the reason why there is SK is that most of the newbs don't know that that is an spwn or that it isn't allowed to kill there. i didn't knew it if i started so i got kicked few times -> isn't it donald ^^
lolz rob i played like a week or 2 to get betr bur when i got used to evry map it just kept going better to me -> ask kenny or cropkiller they know how nubie i was at the start
oi im lvl 3 but im happy whit that other news yester day is was playing whit mrgold [we were kickn eachother ) but he lost his admin lvl at the 85.234 server wanted to let u guys know it ^^
donald what ya mean by 'trickjumping' ? jumping to specials placing or somthing?? good to know cus at radar summer there is also one ^^ [note to myself: dont jumpo on roofs anymore]
WHAHAHAHAHAHAH talking baut times square-> our school organise an thames baot thingy for a week and were goin to ruin the whole thing na not realy but me nd my frends are goin to be ""bad boys"" ^^ muhahaha