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Booze Battle - 03/11/2012 - Silent server - > Be There!

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...Kapitan, kapitaaan!?


„Ser, ser, good moaning! Wi have zuccezfully interzceptezd enemiz tranzmizsioon!“

Kapitaan, „are you shoor you know whetza you doing comraade Cookie Träumer ?“

„Thrust me Kapitaan, I is das spezialist, I always wissen what ich do!“

„Yo, letzh try not to mentzion zesterdayss night, I waz under the influuenze of allyed wahrheitsserum... last time sie played us Barbie girl von radio WBLS! Anyways, wut doez it zay?“


„Sir, we have no one left, but a squad of infiltrators and 2 combat engineers, over“

„Requesting additional reinforcements, over.“

„Affirmative, an ABR-MS will meet you at randevou point, over.“

„Roger, HQ, waiting for further orders.“

„C36 you are to infiltrate and get into posession of all enemy BBs (booze barrels)“


„You will be using secure communication radio frequency to contact inside forces.“

„Ground coordinates 464238:627200

„Start of action 03/11/12 2100 GMT +1/ 2200 GMT +2 / 2000 GMT +0, over.“

„Wilco HQ, out.“

Comrade Cookie Träumer: „You heer kapitaan? „

„Laut und deutlich comrade, jetzt lets thrust partei alle night ich secure ouer booze, so bastards leave hands empty“

„Ready the Panzerkampfwagen, see ya on Schlachtfelt!“

Cookie Träumer: „weeee, einz, zwei, trei, Come on Barbie, let’s go parteeeeeeeeh...."

Simply put:

Booze Battle

LOCATION: TM Silent Server, IP:

COMMUNICATION: Teamspeak 3 TM Public Server:

TIME AND DATE: 03/11/12 2100 GMT +1/ 2200 GMT +2 / 2000 GMT +0


2 conflicting teams, confuse enemy players and consume beer and make fun!

Both teams, only CovertOps allowed and max. 2 engineers per team.

Fun night for ya all <333

Additional Bonuses:

Drunk Andy -> Check

Drunk Cookie Träumer -> Check

Beer -> Check

Naughty chat -> Check

TeamSpeak -> Check

Good mood -> Check

Come join us on silent server on Saturday 3rd November at 20:00 GTM +0 and have fun :)



Event was a BIG success even with such short notice. That's something I couldn't expect! :)

Thanks everyone who could and did show up!

I hope that everyone had at least a tiny bit of fun.

Thanks and until next time ;)


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