Destroy the tank barrier.
5] Destroy the vault door.
6] Grab the gold and bring it to the Allied base.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Once inside the Grotli tunnel, capture the forward spawn point.
8] Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a command post inside the Grotli tunnel.
Primary Objectives:
1] Protect the main gate.
2] Protect the tank gate.
3] Don't let the tank go to the Axis base.
4] Don't let the Allies destroy the tank barrier.
5] Don't let the Allies destroy the vault door.
6] Protect the gold.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Don't let them use the forward spawn point inside the Grotli tunnel.
8] Set up a command post inside the Grotli tunnel.
Updates in Beta 4:
- Added some missing voice.
- Thicker vault room door.
- Vault room door starts built.
- Tank barrier starts built.
- Alarm little bit louder.
- Changed the objective icon above the head to a gold crate.
- Vault front will be removed when the tank entered the Axis base.
- Changed some texture's.
- Added some details and removed some other.
- Added a extra trap.
- Hunkmegs optimized.
- +4 min timebonus when the tank entered the Axis base.
Updates in beta 3:
- Fixed landmine bug from beta2.
- Remake plane script and sound.
- Fixed stuckage on the tank at the end of the route.
- Added Axis door near ammocabinet.
- Planes flying over when Allies win.
- Moved Axis exit for beter FPS.
- Disabled smoke when tank is damaged.
- Some more little things.
Updates in Beta 2:
- If the vault door is destroyed and rebuilt, allies can also use the satchel.
- After the main gate there is a secret route to the flag.
- Allies base little bigger.
- Axis can go behind the gate at the Allies base.
- Allies has a own vault to bring the gold to.
- Moved spawnpoints more to the back.
- Edited the green doors.
- Planes flying over.
- Can go a little more over the hill in part B of the map.
- Tunnel connected in part B of the map.
- Allies cvops can use the door in the tunnel part B.
- Hidding place near door in part A, for allies to sneak in.
- Added some hot meals, medpacks and mp40 to pickup.
- Tank control waypoint fixed.
- Added some trucks with headlights on.
- Fixed window vieuw in secret room.
- Doors to barrier bit moved to outside.
- Added camera screen near the door to the barrier.
- Trap added.
- Tank starts behind a gate to give Axis more chance to build the barrier.
- And some more...
Grotli final + waypoints
By o-0._.0-o
// Mapname : Grotli
// BSPname : grotli
// Released: 04.10.2023
// Version : Final
// Map made by: o-0._.0-o
// Website: www.bunker4fun.com
The Allies must blast their way through the Grotli tunnel and bring the gold back home.
Primary Objectives:
1] Destroy the main gate.
2] Destroy the tank gate and steal the tank.
3] Escort the tank to the Axis base.
4] Destroy the tank barriers.
5] Destroy the vault door.
6] Grab the gold and bring it to the Allied base.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Once inside the Grotli tunnel, capture the forward spawn point.
8] Destroy the side entrance.
Primary Objectives:
1] Protect the main gate.
2] Protect the tank gate and don't let them steal the tank.
3] Don't let the tank go to the Axis base.
4] Don't let the Allies destroy the tank barriers.
5] Don't let the Allies destroy the vault door.
6] Protect the gold.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Don't let them use the forward spawn point inside the Grotli tunnel.
8] Protect the side entrance.
erdenberg ga v5 - erdenberg_ga_v5.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
******** Information on Erdenberg Greater Access ********
Authors: Pinn
Release dates: V1: 15/12/2023
V2: 24/12/2023
V3: 08/01/2023
V4: 15/01/2023 maybe
Email: etmapping@pinickitty.co.uk
******** Map information ********
"The axis are holding a small town of Erdenberg as one of their headquarters.
With the power of two Flak88 cannons they are shooting down the Allies
supply planes. The Allies are now sending a special crew to disable the
enemy cannons and take over the town in order to continue their battle."
>Flag > Main Gate > Flak88 cannons East and West
> Command Post
> Axis West Flak Spawn Flag and Constructible Door
> Health and Ammo Cabinets West Flak
Allies are attacking.
******** Tools used ********
GTKRadiant 1.5
NetRadiant Custom
Topaz Gigapixels image upscaler
Notepad ++
******** Textures used models ********
Majority of textures are from t2 but were upscaled manually by 2x using Topaz.
Some new textures added from open source texture packs or in the case of the doors from praetoria M1. I just loved the look
with only a slight colour change.
Models and some textures were also obtained from the Teuthing mapping source pack.
******** Changes from T2 included changes in both V1 and V2 of greater access ********
Sky changed to horizon sky and was downgraded to a smaller size in V2 using Topaz. Took approx 10mb off the compressed pk3 file size in V2.
removed entity func_leaky
made triggers for both guns smaller to prevent trick plants. new area defined with a decal.
created a new area on level 1 of the buildings surrounding East Flak including new ladders and a staircase.
most existing doors made accessible mainly to axis/cvops
replaced fence near west flak with brush models.
All windows made explodable.
Near route between Axis second spawn and main gate added.
spawn point added in new route
small area behind new route added
explodable/constructible added to new route
ammo health added to room below axis new spawn
door added on new route.
bunker on west flak made a fully functioning room
added small ledge under top windows overlooking westflak
added mg42 in bunker near allied first spawn
added mushrooms
added flag above main gate
added a room and door under the new staircase near eastflak
redesigned outside and inside of garage to make it higher and larger with a new functioning door added
outside of garage now matches inside.
added brush model as wooden explodable near west flak hole in wall
******** Changes made in V3 of greater access ********
added new route from garage to first floor east flak
moved mg42 on allied spawn to face gate
added some more mushrooms and other general furniture aand objects
added the roof brushes to buildings around east and west flak. just because I could then raise the clip ceiling allowing for possible TJ onto broken roof
fixed some object positioning
made garage door back everyone access
small texture alignment and scaling changes
added small ledges to outside of windows overlooking west flak
added a small room and door directly under the east flak.
******** Changes made in V4 of greater access ********
made garage door back to axis/cvops
fixed the jump from highest window to broken roof.
fixed script for axis west spawn flag
a few door fixes including a new door texture with axis logo
added flak voice overs (cheeps UIPS and DKill)
fixed windows in westflak bunker. no longer explodable but now block bullets...phew
added some new axis and neutral door textures (wooden hill400 and blue door from praetoria) with the help from UIPS.
fixed allied spawn flag allowing axis access to forward bunker from spec
******** Changes made in V5 of greater access ********
doorway activated above axis final spawn and made axis/cvops to prevent allies surrounding east flak
stairway added to axis final spawn to make it easier for axis to cover east flak
added to rope ladders to the broken house so that both sides can access the only playable roof and not just from TJ from highest window in attic
added a security camera just for a bit of fun
******** Thanks to ********
All this that tested some of the early ideas like Cranog and John Doe and huge thanks
to eG Aimex for first putting it on the server as V1 and also for nominating the map for MOTY. 2nd is great but really felt Beach and Braundorf
should have won in 2023 but maybe Grotli is a worthy winner as the only original map in the nominations.
Also a big thanks to all those on TM Muppet ETL server who also provided lots of feedback on both V2 and V3. Too many to mention of course but UIPS has been really outstanding in checking things
and making sure every little bug is fixed.
Also a big thanks to UIPS and DKill for providing the flak destroyed/dyn voice over files and also TM for who ever fixed the general vo scripts. I was lazy yes and just used the t2 version adjusted.
And must mention Kemon and Matteos for all the help and guidance along the way along with all the other ET Mapping discord members who answered my many questions.
Great to be able to test on both nitmod and ETL
******** Original Information from T2 ********
Authors: sani (Mapping & Creation)
Hukk (Plans & Layout)
Hemuli (Consultant?!)
Release dates: B1: 5/8/2010
B2: 27/11/2010
B3: 1/11/2011
Email: sani@fubr-gaming.com
IRC: #w0bble @ Quakenet14 downloads
secrets - secrets.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the documents from the Allies secret place."
2 "Primary Objective:**Get those documents to the Radio Tower!"
Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Documents from falling into enemy hands."
2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent Axis from getting the Documents to the radio tower at all costs."14 downloads
By papywolf
Map made by |UJE]Niek
--UJE_final_battle --
The Axis have lost the war! Stop the final battalion of axis soldiers that are trying to get through the Alps.
Prevent them from refueling and constructing bridges to get to their final destination.
Axis Objective
* Escort the tank to the boat
* Steal the fuel
* Destroy the bariers
* Build the bridges
Allied Objective
* Prevent the axis to flee with the tank
Here some screenshots how the map looks
More [UJE] maps:
You can see the info about our other maps on our website
[UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com
herbstnebel b2 - herbstnebel_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Operation Autumn Mist by .Rotten&Apple
bsp herbstnebel
Tasks of the allies:
Bunker flag take over
Blow up Axis Tower (if set up)
Blow up Main Entrance
Blow up Side Entrance
Steal the fuel canister and bring it to the rocket Fire the rocket
Tasks of the Axis :
Build Axis Tower
Defend the missile
Total Brushes : 7765
Total Entities : 669
Compile time Q3map2 : 3h-34m-25s
Contact :
ICQ : 229-053-275
xFire : rottenapple
Steam : RottenApple1
Update: beta 2
bug fixes
etl sp delivery v5 - etl_sp_delivery_v5.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from destroying the East Wall!"
2 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from destroying the West Wall!"
3 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Forward Bunker!"
4 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from stealing any of the Gold Crates stored inside the Vault!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from constructing the Loading Door Controls!"
6 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies escape with the first Gold Crate!"
7 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies escape with the second Gold Crate!"
Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the East Wall!"
2 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the West Wall!"
3 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Forward Bunker!"
4 "Secondary Objective:**Break into the Axis Vault and steal the Gold!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Loading Door Controls!"
6 "Primary Objective:**Get the first Gold Crate and secure it in a Truck!"
7 "Primary Objective:**Get the second Gold Crate and secure it in a Truck!"
etl warbell v3 - etl_warbell_v3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
ETL Warbell (v3)
Pk3 file : etl_warbell_v3.pk3
Objdata file : etl_warbell_v3.pk3\maps\etl_warbell.objdata
Map date : 2022-11-20
Gametypes : wolfmp wolfsw wolflms
Raw map name : etl_warbell
Arena file : etl_warbell_v3.pk3\scripts\etl_warbell.arena
Date added : 2023-01-14
Myths surrounding an ancient castle deep in the mountains are the target of the Axis' occult forces. The 'Warbell' up in the church tower, is said to summon Heinrich, the mighty Wargod.**In an attempt to strengthen their war efforts, the Axis aim to summon the dark power of Heinrich to smite the Allies to oblivion once and for all.**Map by McNite.**Overhaul by kemon.
Axis objectives
Objective:**Dynamite the Guardhouse gate.
Objective:**Destroy the Generator.
Objective:**Seize the 'Book of Death' holding ritual instructions.
Objective:**Place the 'Book of Death' on the Altar to enable the summoning ritual.
Objective:**Repair the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell'.
Objective:**Toll the 'Warbell' to awaken Heinrich.
Objective:**Sacrifice yourself in the yellow lightning to restore Heinrichs full power.
Objective:**Establish a Command Post.
Allies objectives
Objective:**Defend the Guardhouse Gate.
Objective:**Defend the Generator.
Objective:**Don't let them take the 'Book of Death'.
Objective:**Prevent them from placing the 'Book of Death' on the Altar.
Objective:**Keep the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell' disabled.
Objective:**Stop them from activating the 'Warbell'.
Objective:**Prevent mortal sacrifices to Heinrich at all cost.
Objective:**Stop them from establishing a Command Post.12 downloads
Holy Grail - Holy_Grail.pk3 and Waypoints ( 0.9)
By papywolf
Download pk3 name: Holy_Grail.pk3
Map name: Holy_Grail.bsp
An Axis archeology team has according to Allied intelligence found the Grail in a hidden temple in Venezuela, as the Axis wait on proper transport for the Grail, the Allied has send a squad to steal the Grail!
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary: Stop the Allies from breaching the Walls with dynamite."
2 "Primary: Stop the Allies from stealing the treasure gold box."
3 "Primary: Stop the Allies from securing the treasure in the truck."
4 "Primary: Build a command post, and do not allow the allies to do the same."
Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary: Breach the Walls with dynamite."
2 "Primary: Steal the treasure gold box witch containes the Holy Grail."
3 "Primary: Secure the treasure in the truck."
4 "Primary: Build a command post, and do not allow the axis to do the same."12 downloads
prisoner of war - ( mp_pow.pk3 ) and waypoints 0.9
By papywolf
waypoint files to use with omnibot 0.9
Prisoner of War - Finalversion 1.0
POW for Enemy Territory
presented by asw
December 1942
The german Wehrmacht (Army) have an allied Aircraft shoot down.Inside this aircraft where an agent with an Microfilm.The German Wehrmacht (Army) have catch the agent and before they interrogate him, he hide the Mircofilm at the camp
// Allied Objective Descriptions
- Serach for the Mircofilm and take it back
- Construct the Wood Bridge
- Construct the Steelbrigde
- Construct the comandpost at the Tunnelbunker
- Destroy the Main Entrance
- Destroy the Camp Entrances ( there are 4)
- Destroy the secreat Entrance
- Capture the Spawn Flag of the Tunnelbunker
- Escape with the Mircoflim to the broken Gun
// Axis Objective Descriptions
- Stop the Allies from seaching for the Microfilm
- Stop the Allies from escaping with the microfilm to the broken gun
- Prevent the Allies from constructing the Steel-Brigde
- Prevent the Allies from constructing the Wood-Brigde
- Defend the Main Entrance
- Defend the camp Entrances ( 4 times)
- Defend the secret Entraance
- Capture the Spawn Flag at the Tunnelbunker
- Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post at the Tunnelbunker
- Construct the watchtowers and repair the broken street at the mine-field
- Prevent the Allies from establishing a Wood Bridge
- die rundenzeit ist auf 30 minuten eingestellt.The Time for each Round is 30 minutes
- Scripting by asw and spezil thx to Ron-007 for his help
- Mapping: SD ET Radiant 1.3.8 + 1.4.0 - EasyGen
- Mappingtime: 10.Aug. 2003 - 5.March 2004
- Brushes: 12.436
- Entities: 2278
- Compiletime Q3map2: 4 h
- Parameter: bsp-meta, vis, light-fast, samples2, filter, bounce 4
thx @ll tester
and @ll member to level-designer / www.level-designer.de
and @ll member to [EGN]Clan / www.egnclan.de for testing the beta-maps
spezial thx to @Ron-007 !!!!
ffm b1frankfurt - ffm_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
a big thank you to SENTENZA for the map and the waypoints files
Map Information
title: FFM - Frankfurt
file: ffm_b1.pk3
author: FFM*Sentenza
co-author: FFM*r0rK
email address: hansstoffeln@googlemail.com
discord: Krischan#3949
release date: not yet (testing stage)
editor: NETradiant 1.5.0, Netradiant Custom 1.5.0n
tools used: Photoshop 2020, Audacity, Presonus Studio One, Notepad++
Blender, Ultimate Unwrap 3D, Substance Painter, XNview
ETCC Command Map Tool, Q3 Model Tool, MD3compile
build time: started in 2005 with many breaks of many years in between
compile time: 10 mins on a i7-9700K@8x3,6GHz
Assets with a known license
* American vehicle Models (Jeep, Halftrack) by detoni (detoeni.uk)
License: You may use this file providing it's not for profit.
Source: unknown
* Church Bench, Pew and Pulpit Models by http://www.blackrayne.net
License: You can use it freely in any games as long as you include a
note indicating you got it from me
Source: unknown
* Coffin by Tamara "Ophelia" Crossley (mreff@javanet.com)
License: Include authors name and email address in the credits for there work
Source: unknown
All Models in the "mapobjects/ffm/" folder are created by FFM*SENTENZA. Most
of the textures are created by FFM*SENTENZA, but some are reworked from many
different sources I can't remember.
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Map Trivia
- started in 2005, after a real visit to the old city of Frankfurt, Germany
- the club is actually a hommage to a famous club at Frankfurt Airport
- the "radio poster" is a hommage to a famous local techno radio show
- the crypt is a hommage to our second clan [AwB] Attawaybaby
- the industrial complex "produces" real local food and beverages
- the old city is a condensed version of the old city of Frankfurt
- the bridges, the Roemer Townhall and the Cathedral are at their correct
position like in reality
- the Roemer Townhall is quite realistic, also the buildings opposite to it
- the bunker is fictious
FFM Map Credits
We've created a lot of assets, but sometimes we've chosen to use ready assets
from other people. We wish to thank you for your work in this file and respect
your work. If you read this and want to use assets from our map in your own
work, please respect the other artists work and license, too like we did.
VERSION: beta1 V1.000 Dec 28 202111 downloads
xfactory - xfactory.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
-------Map info--------->
Title: X-factory
File: xfactory.pk3
mapname: X-factory
Author: s7ven ---> #s7ven or #cfet !
Build time: 9 weeks
Map for Wolfenstein : Enemy Territory
Place xfact_b3.pk3 into you "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\" directory.
Gamemodes supported: Objective, stopwatch. LMS not supported
-GtkRadiant 1.4.0-ET
-Photoshop CS
-Splash Damage and Activision for the free game!
-D3vi4nt, Killerman, K!ller, Aniki, D3vils, Marcus, Ry4n, Apogee... and a lot of others ET players for Beta Testing et bugs reports!
-All mappers of http://easymapping.free.fr/
-My team and ex teams and their members : fk (#fk.et), KLR, Docters (#Doc.et), GoC (#GoC*et), TFW (#fusion.wolf), FoS, Army...
-Spécial Thanks to D3vi4nt for the tracemap
z etc race b1c - z_etc_race_b1c.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Onkelb0b from the Exxtrem Terror Clan has released a new map for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, entitled, ETc Race. It's a fun map, set in the desert, where the Allied and Axis troops race each other to refuel their respective flying carpet all the way around the map circuit to victory.
low airstrip2 - low_airstrip2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Download pk3 name: low.airstrip2.pk3
Map name: low_airstrip2.bsp
Author(s): LowLife, Bob le roux, Rummie
Map type: OBJ
Map size: Large
Attacker: Allies
The Axis must defend the tower controls and the 2 AA guns.
etl braundorf - etl_braundorf_v1.pk3 and waypoints 0.9
By papywolf
// ======================================================================
// 'Braundorf, by Brevik'
// November 2023
// Cedric 'kemon' Easton
// http://www.etlegacy.com
// http://www.github.com/realkemon
// ======================================================================
This map is an overhaul of the original Braundorf map from ET created by Brevik.
As part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort certain maps are being overhauled.
Those maps have been selected for their stable gameplay, even in a competitive environment.
Primary Objective: Prevent the Allies from blowing the City Gate and permanently capturing the Factory District.
Primary Objective: Prevent the Allies from destroying the Bunker Controls and winning the battle.
Secondary Objective: Prevent the Allies from blowing the Castle Gate and gaining another route to the Bunker Controls.
Secondary Objective: Prevent the Allies from capturing the Factory District spawn point.
Secondary Objective: Build the Command Post for faster charge times.
Secondary Objective: Build and defend the Rear Entrance to the bunker.
Primary Objective: Destroy the City Gate and permanently capture the Factory District.
Primary Objective: Destroy the Bunker Controls to win the battle.
Primary Objective: Destroy the Castle Gate to gain another route to the Bunker Controls.
Primary Objective: Capture the Factory District spawn point.
Secondary Objective: Build the Command Post for faster charge times and a new spawn point.
Secondary Objective: Destroy the Rear Entrance to the bunker.
WSF_Ascension_B2 - WSF_Ascension_B2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Mapname: WSF - Ascension
PK3: WSF_Ascension_B2
BSP: wsf_ascension
Version: Final
Release: 04.05.2024
Level design, scripting, 2D: Kommandant & TechBoy
A big thank you to Pinn for creating the waypoint files (basic )
Story behind the map:
- Real elements: The map is basically a training zone for the German special forces unit of World War II, known as the Brandenburgers. (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburgers)
- Fictional elements: The level design was based on the training zone from Ready or Not and a TDM map from PUBG called Pillar Compound.
A training zone was set up in an abandoned warehouse. Within this zone, Axis have three main tasks (reconnaissance, gathering intelligence and counter-terrorism) all while a practice unit consisting of Allied soldiers is also present. The training zone has 2 sections with different objectives.
Axis objectives:
- Gain access to the Truck by destroying the Shortcut Door (Optional)
- Enter the Archives by destroying the Archives Door
- Steal Documents from the Archives and Bring them to the Truck
- Destroy Gate 3 and enter Section 2
- Capture Gate 5 flag and construct the Command Post (Optional)
- Destroy the Transmitter Door and construct the Transmitter
- Steal the Explosives from the Transmitter
- Secure and blow up the Explosives in at the Sabotaged Supplies
Allied objectives:
- Defend the Shortcut and Archives Doors
- Stop Axis from entering the Archives
- Don't let Axis secure the Documents at the Truck
- Defend Gate 3
- Defend Gate 5 flag and construct the Command Post (Optional)
- Defend the Transmitter Door and the Construction Materials
- Stop axis from stealing and setting up the Explosives
- Defend the Sabotaged Supplies wsf_ascension.gm wsf_ascension.way wsf_ascension_goals.gm
fragginhart v3 - fragginhart_v3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
V3 change log
Fixed missing brush above main gate. Fixed cov_door_Depot_Gate bug. Added route from transmitter to sidewall area. ( requested by U!ps ) Added custom textures. ( provided by U!ps ) Reworked door at assualt ramp, added button inside docs room. Removed keycard to fix map breaking bug ( reported by ETc|nick ) Changed generator activation to "repair" or "switch". Generator activation type can be changed by server admin via mapscript (default set to switch). Allied CP room now longer, moved Allied CP location in the room. ( requested by U!ps ) Added new route at generator axis spawn. ( requested by U!ps ) Fixed FPS drops. ( reported by kevlar ) Added limbo cams. ( requested by [eG] johnd0eafk ) Updated location data. Improved the command map. ( requested by [eG] johnd0eafk )* Added wm_addteamvoiceannounce sounds. Allies can no longer access the sidewall before the generator has been activated. ( requested by U!ps ) Axis can no longer access the north middle spawn exit before the generator has been activated. ( requested by U!ps ) Main and Depot gates now open slower. ( requested by U!ps ) V2 Change log
BSP name now has no version suffix. (for easier server administration moving forward) reworked allied villa spawn New allied CP spawn. New axis generator spawn. Reworked old allied CP building. Moved axis CP. Added cov door at axis CP. Increased doorway size and headroom on most indoor sections and doors. Changed cov doors on main and depot gate sections. (will now auto open for axis) Blocked the holes in the floor of axis final spawn and added alternative routes. Moved documents to table. Some cosmetic changes to terrain. Assualt ramp moved to front of document building with build activated doors. Added Basement spawn for axis. (set as disabled) swaped position of sidewall hole with sidewall cov door. moved barracks corridor outside exit, added ramp where there was a step. added location data added option to block the middle spawn / forward bunker archway. (set as hidden) depo gate switch removed from axis side.