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Everything posted by miraro3

  1. the reason why there is SK is that most of the newbs don't know that that is an spwn or that it isn't allowed to kill there. i didn't knew it if i started so i got kicked few times -> isn't it donald ^^
  2. oi i dont have an admin lvl at the server ^^ and btw ye i can use such an "@teammuppet.co.uk" adress ^^
  3. miraro3


    omg ^^ ur like the god of war at ET
  4. never happens to ma at base race ^^
  5. u know sure its that roof? cuz there like 2 roofs nearby btw flame i never see u online??
  6. lolz rob i played like a week or 2 to get betr bur when i got used to evry map it just kept going better to me -> ask kenny or cropkiller they know how nubie i was at the start
  7. mr muppet lozl that was kinda wring wasn't it
  8. have to 2.60b patch also got it from wolfenstein.nl/essentials r somthing
  9. well it can be handy at one time... but i dont think many players would need my email adress
  10. oi im lvl 3 but im happy whit that other news yester day is was playing whit mrgold [we were kickn eachother ) but he lost his admin lvl at the 85.234 server wanted to let u guys know it ^^
  11. man i couldnt join there comes evrytime "incorrect et.exe version"
  12. :mrgreen: whaha
  13. owkey im i then, hope crop comes online beforer
  14. donald what ya mean by 'trickjumping' ? jumping to specials placing or somthing?? good to know cus at radar summer there is also one ^^ [note to myself: dont jumpo on roofs anymore]
  15. i saw you yesterday, good yob mate. u only got stuck eh?? lolz my first team kill in a while :twisted: well good luck i know u can do it :!:
  16. lolz
  17. gues im not invited?
  18. great work puppet, can i get one also?? ^^ if ur not to busy cuz i kno my thingy is way to big red m (m) green iraro3 (iraro3)
  19. WHAHAHAHAHAHAH talking baut times square-> our school organise an thames baot thingy for a week and were goin to ruin the whole thing na not realy but me nd my frends are goin to be ""bad boys"" ^^ muhahaha
  20. laéte happy b day flamy
  21. :ugeek: i dont care what layout but plz somthing that dont looks like this
  22. man :'( updaten this forum layout sux ^^
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