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Everything posted by miraro3

  1. today i started the campaign. when the map was done (radar) the next map didn't load. was it the server, or did crop just made a fault when making it?
  2. i suck at languages... french, english and at moments dutch stop laughing with it, joke is getting old :sleeping-boring:
  3. its not so hard to find.. but i'm not going to explain you how to find it ^^
  4. where's Minas terith? Ö (srry, but i'm addicted to that map)
  5. heh sorry winston, i could have known that pink was you'r collour :happy-bouncymagenta: now i have the guy doesn't live in the french part of belgium, else i wasted my dactilo (=lesson where u learn how to typ 'blind') time at school for nothing ^^
  6. i knew there was a members lvl2 section! (fck you)
  7. poor drav Ö he can live in my garbage can ^^ but i'm sorry, we don't have a internet connection there mr muppet, no not yet, we don't even have the teams yet.. what's tiny doing in egypt? Ö edit: 10th page, this is going to be the most popular topic.
  8. dus sniper omdat je niet zo goed engels kan zal ik maar effe vertale naar NL. winston sayd: hey jordan/sniperwolf, wij hebben hier genoeg belgen die jouw zullen helpen met je engels.. maar vraag het best niet aan miraro (ik ben het met het slechte engels hier ^^) virus, dravorius, fabi en miraro zijn belgen, de wannabe nederlanders... cropkiller is een echte nederlander, en ik wil een duitser zijn. nu je het forum gejoined hebt weten we wie je bent, dus blijf spelen op onze servers zodat we je nog beter zullen leren kennen. daarna zullen we stemmen of je geaccepteerd wordt in onze clan of niet. ja kan voorlopig the try-out tags voor je naam zetten -> [T] alsj je geaccepteerd word in de tribe mag je de [T] laten vallen en krijg je een admin level ik weet zeker dat een van de belgische mensen dit zullen vertalen naar je taal (maar eh sniper we zullen dit niet voor altijd blijven doen, probeer je engles de oefenen, als ik het kan kan jij het ook ^^) meh i want to be a translator
  9. dravorues evryones life can change in 5minuuts, but most people try to plan things before they do it... and eh.. do you have 2 bars and did you have a baby?
  10. happy b day chief :text-bravo: :orcs-gayflag: -> thats happy birthday in orcish.
  11. hehe yea will well make the fifth team starting with an E -> the Elite-team. hah lol. ok now seriues, who wants to go with who?
  12. lol keep on dreaming croppy, i'll make sure you will lose ^^ winston,, LOL uh.. ok so.. ehhm.. who will go togheter in a team?
  13. we're just talking about possible times/days we're talking what day and time is the best for us. seems like its going to be in the weekends around 19:00-20:00 (GMT) we can talk about this later, when we have the teams and stuff. i'v been thinking about names for the teams, since we can't call them per countrie anymore. my idea is to use 'Alfa-team' 'Bravo-team' 'Charlie-team' and 'Delta-team' :idea:
  14. so eh for fabi: hes a leader of the Chiro. and he has to go there evry sunday from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT+1) so his day is kinda filled up. i have to stop playing at 21:30 (GMT+1), here at my home we have that stupid rule becaus my dad thinks i'm to addicted to the internet "-.- so sunday will be fine for me if we can play a little bit earlyer then 21:00 (20:00 GMT)
  15. miraro3


    laugh, i think ^^ and i wouldn't dare :violin:
  16. saturdays are kinde crap for me almost evry saturday im seeing my GF ^^ sundays are fine, if its not to late. fabi why are they bad? you need to go visit you'r family that day?
  17. i just made a list of people who signed up, with gr33n we have 14 players. heres the list of people participating: -miraro3 -virus -bond007 -fabi -dravoreus -cropsel -MrMuppet -MiniMuppet -TinyMuppet -winston -skeppy -donald -mikki -gr33N as you can see we miss one player to make the teams fair :doh: But if winston and skep can't play becaus of there connection problem that problem would be solved (im not wanting them to not play in the cup, i would me more then happy if they could play, there's just a possibility that they can't play) things we should talk about next are: who will we put togheter in the teams? what date will we play? and how will we call the teams? (heh i'm sorry for those long posts, but i really want to play the cup ^^)
  18. if you look to the last foto, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you will see that our suspect isn't really good in his head. i would say 25 years in a psychatric home will be the perfect punishment for his behavior. EDIT:ok now leave donald alone and get back to the topic ^^
  19. there will no punishement to be given to the belgian team, i heard it was all Denmarks fault! soon i'll come with solid proof for this.
  20. i think we can start making teams right now, i think evry active member signed up, exept maddy & mousy but they kinda quit playing ET i think. these are some possibilities for the teams (just putting countries togheter): First we have the BENELUX (belgium & the netherlands) team: -miraro3 -virus -bond007 -fabi -dravoreus -cropsel - then we have the Brittain team: -MrMuppet -MiniMuppet -TinyMuppet -winston (if he can solve his connecting problem, goodluck) -skeppy (if he can solve his connecting problem, goodluck) - after brittain comes the Denmark (for all you dumbies out there, it lies in Europe) team: -Donald then comes the Czech team (did i spell it right?) : -Mikki and thats all, for so far I can remember. if i forgot somebody to add to the list, tell me we have one wel supported team, one team that has 3 availebel players at the moment and 2 teams that only have one player. if we add donald and mikki to the GB team the teams will be a bit more fair.
  21. objection! :text-protest: you have no proof we did it, come back to the court when you have some proofs. :snooty:
  22. ok virus its safe now, they left. but i'm afraid they found all you'r stuff Ö
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