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Little instruction how to make a suspicious player demo, to make cheatbusters lifes easier. Example of a post.


To start of, do: /record playername in console and take a screenshot of the userinfo

1. Players name: <=TM=>Loki
2. Server: ETPUB (why ? beacouse always before watching demo u have to turn on correct mod )
3. Attach demo name: loki (make name of the demo short. Why ? coz u have to type /demo "name of file" and typeing long demo names is annoying imo )
4. Reason: Wallhack and laggbot (freaking polak)
5. do !userinfo of player and post ss

Make sure that all of those info's gonna be in your post, we will be very glad then smile.png

Cheers !

if something missing I will edit that post p.gif


Edited by s05aa
  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Yes, please put the name of the player as a topic title.

so we have the possibility to search some old cases Via the Searchbar.


Could it be possible to make posting about possible cheaters via form? So that way it can be forced to fill all fields required. Would save time from you and also makes it easier to post.


Yes, please put the name of the player as a topic title.

so we have the possibility to search some old cases Via the Searchbar.

CBIS Cheat Buster Investigation Service :P
  • 1 year later...



Please read how to post the demos, many reports were for the same guy and since topic+demo name wasn't referring to him, took some valuable time to solve and merge demos and topics.


Just a couple of things I usually do that maybe can be useful for admins for taking actions, maybe a bit tricky so !nerd on :) :


- I leave the name of the demo as it is and add only the name of the player ( Ex .  PlayerName_2014-03-26-235537-adlernest.dm_84). In this way is not necessary to open it in ET to know who is, the time and map. I use a different installation for watching demos so it's useful for checking the presence of the map for example.


- About userinfo, is annoying to have to open the demo to check info or write it down from screenshot, so I usually dump the console. So when taking info from a player:



  • Open the console and type /clear. This will clear all the console from the previous text.
  • In fireteam chat (or where it is possible for <10 lvl members) Use the !userinfo PlayerName
  • in console type /condump PlayerName.txt
  • In the mod folder you are playing you will find the txt file with all the info (open with notepad to keep formatting)


Especially on a full server and with many banners like ours the console keeps filling very quickly so I usually prepare the !userinfo command in fireteam chat without pressing enter, then clear the console (/clear), press enter to execute the command (with the console still open) and then add the condump command.


  • 2 months later...

Maybe I post wrong topic but... would be nice idea to add silent !stats in LUA... so players wont get any note that players look stats...


bind ALT "vstr statisticsall"
set statisticsall "vstr statistics"
set statistics "+topshots;+stats;set statisticsall vstr statistics2"
set statistics2 "-topshots;-stats;set statisticsall vstr statistics"


press once and it shows best accuracy for each weapon and if you spec player it shows their stats. press 2nd time and it disappears.

  • 4 months later...

Bumping here again.


Once again i would like to remind you to read first post on this topic when you post demos, many times the info is missing, so try to take the screenshot of the suspected player!




Even easier is if you have a log file. When ever you play et, it saves the whole console messages. The new etpub build will owerwrite the existing etconsole.log every time you start your et, so it saves just 1 session and therefore the file stays small.


To have this file, all you need to do is to add this line in your config:


seta logfile "1" 


What it does:

1 = console logging + et crash logging

2 = console logging + et crash logging + stats dump, means that it creates a folder called stats and in there is stats as a txt file for each map.


When you do !userinfo xxx, it is saved in your etconsole.log and you can then search it easy by opening the file and pressing CTRL + F button, then a search box appears and you can type there word(s) to be searched (f.e. !userinfo xxx), then just copy and paste the info on the post with the demo of a suspected player.


See here:




Also notice that you can just save a text file, in case you think you might forget the userinfo later on, just type /condump somenamehere.txt (see the bottom of picture above) and it saves a single txt file in your etpub folder.


Here you can see the difference, which would you prefer to look out for userinfo:


^/Userinfo of user ^7HAX

^/Slot Number: ^d20    ^/ETPub Client: ^d20140820     OR MAYBE THIS?   post-715-0-87655400-1416426239_thumb.jpg

^/GUID: ^dF63C6F6F

^/IP: ^d91.238.142.57:62049

^/MAC: ^d00:10:DC:30:E4:A2


A proper info saves a shit load of time and nerves from us admins!


Take a look how many info is missing so far and yet half is to be announced from what i did today. Couple of those did had info, but the image was so blurry, i couldn't figure out anything from the screenshot, so therefore i prefer the txt version: http://www.teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/topic/6519-decisions/page-4#entry140151


Thank you for reading :)


Something good for a change: good work ppl with providing all the demos, there was a lot of cheaters caught during the few months!


Keep it up :)


For everyone submitting a demo:


When you think someone is using wallhack or aimbot which you 'think' is being activated/deactivated during the map, watch the demo and provide us the ingame time when you think he is hacking. Especially when you provide us a long demo, or even more demo's it will become very difficult to find the moment in which you thought it happened (eventually we will watch the whole demo(s) some time, but then we know where we need to pay a bit more attention to).


Sometimes you ask, why is it taking so long. Well basically due to this reason. If you wish a faster process, then please provide us the needed information.

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