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now is the chat bugged fixed and i get other problem :/.

Always when i start game muste make Exec /name , thats annoy

can u guys help me again would be nice !!


Your cfg name : autoexec.cfg so it...autoexecs when game launches. Also what said Oliveira : bind it on any key and it will be easier



// generated by ET, do not modify


bind TAB "+scores"

bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"

bind SPACE "+moveup"

bind 1 "weaponbank 1"

bind 2 "weaponbank 2"

bind 3 "weaponbank 3"

bind 4 "weaponbank 4"

bind 5 "weaponbank 5"

bind 6 "weaponbank 6"

bind 7 "weaponbank 7"

bind 8 "weaponbank 8"

bind 9 "weaponbank 9"

bind ` "toggleconsole"

bind a "+moveleft "

bind c "+movedown"

bind d "+moveright "

bind e "+leanright"

bind f "+activate"

bind g "+mapexpand"

bind h "vsay hi"

bind l "openlimbomenu"

bind m "vstr sdjump1"

bind n "vstr sdjump2"

bind MOUSE1 "+vstr mplow mphigh"

bind MOUSE2 "weapalt"

bind MOUSE3 "+zoom; +attack; -attack; -zoom;"

bind MOUSE4 "messagemode"

bind MOUSE5 "+sprint"

bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"

bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"

bind pause "quit"

bind - "vsay Hi ^1H^n3^1y"

bind = "vsay Bye ^1C^ny^1a"

bind [ "vsay GreatShot ^1N^nic^1e S^nho^1t"

bind ] "vsay Welcome ^1N^no ^1P^nroblem"

bind \ "vsay Thanks ^1T^nhank ^1^nYou"

bind * "vsay Oops ^1B^n(^1.^n)(^1.^n)^1Bs"

bind LEFTARROW "vsay GoodGame ^1G^noo^1d ^nG^1am^ne, W^1ell ^nPla^1yed"

bind RIGHTARROW "vsay Cheer ^2"

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